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Gwadar Developments are on:

yes they indeed do, if you visit the port, you would see chinese flag at the gate of gwadar port

I Even See The UAE Flag When I Visit The Branch of Banak Alfalah What The Hell Is Your Point
4-5 Years before we start seeing clear cut streets / roads and traffic lights and completed storage facilities

Gawadar, (APP): Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi performed the groundbreaking of the Rs17 billion East Bay Expressway and directed that the series of development projects for Gwadar be completed on time to ensure that the port emerges on the world map as a major trade hub. Addressing a ceremony here, the Prime Minister said the economic-free zone would be completed this year while work on the Port project, Pakistan China Friendship Hospital, Power Plant, Gwadar Airport etc, under the Rs170 billion plan for the uplift of Gwadar would also complete on time.
The Prime Minister said these infrastructure projects would go a long way in generating economic activity in the country and ensure its progress. He said the 19.5 km, the six-lane expressway would ease cargo handling through road and increase connectivity with rest of the country. The project would link Gwadar Port with the Makran Coastal Highway and improve logistic transportation of import and export. Prime Minister Abbasi said a number of power projects under the CPEC have been inaugurated and were playing a significant role in the nation-building activities.
He hoped the completion of the East Bay Expressway would cut short travel time between major cities. The Prime Minister said the East Bay Expressway was symbolic of the lofty Pakistan-China friendship and said the CPEC would further strengthen and deepen their strategic partnership. Prime Minister Abbasi said these projects would transform the small fishing town into a global shipping port. He said Gwadar would soon be on the world map, owing to the CPEC project.
Referring to the two main issues raised by Chief Minister Hasil Bajinjo he said work was going on to provide electricity and clean drinking water for the local residents and said it was the responsibility of the government of Pakistan to address these issues. He said in few weeks time the people would feel the difference. Regarding the issues related to border access with Iran, he directed Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal to take cognizance of the matter and take action to facilitate the people.
He said the local people of Gwadar need to be accommodated at all levels, and be provided training, capacity building, education so that they are seamlessly integrated into the new jobs being offered. He said he was appreciative of the local boat building industry and said it was part of the local heritage and needs to be encouraged. He asked the provincial government to submit its suggestions in this regard and said the federal government would fully support the traditional trade and encourage it.
He said work on the road to Khuzdar was being completed and would transform the entire landscape. He said today Gwadar was at a distance of hours and not days anymore. He said the China Pakistan Economic Corridor was not limited to any particular province, but was for the progress and prosperity of the country and said it has the support from across the political divide. There is no opposition to the CPEC and said the difference of opinion was part of democracy. However, he said today all parties stand united for the completion of the project. He hoped it would be a landmark project and hoped other projects at Gwadar would be completed soon.


Will they be able to complete the expo Center by January and hold an expo there in approx two months?... I hope so... plus the expo building render looks great.


They are building the expo centre super fast...


Normally in Western world neighbourhoods are build in super fast 2-4 month cycle , the same work in Pakistan is normally done in 1-2 Years.

This is why Pakistan should let China share it's expertise with modern construction techniques specially earth quake resistant construction to build the next generation Neighbourhoods , at a rapid pace.

The support for the Fishermen community / Fishing Bay should be first real test for this

  • Storage facilities
  • Transport of goods from Ships to storage facilities
  • Transport from facilities to China etc or other destination

China is expert in Logistical aspects

Chinese are used to efficiency and speed of 300km/hr while Pakistanis are mostly been acustomed to pace of 40km/hr so some attitude adjustment would have to be made inside Pakistan.

Pakistan has to up it's GAME!!

Speed is of essence perhaps that is the simple logic Pakistani Politicians are not understanding

It is well understand what China can attain , once it has a functional port
Reference :Shanghai port


So we have some way to go and really it is Up to
Pakistan's Military to Ensure CPEC is high priority

While China is constructing the Port / Facilities , Pakistan should really be fixing up the water supply or getting Desalination plants fully operational or setting up water reservior etc
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