That's a lot of nonsense. Christianity has very little in common with European paganism. Christianity just like all 3 Abrahamic religions have everything to do with the ME. Rome itself was greatly shaped by Greece which itself was shaped by much older civilizations in the ME.
What changed Europe was Columbus discovering the Americas, Renascence and especially Protestantism which was created as a protest against the corrupt Roman Catholic Church.
Almost all of Europe's modern technological and scientific advances happened due to that.
Protestant work ethic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How did Rome shape the ME when the ME is the cradle of civilization and was the most important area of the world for thousands of years. Long before anyone had heard about Rome?
There is almost zero Roman influence in the ME outside of ruins which ironically are some of the best preserved if not the best preserved. Especially in Northern Africa.
Fact of the matter is that what I wrote is correct.
Islam is well and alive in Europe and has left a big marker in European history (centuries before war refugees from ME arrived and Turkish guest workers) nor are 50 million Muslims going to be killed.
In 100 years time there will be nothing but cultural "Muslims", "Christians", "Jews" etc. left in Europe and most parts of the world. As things are moving right now.
Also no European country can kick nationals out. Newly arrived migrants yes. In Denmark for instance the Syrian war refugees are only going to stay temporarily. Today migration is mostly coming from Eastern European countries.