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Gujrat Muslims' massacar supportd by Govt

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No arguments with those viewpoints, provided an active investigation continues into the affair. Delays in accumulating evidence and building a case are perfectly understandable.

Goodperson seemed to be implying that the investigation would only start once Modi was out of power - that is unfortunate, and does not reflect well upon the intentions of the current GoG or GoI (whichever is applicable).

The investigation has been initiated already. The only thing Modi has been able to do as CM is to keep it away from him through his lackeys. But given the gravity of the situation on the federal level it's only a matter of time before the walls cave in.

Disclaimer: I am of course open to the possiblity (even if its small) that he may in fact be innocent and that he wasn't a major contributor to the crime given that a man is innocent until proven guilty and all that jazz
Indian TV channels off air after Gujarat riots report

GUJARAT: The state government stopped cable TV operators in many parts of the state from beaming two tv channels who aired Gujarat riots report.

These channels had, since Thursday evening, been showing excerpts from a sting operation which claimed to reveal chief minister Narendra Modi’s connivance with the rioters in the February 2002 carnage.

In Ahmedabad, cable operators received written orders from District Collector Dhananjay Dwivedi to block these channels.

The order said the channels were “depicting visuals and statements” which did not conform to “the programming code” and thus violating ‘Clause V of the Cable TV Network Regulation Act, 1995.’ In most other parts of the state, the police verbally directed cable operators to stop telecasting the channels.

TV channels off air after Gujarat riots report
The horrible killings of Innocent Muslims by fanatic Hindus exposed by the indian channel

Video of the sting operation and brutal killings of Muslims in India

mfnTl_Fwvbo[/media] - The Truth: Gujarat 2002: Babu Bajrangi

Neo How to post the video instead of the link if you can please change it i had posted the link
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Take Tehelka report as prima facie evidence, says Left- Hindustan Times

Take Tehelka report as prima facie evidence, says Left

Narendra Modi blocks 'sting channels'October 27, 2007

'Top RSS, VHP men behind riots'October 26, 2007

October 26, 2007

New Delhi, October 26, 2007
First Published: 20:15 IST(26/10/2007)
Last Updated: 22:51 IST(26/10/2007)

The Left said on Friday that the Tehelka expose on the Gujarat riots of 2002 should be taken as 'prima facie' evidence of the involvement of the Narendra Modi government in the massacre and the guilty should be punished at the earliest.

The Left parties were joined by the RJD in their sharp criticism of the Modi government. RJD chief Lalu Prasad said that both Modi and leader of Opposition LK Advani should be arrested, as the chief minister would not have the riots conducted without the patronage of Advani.

The CPM blamed Modi government for the communal violence and said the Tehelka tapes showing "shocking and graphic details" of the massacre should be taken as prima facie evidence and those guilty brought to book expeditiously.
The Tehelka footage has "confirmed what is well known that the 2002 violence in Gujarat was a state-sponsored one", the CPM added.

``The Chief Minister (Narendra) Modi and his government were fully responsible for this gross violation of human rights and subversion of the Constitution,’’ the Left party said.
It added that the Centre and the law enforcement agencies have a ``special responsibility’’ in this regard.

The CPI said that the Nanavati Comission should take suo moto cognizance of these statements in the course of its inquiry. ``The relevant authorities should proceed against the perpetrators of these heinous crime,’’ the party said.

Tehelka magazine on Thursday had claimed it had ``irrefutable’’ evidence that the killings of Muslims post-Godhra train carnage in Gujarat was ``not a spontaneous swell of anger but a genocide’’ planned and executed by top functionaries of the Sangh Parivar and state authorities ``with the sanction’’ of Modi.
:cheers: Looks like the Left is finally saying something useful!!

Now if only the idiots had not derailed the nuke deal :hitwall:
Looks like the Left is finally saying something useful!!

