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Saudis Agree to Provide Syrian Rebels With Mobile Antiaircraft Missiles

Take note during this so called Arab spring in every Arab state the state armies dealt with their protesters through force. That goes for the Egyptian army, for GCC forces suppressing the Bahrainis asking for more freedom and equality which involved killing and torture.

SAA or actually riot police at that time wasn't doing anything outrageous, they did similar as what the Egyptian security forces did, nothing big in the media about their harsh treatment.
They turned it sectarian for their own benefit which caused a lot of death, hatred and destruction worldwide, even the users here are full of this hatred right now, not only can it be seen in their posts but it has fucked up their logic as well. Supporting the fight of certain armies against al Qaeda and criticizing the other simply because of religious identities they painted over these armies.

But this all happened now, Bashar leaving or getting killed makes no difference anymore. SAA will function without him, they have no choice.

@Yzd Khalifa

Dont comment on the Bahrain part already know your response save the typing.

@Yzd Khalifa
Dont comment on the Bahrain part already know your response save the typing.

I love seeing you using the preemptive self-defensive mechanism :lol:

@Arabian Legend @JUBA @al-Hasani @Bubblegum Crisis @Full Moon @Awadd @Hadbani
I love seeing you using the preemptive self-defensive mechanism :lol:

@Arabian Legend @JUBA @al-Hasani @Bubblegum Crisis @Full Moon @Awadd @Hadbani

Saudi backup for what, Thought the mighty you could handle it all on its own :taz:

What do u know about Bahrain that I might not, or might know more then u.

Mind u I have family in the police there, and family that has lived in Bahrain for more then the time u might have spent on this earth. So kindly dont cite Bahrain as an example.

Ok cool story, as long as you get what I meant
So now its a story, what do u know about me. Seriously, stop passing out judgement's over what u have no clue.

He always does it. Just look at what he left for me without me being involved in a single word in this discussion :lol:
even if i dont like this i have to admit isreal air force are trained well and have the latest technolgy
i hope the killing in syria stops soon

There's nothing embarrassing about that, we all know they have the best Air Force and technology in the region that's not the point.
He should resign for failing in his job.
he is failed only if hand over Syria on platter to the foreign terrorists. in fact he did pretty well in light of that he is fighting against an army of terrorists from 90 other country .
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