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Video shows Syrian rebels may have U.S.-made antitank missiles

  • April 24, 2014, 3:45 p.m.

    AMMAN, Jordan -- Video has surfaced that appears to show antitank guided missiles in the hands of a rebel faction operating in southern Syria, the latest indication that sophisticated U.S. weaponry is making its way to antigovernment fighters in Syria.

    The video, posted April 13 on YouTube, seems to depict a fighter from a group called the Omari Brigades firing a BGM-71 TOW missile at what appears to be a bunkered Syrian army tank.

    Although other videos circulating on the Internet have shown rebel groups in northern Syria firing TOW missiles, this marks the first time the U.S.-made weapon has appeared publicly in the arsenal of insurgents in southern Syria, a key front close to the Jordanian border.

    TOW missiles may also be showing up in central Syria. The Ahmad Al-Abdo Battalions, a rebel faction based in the mountainous Qalamoun region between Syria and Lebanon, has likewise uploaded videos of what appear to be TOW missiles being deployed in combat.

    A commander of the Lions of Allah battalions who goes by the nickname Abu Yasser, said TOW missiles had recently become available to his group, which operates outside Damascus, the Syrian capital.

    "I think a large shipment has arrived, because you can now buy it on the black market," he said via Skype.

    The accuracy of the various videos could not be authenticated. But Charles Lister, visiting fellow at the Brookings Doha Center, who monitors weapon flows to Syria, identified the arms in the video from southern Syria as TOW missiles.

    The weapon is designed to pierce the kind of armor found on Russian tanks, a mainstay of the Syrian army's ground operations. The missile's unique optical sighting mechanism distinguishes it from other weapons in the rebel arsenal, such as the Chinese-made HJ-8 "Red Arrow" variant, Lister said.

    It was not clear who might have supplied the TOW missiles, but the international black market and foreign nations are possible sources.

    A number of U.S. allies, including Jordan and Saudi Arabia, have the missiles. The Pentagon last year approved a $1-billion sale of 15,000 TOW missiles to Saudi Arabia, a major backer of the Syrian opposition.

    An Omari Brigades spokesperson, contacted via Skype, denied receipt of TOW missiles, insisting the weapons in the video were from the group's stores of Red Arrow antitank missiles.

    The Omari brigades were the first recipients in southern Syria of the Chinese-made Red Arrows, delivered as part of a Saudi-financed pipeline that stretched from Jordan as far as Croatia, according to reports in 2012.

    The Omari faction is the southern affiliate of the Syrian Revolutionaries Front, led by Jamal Maarouf, a construction worker turned rebel commander in Idlib province, in northern Syria. Maarouf has become the focal point for Western support because of his self-proclaimed moderate stance. Former comrades, however, have accused him of being a profiteer and warlord.

    The delivery of the TOW system would be a potential boost to opposition fighters, who have pressed Western powers to supply them with more sophisticated arms, such as shoulder-fired antiaircraft missiles. The Obama administration has balked, fearing the weapons could be turned against civilian aircraft.

    Experts say antitank weapons alone are unlikely to alter the course of the 3-year-old war. The government of President Bashar Assad has been making steady gains against the U.S.-backed rebels, pushing insurgents back on several key fronts, including the suburbs of Damascus and in Homs province.

    Video shows Syrian rebels may have U.S.-made antitank missiles - latimes.com
@boomslang give them two jumbo jets already..... you never learn from your own history... Supported Alqaeda in Afghanistan and they attacked you, and now in Syria, might as well give them the planes they need to crash in the American buildings...
@boomslang give them two jumbo jets already..... you never learn from your own history... Supported Alqaeda in Afghanistan and they attacked you, and now in Syria, might as well give them the planes they need to crash in the American buildings...

Actually the Saudis gave them the TOW's. Just a little something to sting Assad and Vladi. No big deal. Al Qaeda didn't exist when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. And the Stingers never 'came back to bite us' but it fucked the Russians up pretty good..
And one day another terrorist chapter will rise n bite its financiers in the ***... and than possibly another "war on terror" which will end in failure but hey good for the weapon industries or war profiteers...
Actually the Saudis gave them the TOW's. Just a little something to sting Assad and Vladi. No big deal. Al Qaeda didn't exist when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. And the Stingers never 'came back to bite us' but it fucked the Russians up pretty good..
Alqaeda was creation of US government support to the so called Mujaheddin (even the US government admits it supported them) Bin Laden was given American money and support to fight to Soviets, and now you are doing the same in Syria, America giving support to terrorists dreaming of toppling the Syrian government..... No wonder you would support the same group in Syria because your ignorance allows you... yes give them whatever, at the end they will use them against you... as we saw in Libya how they killed your own ambassador, you people never learn from your own history...
Alqaeda was creation of US government support to the so called Mujaheddin (even the US government admits it supported them) BALONY. Bin Laden was given American money and support to fight to Soviets, and now you are doing the same in Syria, America giving support to terrorists dreaming of toppling the Syrian government..... No wonder you would support the same group in Syria because your ignorance allows you... yes give them whatever, at the end they will use them against you... as we saw in Libya how they killed your own ambassador, you people never learn from your own history...