After this

- The Truth: Gujarat 2002: Babu Bajrangi

If anyone can not have sense to condemn and be ashamed of masacar of over 2000 Muslims than its sheer shamlessness
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The investigation has been initiated already. The only thing Modi has been able to do as CM is to keep it away from him through his lackeys. But given the gravity of the situation on the federal level it's only a matter of time before the walls cave in.

Disclaimer: I am of course open to the possiblity (even if its small) that he may in fact be innocent and that he wasn't a major contributor to the crime given that a man is innocent until proven guilty and all that jazz

Right. There is also the additional concern that the investigation being conducted is a farce - in which case suspicion, of communal bias, is justified. Following are some of the criticisms of the investigation I have come across.

India's Supreme Court has ordered police in the state of Gujarat to review some 2,000 riot cases which were earlier dismissed as closed.

The court wants the police to decide whether any of the cases should be reinvestigated.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Court orders Gujarat riot review
The upper house of the Indian parliament has voted unanimously to seek federal intervention in the riot-hit state of Gujarat.
BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Indian MPs back Gujarat motion

The United States Department of State in its International Religious Freedom Report 2003 stated:
The Government dispatched the NHRC to investigate the attacks against Muslims, but the NHRC's findings that the attacks against Muslims "was a comprehensive failure on the part of the state government to control the persistent violation of rights of life, liberty, equality, and dignity of the people of the state," led to widespread criticism in the Hindu community and allegations of government partiality

Amnesty International's annual report on India in 2003 claimed the "Gujarat government did not actively fulfill its duty to provide appropriate relief and rehabilitation to the survivors". IT also claimed that "the same police force that was accused of colluding with the attackers was put in charge of the investigations into the massacres, undermining the process of delivery of justice to the victims

Human Rights Watch alleges that state enforcement and state machinery continues to "harass and intimidate"key witnesses, NGOs, social activists and lawyers who are fighting to seek justice for riot victims.

Things may have changed since the above reports, and I am open to arguments supporting that view, but Goodperson seemed to indicate otherwise - suggesting that a credible investigation may not occur until after the current government is out of power.
Godhra left too deep a wound in Gujarat: Minorities Commission

Sunil Gatade, Press Trust Of India
New Delhi, October 28, 2007
First Published: 13:26 IST(28/10/2007)
Last Updated: 15:40 IST(28/10/2007)

The Minorities Commission feels that Godhra aftermath has left "too deep a wound" in Gujarat and healing it has to be "visible" in view of the scars left by the communal violence.

"It is too deep a wound in Gujarat and will take some more time to heal. Healing the situation has to be visible," the newly-appointed Commission Chairman Mohammed Shafi Qureshi told PTI.

Qureshi, a former Union Minister, said the Commission planned to visit the state, but "does not want to mix it up with elections". The process of assembly elections is on in Gujarat where polls are scheduled on December 11 and 16.

Noting that the Commission would talk to the state government to decide suitable dates, he said the modus operandi of the panel has always been to first interact with the affected people and then talk to the administration.

"It does not take a second to destroy the confidence, but building it takes years," said Qureshi, whose refrain is that there is need to change the mindset about the minorities, may it be the issue of Sachar Committee recommendations or other matters concerning them.

Qureshi, a senior leader from Jammu and Kashmir, said a common complaint among minorities is that the progress in implementation of recommendations of the Sachar Committee or report of the Sri Krishna Commission is very slow and it needs to be expedited.

"What the minorities want is equal treatment as any other Indian citizen," he said.

Godhra left too deep a wound in Gujarat: Minorities Commission- Hindustan Times
The sting operation by Tehelka has recorded Sangh gang activists boasting of the way they unleashed violence on Muslims in Gujarat during riots in February 2002. The findings of the sting operation are not new. They only confirm what is well known – that RSS, VHP and Bajrang Dal activists were involved in brutally killing Muslims and that the state machinery in Gujarat facilitated, even participated in the violence. Several Parivar activists, including sitting MLAs have been caught on tape justifying the violence, providing details of how mobs were mobilised and weapons transported across the state. The activists – some of them figure among the accused in the riot cases - describe in chilling detail how they went about killing Muslims and the support they received from the top leadership of the Gujarat government and the police. The findings of the sting operation confirm what many in India have always feared – that the 2002 violence against Muslims in Gujarat was no spontaneous riot but a state-orchestrated pogrom.

