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Gujrat Muslims' massacar supportd by Govt

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No doubt. No average human being wants to do so. It's the below average human beings we are talking about.

Hang Modi and be done with it! Instead since 2002 he's been put on a pedestal which you can see how annoying it must be to Indian Muslims. I really can't believe any Muslim in Gujarat is voting for Modi. Whoever it is, is a real enemy of India and thus the 'blemish on modern India' would continue till corrective action is undertaken.

Hang Modi.

Would be feasible in Zia's Pakistan as he did with Bhutto!

Such a state of Kangaroo Court has not visited India as yet.

The Court has not been able to pin it on him.

Teesta Setelvad, Seema Mustapha and a whole lot of others including the present govt with all its agencies and power are still trying their best.
And the present govt has electoral interest too and they are leaving no stones unturned including successfully causing rebellion against Modi to include making the Home Minister Zaphadia who was in charge of the police during the riots a turncoat and a rebel against Modi !

Who know, this election Modi will be out!

Law, and not kangaroo courts which was the norm in Pakistan in Zia's time, is what still runs India!

Without Moslem votes he would not have the overwhelming numbers that he has!
You mean Modi right?

People are watching how you treat Modi and Modi alone. Your justice system cracking down on the others can wait, but if you pussyfoot around sentencing Modi you won't come off as real.

True, but we and the whole world have seen how you treated Bhutto.

Can't have personal vendettas or being scared of a person's popularity to be removed through Kangaroo courts. We will fight them democratically, through the courts and through the votes!

No thank you, we rather have the law sorting out scoundrels!

We are still quite sanitised from the fear of a military takeover and Kangaroo courts.

Our democracy exists and functions!
Modi is in office because Moslem fanatics abetted by ISI burnt a train of pilgrims and the Moslems still vote for him!

Do we really have to add unsubstantiated allegations into every thing? Your point could have been made perfectly well without it.
Yet, I understand Jana's problem. She is a journalist and so sensationalism is her birthright including tweaking the truth to serve her purpose to ensure her job and money to exist in this cruel and heartless world!

I do respect you alot being and elder but so hope you would refrain from resorting to such personal attacks.

I also understand your probelms sir but never mind i can not stoop too low to insult a senior :).
Hope next time you wont sound like a teenager by avoiding personal attacks ;)

BTW i do earn honestly and not twisting the truth all i had posted here was REPORTED BY INDIAN MEDIA AND ALREADY PUBLISHED IN MEDIA and not made up by me
What the indian public should do now is to make sure that the perpatrators and masterminds behind these massacres, both hindu and muslim, are arrested and sentenced.
That is not the responsibility of the Indian Public Su rather it is the Responsibility of the Indian Government to Punish those hindu fanatic leaders who had been involved in massacar of thousands of Muslims.
Why on earth Modi is still roaming free????
Do we really have to add unsubstantiated allegations into every thing? Your point could have been made perfectly well without it.

Let me reply his allegations about ISI also with indeed solid news and links ;)
Modi is in office because Moslem fanatics abetted by ISI burnt a train of pilgrims and the Moslems still vote for him!

Even not a Muslim was involved in that incident what to say about ISI
I wish Sir someone must read the investigation report by prepared after through investigation by Indian team.

All the investigation into the train bruning that too done by Indians and indian investigation team proved that there was no Muslim Involved in burning of the train rather it was proved that Godhra Train fire was an accident which was blamed on as usual Muslims and thousands of Muslims were killed and burnt alive by Hindu Fanatics.
Here is the report news

Godhra fire an accident, says report
Rules out conspiracy
Tribune News Service

New Delhi, January 17
Negating the Sangh Parivar’s “conspiracy theory” behind the infamous Godhra train blaze which claimed 59 lives and triggered communal riots across Gujarat in 2002, the Justice U. C. Banerjee probe committee in its interim report today described the incident as an “accidental fire” and ruled out the possibility of any inflammable liquid thrown from outside the coach.