And it seems the Syrians learn nothing from history......dictators like Assad go down like a two dollar whore. ALWAYS !
And it seems the Syrians learn nothing from history......dictators like Assad go down like a two dollar whore. ALWAYS !
There are no dictators in Syria, a dictator is something Americans label their enemies to fool the people, a dictator would be hated by the majority of the people, while in Syria Alasad is not hated... anyways, It seems even US with Alqaeda couldn't topple Alasad yet, because they know Alasad is rich with Syrian people support.... and like I said before, you might as well give your terrorists in Syria two jumbo jets...
There are no dictators in Syria, a dictator is something Americans label their enemies to fool the people, a dictator would be hated by the majority of the people, while in Syria Alasad is not hated... anyways, It seems even US with Alqaeda couldn't topple Alasad yet, because they know Alasad is rich with Syrian people support.... and like I said before, you might as well give your terrorists in Syria two jumbo jets...

ASSad is a dictator. I really don't care who 'wins'. Both sides are the enemy of the U.S. I just hope they beat the snot out of each other. Plus, I like fucking with Vladi.:bunny:
ASSad is a dictator. I really don't care who 'wins'. Both sides are the enemy of the U.S. I just hope they beat the snot out of each other. Plus, I like fucking with Vladi.:bunny:
see that is problem with American public, they don't care now, but when the jets hit their buildings they start complaining.... you being careless hurts the world, the American public is ignorant when it comes to foreign policy... question for you... do you hate dictators? then you must hate most of your allies :lol:... and you want to mess with Putin?? well go ahead, all you can do is just worthless sanctions :azn:
ASSad is a dictator. I really don't care who 'wins'. Both sides are the enemy of the U.S. I just hope they beat the snot out of each other. Plus, I like fucking with Vladi.:bunny:

So is Obama, and when those "freedom fighters" shoot down an an airliner with innocent people Obama should be tried as a war criminal and terrorism.
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see that is problem with American public, they don't care now, but when the jets hit their buildings they start complaining.... you being careless hurts the world, the American public is ignorant when it comes to foreign policy... question for you... do you hate dictators? then you must hate most of your allies :lol:... and you want to mess with Putin?? well go ahead, all you can do is just worthless sanctions :azn:

Vladi is a dictator too !! Of the highest order. Americans don't like Syria and that's all there is to it. Sorry.:usflag:

So is Obama, and when those "freedom fighters" shoot down an an airliner with innocent people Obama should be tried as a war criminal and terrorist.

Sort of the way Vladi is a terrorist for the people being killed in Ukraine ? That's ALL his doing.:usflag:
Vladi is a dictator too !! Of the highest order. Americans don't like Syria and that's all there is to it. Sorry.:usflag:
before the conflict in Syria American didn't know where Syria was :lol:.... and if you don't like Syrians that doesn't mean ALL AMERICANS DON'T LIKE SYRIANS!!.. you are funny ignorant person... and if Americans don't like Syrians then why are they involved in conflict?? oh wait the government needs to support Alqaeda and use Americans tax money to send them weapons and soon jumbo jets....
Sort of the way Vladi is a terrorist for the people being killed in Ukraine ? That's ALL his doing.:usflag:

Right, who were the ones responsible for the dozens of people burned and shot to death in Odessa? Who killed several dozen police? Who send the army to fight its own people?

The only people doing the killing in Ukraine is the western back government which are war criminals and their Right Sector thugs that murdered those people in Odessa. And we know Washington's hard core support for those war criminals.
Sort of the way Vladi is a terrorist for the people being killed in Ukraine ? That's ALL his doing.:usflag:
Ukraine was peaceful, it wasn't until the west like always intervened and brought chaos, whenever the west intervenes there would be chaos, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine... and don't forget the 100+ wars America started after WWII, Nuking Japan was an act of terrorism...
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