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Going through depression

It's anonymous so I felt like posting...

When you feel like dying? What you do? I know how millions and in worse situation than me. Someone lost a son today (badaber airbase attack). So I feel that I'm in better shape as I have lost no one.

But what's making my depression worse is I've a history of awful events since I was 4 years old. It seems the world continues to swallow me up and I do not see any light. Since I was born, at least such events were once or every two three years. But it seems I'm getting hit by a train every week. I haven't lost anyone, but I've lost myself.

I've lost hope.

Hope blonde thi ya brunette? :p:

when people are low they do tend to over think past events, the trick is never stop smiling if anything doesn't amuse at least have a sense of humor to smile at whatever mess is going in your life. I too went through a rough patch and I can understand that feeling of lack of continuation in life. Instead of feeling bad about it be happy that you have a passion to explore new things/places/friends/girls. And let go of that fear of failure, you don't have to prove anything to anyone but to yourself alone. Nahi padhna bhaad mein gayi padhai take a break from studies for few years try your hand something else. Or else join a Indian forum where Mods are as lenient as they are on PDF and vent out on Indians. :p:
If some one doesnt have anything to rely beside ALLAH than it will be a perfect situation to improve faith. Once the faith improve after reading some particular verses that are intended to give worth to the believer, ALLAH will give you Izzah (honor on soul) and this Izzah will create Charisma, power, and satisfaction ( the best one) into us. This power then will help us much in many activities in the world, doing business or being an employee.

Correct your behavior also, I see the way you are here and I really see you as not a nice person. Our God only loves the ones who has good heart.

If some one give up and do suicide, the soul will still live by the way and there will be no opportunity for changes any more. So, more depression eternally. FOREVER.

No one among believers will feel depression, you arent a real believer yet. So improve your faith and find the promise of our God in this world.

Quran, Al-Fath

It is He who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the believers that they would increase in faith along with their [present] faith. And to Allah belong the soldiers of the heavens and the earth, and ever is Allah Knowing and Wise.
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It's not that they leave, it's that I withdraw. For example few weeks ago I saw my friends and I was more grieved over withdrawing myself the good times we had than the chance of going over what we're up to today or the good times we had.
Basically, you are having a hard time to fit in. That happens when there is something you are concerned about, something that is bothering you. Probably you are in a place, where the culture is alien to you. Don't worry, you will get accustomed. Try picking up a hobby, may be join a gym, photography or say, some musical instrument ? That will keep you involved. Go get a camera and create your Flickr page :)
The only solution I have has 40% alcohol.

Can't even eat a kitkat :(
try this one :-)

It's anonymous so I felt like posting...

When you feel like dying? What you do? I know how millions and in worse situation than me. Someone lost a son today (badaber airbase attack). So I feel that I'm in better shape as I have lost no one.

But what's making my depression worse is I've a history of awful events since I was 4 years old. It seems the world continues to swallow me up and I do not see any light. Since I was born, at least such events were once or every two three years. But it seems I'm getting hit by a train every week. I haven't lost anyone, but I've lost myself.

I've lost hope.

I am sorry to hear how you feel but rest assured things will get better- the mean duration of untreated depressive episodes is around 6 months (although some can endure).

Depression can often colour your views about self, the world around you and its likely that many of your thoughts in relation to your past, current circumstances are driven by dysfunctional assumptions and gross thinking errors. Having said that, its only too easy for me to sit here and sermonise about how its all about your thinking etc but its unlikely to help you in your current frame of mind.

So this is what you need to do-

1) Are you getting enough rest? How are you sleeping? Low mood and anxiety can disrupt your sleep pattern, causing you to feel tired and unrefreshed, resulting in a vicious cycle- so its important to try and maintain a routine and good sleep hygeine (look it up)- get something from the doctor to aid sleep if required

2) Take a break from work if possible- its likely to be stressing you out and you're probably failing at it anyway given how you are feeling currently

3) Have you got someone you can speak to, particularly when you are feeling so desperate as to want to end your life? Chances are you don`t since you have chosen to post something so personal on a public forum (bad move). If you don`t, find somebody. Family members can often be very harsh and unempathic in such situations and you can feel inhibited in having candid conversations with them-find someone anonymous, possibly along the lines of Samaritans or mental health help lines in the West

4) Start engaging in moderately intensive exercise for 40 minutes thrice a week- its proven to be effective in mild to moderate depression and is part of clinical guidance-your thoughts,feelings and behaviour exist in a triad (look up CBT triangle) and changing one invariably has an impact on the other

5) Try self help- follow the link below and sign up to Mood Gym. It can feel a bit boring initially but its effective and is essentially based on a manualised CBT approach

MoodGYM Training Program

Come back in 4 weeks and tell us all how you are getting on-if things don`t improve or you are feeling worse, medication may be warranted
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Can't even eat a kitkat :(
It's worst kind of depression effecting your stomach and it's related system, buddy every one has depression tension stresses time to time and it's getting bigger and bigger as on time pass, these type of situation always remind me a story.
In a small kingdom the King announce a date and a place to his public He said on that date that ground come and throw away your sickness/depression/stress But you need to Pick one from there which is already throwing out by someone else.
A person like me sick/depressed/stressful went over there and throw out what he has bad and when it's time to Pick something else he realize that his throwing out things was yet much better than others.
The way out is as DS said, do Namaz with lot of prayers read Quran in free time, medication does help you for temporarily release What you need more is positive thoughts a creative activity.
May Allah help you out from miserable days. Ameen
Can't even eat a kitkat :(
try galaxy..toblerone...ritter...omg there are so many options..... :-)
Tumhe bass kitkat hi mila tha?? :D

Come on!!
cheer up now.
Btw chocolate always lightens up my mood, hope it helps you too.
try galaxy..toblerone...ritter...omg there are so many options..... :-)
Tumhe bass kitkat hi mila tha?? :D

Come on!!
cheer up now.
Btw chocolate always lightens up my mood, hope it helps you too.

I love kitkat or any chocolate. It's just I feel a bit of stomach emptiness but I don't feel like eating and I can't even sleep. I've to wake up at 8 for my class and it's 4 right now.

I hope I sleep soon and wake up fresh. If I miss one class, 4% my term grade is gone so an A- becomes B+ for no good reason.
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