“With the elimination of the ‘petrol theory’, ‘miscreant activity theory’ as well as ruling out of any possibility of ‘electrical fire’, the fire in S-6 coach of Sabarmati Express can at this stage be ascribed as an ‘accidental fire’,” the committee said in its interim report which was submitted by Justice Banerjee to the Railway Board Chairman R.K. Singh. The committee was appointed by the UPA Government in September last year at the instance of Railway Minister Laloo Prasad.

Nearly a thousand people, most of them belonging to the minority community, were killed in the riots that followed Godhra train fire. The interim report has come days ahead of assembly polls in Bihar, Haryana and Jharkhand.

The report severely criticised the entire hierarchy of Western Railway in pre-judging the issue by describing the incident of fire as a miscreant activity without conducting even a preliminary inquiry.

It said there had been a preponderance of evidence that the fire in coach No S-6 originated in the coach itself without any external input. “The possibility of an inflammable liquid having been used is completely ruled out as there was first a smell of burning, followed by dense smoke and flames thereafter. This sequence is not possible in case the fire is caused by inflammable liquid thrown on the floor of the coach or an inflammable object thrown from outside the coach.”

The report said the “inflammable liquid theory” also gets negated by the statement of some of the passengers who suffered injuries on the upper portion of the body and not the lower body and who crawled towards the door on elbows and could get out without much injury.

“The committee has found it unbelievable that `Kar Sevaks’ (to the extent of 90 per cent of the total occupants) armed with “trishuls”, would allow to get themselves burnt, without a murmur, by miscreant activity like a person entering S-6 coach from outside and setting the coach on fire,” the report said.[/i]

Referring to forensic laboratory’s experiment, the report said the committee verified the conclusion that it was impossible to set fire to the train from the outside.

“Some evidence of cooking inside the coach by Kar Sevaks was also given. Moreover, the committee has on the basis of evidence available on record found that the train left the platform at around 07.48 am and stopped on account of vacuum failure in some coaches and the train started again at about 8 am. Relying on the Survey of India Mapping of Distances and given the speed of the train at that time, the committee noted that the engine ought to take about 5 minutes time to be near the post at 468/19 and the guard’s coach at 468/45. It is at this juncture that the smoke was not only noticed but had been reported to GRP, RPF and Vadodara Control. There was thus no scope for any miscreant activity from any external agency during this period,” the report said.

It said there had been failure on the part of the Commission of Railway Safety and Railway Administration to conduct a statutory inquiry into this accident. “This was in breach of the Railway act as well as the Accident Manual of the Zonal Railway.”
The report said the Railway Administration had also not made any concerted effort to preserve the clues of the incident. In particular, it criticized the onward travel to Ahmedabad of S-7 coach despite some damage to it and despite it being a crucial piece of evidence. “In fact, the damaged portion of S-7 has been disposed of as scrap.”

The report also noted that neither the then Railway Minister nor members of the Board visited the site of the accident or the injured passengers.

Noting that the response of the Godhra Fire Brigade was “most unsatisfactory” not only in terms of delayed arrival but also in terms of high percentage of ineffective fire engines and non-functioning of the motor pumps of the fire tenders which came to the accident site, it said a fire which could have been doused in four to six minutes, took very much longer resulting in heavy loss of lives.

Justice Banerjee refused to take questions from mediapersons and left soon after submitting the interim report and mentioning its main points.

The committee, set by the UPA Government in September last year, was given a three-month extension after its initial tenure ended in December.

Former Railway Minister and Janata Dal (United) leader Nitish Kumar, during whose tenure the infamous incident took place, described the report an attempt on the part of the Lalu Prasad-led Rashtriya Janata Dal to extract political mileage.

He said such attempts would prove futile and the RJD leader would have to look for new tactics.

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Main News
That is not the responsibility of the Indian Public Su rather it is the Responsibility of the Indian Government to Punish those hindu fanatic leaders who had been involved in massacar of thousands of Muslims.
Why on earth Modi is still roaming free????