The Tehelka expose is a reminder of what was done in Gujarat in 2002. But also, it is a reminder of what is yet to be done – justice – in the five years since. Several cases were quietly closed{the great Indian Justice system, which recommends president rule for a bundh and remains silent on genocide}. Witnesses continue to be intimidated into silence in the cases that are under trial. Riot accused roam free and some are in positions of power. The claims caught on camera might not be evidence enough to legally nail Gujarat’s top leadership but it is evidence to corner the 14 men who admitted on camera to the gruesome killings. It should remind the Supreme Court to reopen cases that were shut {can Brahmin controlled courts be expected to take actions}, to crack its whip on the courts to prosecute the guilty.

The BJP has closed ranks behind Chief Minister Narendra Modi. It is a shame that the party is yet to summon the moral courage to condemn the pogrom and Modi’s role in it. But equally disgraceful is the Congress’ tepid response to the expose. Its reluctance to take the communal bull in Gujarat by the horns, its reluctance to take an unambiguous, principled position of opposition to the anti-Muslim violence is obviously motivated by fears that this will cost it the vote of Hindus in upcoming elections. By acting as Hindu communalism’s B-team in Gujarat, the Congress is not helping itself or doing a service to the country.
NGO moves SC over Tehelka sting

Mumbai, October 27, 2007
First Published: 19:27 IST(27/10/2007)
Last Updated: 01:40 IST(28/10/2007)

Within days of a sting operation showing the alleged involvement of VHP and BJP functionaries in the 2002 post-Godhra riots in Gujarat, activist Teesta Setalvad has moved the Supreme Court seeking summoning of the original CDs, transcripts and all other material available with Tehelka.

In an intervention application filed in the court, Setalvad, the Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) secretary said: “The survivors and witnesses are in serious danger with those accused of mass crimes roaming free, gloating about the accused who raped, killed, made arms and conspired with the topmost authorities in the state.” The CJP is likely to seek urgent hearing of the issue next week.

The application was filed in connection with a petition seeking transfer of 13 cases related to Godhra mass arson, Gulbarg massacre, Naroda Gaon and Naroda Patiya massacres, Sardarpura and Ode killings which are pending before the Supreme Court since November 2003.
The National Human Rights Commission and the CJP had filed separate petitions for transfer of these cases out of the state but the Gujarat Government has been opposing the plea on the ground that, among others, it would amount to questioning the impartiality of the judicial system in the state.

Stating that the life of 190 eyewitnesses and survivors was in grave danger, she requested the court “to treat the issue with the immediacy of a life-threatening situation.”

NGO moves SC over Tehelka sting- Hindustan Times
If anyone can not have sense to condemn and be ashamed of masacar of over 2000 Muslims than its sheer shamlessness

Jana at whom are you raising this point. Nobody here, not a single Indian has jusified or supported Modi, so why keep on crying. If you have problems with BJP you have done and said (cried) enough.
Jana at whom are you raising this point. Nobody here, not a single Indian has jusified or supported Modi, so why keep on crying. If you have problems with BJP you have done and said (cried) enough.

Mr Bull

Just condemning only Modi is not enough and he is not the only one who is involved in killing hunderds of Muslims. There are others too from fanatic hindu organizations.
Mr Bull

Just condemning only Modi is not enough and he is not the only one who is involved in killing hunderds of Muslims. There are others too from fanatic hindu organizations.

Every single Indian member here has already done that, its only you who mysteriously keep on crying about the same thing again and again as if we any one off has justified it.
Every single Indian member here has already done that, its only you who mysteriously keep on crying about the same thing again and again as if we any one off has justified it.

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