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Saudis Agree to Provide Syrian Rebels With Mobile Antiaircraft Missiles

I think mortars do the most damage in Syria. Accurate, cheap, range several kilometers, unstoppable.
speaking of Iraqi oil

Energy Minister Taner Yıldız has assured Baghdad over oil exports from the Kurdish region to Turkey, rejecting claims that oil has been exported without the consent of the central government.

Iraq has threatened to boycott Turkish companies and cancel contracts after the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) last month announced its first shipment of crude sent directly to Turkey, without passing through pipelines controlled by Baghdad, had gone on sale, with more expected to follow.

Baghdad argues that all oil sales must be overseen by the central government and regards any independent exports tantamount to smuggling.

Even if a barrel of oil had passed through Ceyhan, Baghdad would have been informed of this and a daily receipt would have been given to the central government noting how much of a sale was made,” Yıldız said in the central Anatolian province of Kayseri on Feb. 15.

“This is Iraq’s oil, not Turkey’s. Thus Baghdad will be informed, because it is an issue related to Iraq’s income. So far, there has not been any oil that has gone through Ceyhan, but this does not mean it won’t be transferred in future. We’ll share all information with Baghdad,” Yıldız said, adding a total of 425,000 barrels of oil are in Ceyhan.
Isn't Baath the biggest and most powerful party in Syria? Bet it's got millions of members, and that means hundreds of thousands of troops. Baath party has members from all religions and sects, Sunnis, Shia, Alawis, Christians, Druze. :bounce: Also, the second biggest party in Syria, SSNP, is allied with Baath.
The dominant rebel forces in Syria are al Qaeda, so Saudi Arabia is providing al Qaeda with weapons. Common sense.
IMO, short of an American led invasion of Syria, Assad won't be ousted. The Baath party is too powerful in Syria. Some 80% of Syrian grew up under the Baath party. Plus, with Iran and Iraq pouring weapons into Syria and training NDF, I can only see Assad's army getting more powerful and experienced as time goes on.
they didn't even bring up that topic because Syrians want him to stay in power, if Syrians didn't want him to stay in power, he would have been gone long time ago... thus the advisers didn't even need to mention it...
Which Syrians, atleast have some dignity. Thousands of people who have died, didnt just die because of the rebels. But u are one of those people who have their head stuck up their own asses so high tht it hard to talk to u anymore.

IMO, short of an American led invasion of Syria, Assad won't be ousted. The Baath party is too powerful in Syria. Some 80% of Syrian grew up under the Baath party. Plus, with Iran and Iraq pouring weapons into Syria and training NDF, I can only see Assad's army getting more powerful and experienced as time goes on.
The main source of his power is the volunteers that are pouring in from the neighboring countries. Had the man power not been there, he was almost gone an year ago.
As if they are already not dropping the bombs on the civilians. Who are we kidding here.

I knew according to foreign cannibal army every single one of them is civilian and in last 2 year SAA didn't manage to kill even a single militant among them.
Which Syrians, atleast have some dignity. Thousands of people who have died, didnt just die because of the rebels. But u are one of those people who have their head stuck up their own asses so high tht it hard to talk to u anymore.

alright let me go with your agenda and lets say Alasad is "killing" innocent people, but then the main blame falls on whoever is hiding among the people...the main blame is the "rebels", if they really cared about people they would have stayed away from the cities and people, to avoid any crossfire that would kill people, don't you agree that a real " freedom" fighter and a fighter who claims to "defend" they Syrian people would want to save Syrian lives??

Syria has a large desert, mountains and areas that is not heavily populated.. an example was the true Syrian revolution against the French, where the revolutionaries didn't stay among civilians in order to protect them...

now in Syria, anywhere that "rebels" aka terrorists go death follows them... and guess what?? every government has the right to kill any terrorist or a person who holds weapons against the people and the military institution... thus, the Syrian military has the right to pursuit those terrorists and kill them...

and stop using the death figure as tool... if you really cared you would have known that most of those dead are pro-government.. do some research...

also I never saw you complaining about the massacres about F$A terrorists commit, or is it because the media you follow hides the truth from you? of you just want to ignore them because they don't fit your agenda..

enough is enough... leave Syria for Syrians....
alright let me go with your agenda and lets say Alasad is "killing" innocent people, but then the main blame falls on whoever is hiding among the people...the main blame is the "rebels", if they really cared about people they would have stayed away from the cities and people, to avoid any crossfire that would kill people, don't you agree that a real " freedom" fighter and a fighter who claims to "defend" they Syrian people would want to save Syrian lives??