I believe Salim was suggesting that the system has not been able to "pin" the crimes on him. We haven't been able to pin crimes on several of our "biggest looters", even after 8 years!
So it is an understandable situation.

Excuse my ignorance on this point, but with all the accusations against Modi, was he ever officially investigated?
Will these tapes result in the opening, reopening or bolstering (if investigations were initiated and are continuing) of his case?
I believe Salim was suggesting that the system has not been able to "pin" the crimes on him. We haven't been able to pin crimes on several of our "biggest looters", even after 8 years!
So it is an understandable situation.

Well my reply was to Su not to salim but anyway.

Agno about over 80 per cent of Indian Parliamentarians are criminal and they still are in the government and in the parliament that is understandble.

As far our pathatic leaders like BB and all others who are looters and they still are free and would be in government that is understandble.
The above cases can be understanble

To say that killers of thousands of Muslims or (even if these were not Muslims) who had committed no crime but were killed simply out of hatered by the Hindu Fanatics than my Dear
Agno this is not and can never be said normal and understanble.

Even in the presence of investigation which proved Muslims were not involved in Godhra train fire If the Courts of India which our dear members claim to be most independent if they can not convict the fanatic hindus who were responsble than it should be sheer shame not something to be overshadowed by brining other issues into debate.
One must have the courage to accept that they did wrong and should be punished.
Excuse my ignorance on this point, but with all the accusations against
Modi, was he ever officially investigated?

Interesting, all th opposition in Gujrat and elsewhere in India are gunning for Modi's head. Seeing there Tempo I am sure there would be investigations once Modi goes.

Thats how democracy works.
^^^ Jana-
Again, pardon my lack of information about this issue, but were none of the people involved in the crimes punished?
Interesting, all th opposition in Gujrat and elsewhere in India are gunning for Modi's head. Seeing there Tempo I am sure there would be investigations once Modi goes.

Thats how democracy works.

That sholdn't be how it works. Even in Pakistan an investigation was initiated against a ruling party MNA, I think, who was accused of being involved in the death of a woman staying with him.

In the US, even recently serving members of congress have been investigated and some convicted.

The police needs to be taken out of the clutches of politicians in South Asia.
That sholdn't be how it works. Even in Pakistan an investigation was initiated against a ruling party MNA, I think, who was accused of being involved in the death of a woman staying with him.

In the US, even recently serving members of congress have been investigated and some convicted.

The police needs to be taken out of the clutches of politicians in South Asia.

Well I should'nt have generalized "Thats how Democracy works" what I meant was still we have Democracy in (Gujrat)India and almost all opposition including few in BJP are gunning for Modi's head.

Police is normally state controlled machinery in India I am not sure about Pakistan.
That sholdn't be how it works. Even in Pakistan an investigation was initiated against a ruling party MNA, I think, who was accused of being involved in the death of a woman staying with him.

In the US, even recently serving members of congress have been investigated and some convicted.

The police needs to be taken out of the clutches of politicians in South Asia.

What he meant I think was, how an imperfect democracy works.

Just 2 days back, a bigshot politician in UP got life imprisonment for murder.

Of course, the biggest fish are harder to catch, but I'm sure it will happen eventually.

As goodperson here rightly pointed out, the opposition will not spare him.
Well I should'nt have generalized "Thats how Democracy works" what I meant was still we have Democracy in (Gujrat)India and almost all opposition including few in BJP are gunning for Modi's head.

Police is normally state controlled machinery in India I am not sure about Pakistan.

Ahh, so you are suggesting that the BJP government, by virtue of controlling the LEA's, has deliberately chosen to put a lid on the affair, and that if they are voted out, there could be a strong possibility of the new government initiating an investigation into Modi's culpability?

If that is the case, skepticism, about the willingness of the GoI (or GoG) to bring those involved to justice, is justified. I do hope that these guys are (a) voted out of power, and (b) prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We shall have to wait and see though.
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