Syria has a large desert, mountains and areas that is not heavily populated.. an example was the true Syrian revolution against the French, where the revolutionaries didn't stay among civilians in order to protect them...

now in Syria, anywhere that "rebels" aka terrorists go death follows them... and guess what?? every government has the right to kill any terrorist or a person who holds weapons against the people and the military institution... thus, the Syrian military has the right to pursuit those terrorists and kill them...

and stop using the death figure as tool... if you really cared you would have known that most of those dead are pro-government.. do some research...

also I never saw you complaining about the massacres about F$A terrorists commit, or is it because the media you follow hides the truth from you? of you just want to ignore them because they don't fit your agenda..

enough is enough... leave Syria for Syrians....
Asshead is not doing anything better then what the french did, even they bombed damascus didnt they. and yes Syria should have been left for the Syrians, but tell me honestly who made it worse in the beginning. When the Syrians were asking the asshead to leave Syria for Syrians.
Asshead is not doing anything better then what the french did, even they bombed damascus didnt they. and yes Syria should have been left for the Syrians, but tell me honestly who made it worse in the beginning. When the Syrians were asking the asshead to leave Syria for Syrians.


How ?

- By turning it sectarian through propaganda and sheikhs/scholars like Aroor mentioning meat grinder and Alawites.
Asshead is not doing anything better then what the french did, even they bombed damascus didnt they. and yes Syria should have been left for the Syrians, but tell me honestly who made it worse in the beginning. When the Syrians were asking the asshead to leave Syria for Syrians.
The Syrian government fulfilled all the demands that were called for... more than 150+ bills and laws came out, especially the multiple party system, removing the emergency law, and of course the new constitution, however when the Syrian government listend to those demands and fulfilled them, outside powers ( the west and their puppets in the region) went crazy and started supporting terrorists... even from the first days there was a never a peaceful protest... they burnt down government buildings and killed many unarmed security forces... there was a law forbidding riot police from carrying weapons, only a stick and shield, and many of those were killed because of that stupid law... the first victims of those riots were not civilians they were 3 police officers... of course you wouldn't know, your media report the fake story of boys being arrested and etc... again all you need to do is stop being racist and open your eyes and do some research..

and you also ignored my main point from my last post which is terrorists hiding among people and using them as human shields which of course caused a lot of death...

How ?

- By turning it sectarian through propaganda and sheikhs/scholars like Aroor mentioning meat grinder and Alawites.
Come on dude u know it and I know it, who was killing the protesters in the early days, I didnt ask the SAA personal to defect when they did for not wanting to shoot their own fellow citizens.
Come on dude u know it and I know it, who was killing the protesters in the early days, I didnt ask the SAA personal to defect when they did for not wanting to shoot their own fellow citizens.

Take note during this so called Arab spring in every Arab state the state armies dealt with their protesters through force. That goes for the Egyptian army, for GCC forces suppressing the Bahrainis asking for more freedom and equality which involved killing and torture.

SAA or actually riot police at that time wasn't doing anything outrageous, they did similar as what the Egyptian security forces did, nothing big in the media about their harsh treatment.
They turned it sectarian for their own benefit which caused a lot of death, hatred and destruction worldwide, even the users here are full of this hatred right now, not only can it be seen in their posts but it has fucked up their logic as well. Supporting the fight of certain armies against al Qaeda and criticizing the other simply because of religious identities they painted over these armies.

But this all happened now, Bashar leaving or getting killed makes no difference anymore. SAA will function without him, they have no choice.

@Yzd Khalifa

Dont comment on the Bahrain part already know your response save the typing.
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Take note during this so called Arab spring in every Arab state the state armies dealt with their protesters through force. That goes for the Egyptian army, for GCC forces suppressing the Bahrainis asking for more freedom and equality which involved killing and torture.

SAA or actually riot police at that time wasn't doing anything outrageous, they did similar as what the Egyptian security forces did, nothing big in the media about their harsh treatment.
They turned it sectarian for their own benefit which caused a lot of death, hatred and destruction worldwide, even the users here are full of this hatred right now, not only can it be seen in their posts but it has fucked up their logic as well. Supporting the fight of certain armies against al Qaeda and criticizing the other simply because of religious identities they painted over these armies.

But this all happened now, Bashar leaving or getting killed makes no difference anymore. SAA will function without him, they have no choice.

@Yzd Khalifa

Dont comment on the Bahrain part already know your response save the typing.
What do u know about Bahrain that I might not, or might know more then u.

Mind u I have family in the police there, and family that has lived in Bahrain for more then the time u might have spent on this earth. So kindly dont cite Bahrain as an example.
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