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Germany anti-Islam protests: Cologne Cathedral to switch of lights in protest against Pegida


We make dem bitches produce for us.

Jokes aside though, serious question: haven't you faced any discrimination in Germany or Italy? I mean judging by your Guatemalan heritage and appearance, you don't exactly look like niether. You look more like a person from SE Asia. Yet, you don't seem to have the need to hide your admiration for the holocaust. What's with that?

I have no Guatemalan ancestry. Just because my greatgrandmother comes from guatamale and has a spanish heritage doesn´t mean i have guatemalan ancestry. I look like any other italian. So nope. never any discrimination.
Germany is a great nation, it's people highly industrious, cultured and efficient. Or in other words, truly outstanding. And would I dare say, even more so than the Americans.

It'd be a shame if the values that keep up that status and the potential to go higher would diminish over the generations. For such a thing to happen would truly catastrophic and tragic. And that is one thing those middle eastern immigrants should realize given that they are truly going over there for a better life for themselves and their children.

On another side of the coin, their immigration policies should thoroughly screen refugees pouring from the middle east. The man who held those hostages at that Lindt Cafe in Sydney was one such individual, and in fact was wanted in Iran for fraud and terrorist ties. Out of Western politics and hypocrisy, they granted him a life over there.

This situation is in part to do what is currently going on in the middle east. And to be honest, many of us in Bangladesh (I'm not sure about other Muslim majority nations) are surprised at the number of people from Western nations joining ISIS's bold, but vague cause. If anything, those EU countries are bound to have many social problems in light of that, and there's geography.

Those people born out of conflict coming over to a far more advanced society often have the sort of expectations that are far from reality.
Within Europe, these people are no more than gangs and can be dealt with by domestic law enforcement.

Once again, you don't seem to understand that Muslims do protest against extremists but there's nothing they can do. If the government allows the extremists to flourish, that's that. What can Muslims do? Many Muslims are upset that their kids can be brainwashed by these elements.

And before you say parents should take responsibility, this is no different from kids getting hooked into drugs or prostitution or other bad behavior. Parents can only do so much. If the criminals are allowed free rein by the authorities, it hurts Muslims communities most.
But so far the world has not seen any concerted effort by Muslim communities to confront and disown the extremists within their ranks. Its a shame really. I haven't heard of any mass demonstrations with Muslims stating loud and clear that the anyone from their community advocating Shariah law, violence, and extremism is not a part of their community and should be deported. Instead their all just sitting on their rear ends watching it all go down.

And these Islamists aren't prosecuted by the authorities because Muslims will cry about racism and discrimination. That's the thing with these Muslim immigrants, they advocate violence and extremism, but when the authorities prosecute them they cry "racism", "Islamophobia", "discrimination", etc...

These are the people out there destroying the image of Islam and Muslims, thus feeding xenophobia, while the so called "good Muslim majority" is sitting on its rear end doing nothing:




Yes,yes,German men are sissies,muslims are the real men.Do you even hear yourself talking.What can they fight with ? Stones ? They're not in the upper echelons of power ,they're not overly represented in the Army,Police,Security forces.An uprising will fail quickly.

You're threathening everyone with assimiliation and conversion but weep at the thought of a backlash.There will be one,be sure of it...you'll have to excuse us for not lying down and dying for you.
@AUz needs to be reminded that once upon a time Spain and Southern France, parts of Southern Italy and Sicily were inhabited by Muslims, that is until they were completely wiped out by the "sissy" Europeans.

This guy calling Europeans sissies and other derogatory remarks is a perfect example of the mentality of immigrant Muslims and i just hope Europeans deport his ilk. Its a shame he's residing in a Western country, he should be deported.
@AUz needs to be reminded that once upon a time Spain and Southern France, parts of Southern Italy and Sicily were inhabited by Muslims, that is until they were completely wiped out by the "sissy" Europeans.

This guy calling Europeans sissies and other derogatory remarks is a perfect example of the mentality of immigrant Muslims and i just hope Europeans deport his ilk. Its a shame he's residing in a Western country, he should be deported.


I think you know who she is? ;) She is the one who crushed islam in europe.

I think you know who she is? ;) She is the one who crushed islam in europe.

How is Islam crushed in Europe? Islam has a deeper history in Europe than any other religion outside of Christianity which ironically is a fellow Semitic religion also originating from the ME like so much else. Judaism included.

What is TOTALLY crushed is indigenous European paganism though. Replaced by ME religions and moral and ethical views that have shaped Europe for the past 2000 years.

There are over 50 million Muslims in Europe today and the numbers are growing albeit will stabilize in not a too distant future. About 7-8% of Europe's population. Constantinople - once the second most important city in Europe is now called Istanbul.

Also what is exactly special about defeating invaders after 800 years of rule? It's like if a Christian Western country had colonized a Muslim area for 800 years in the ME. Never did such a thing happen or will happen.

Besides the Muslim Arabs of Al-Andalus left over 10 World UNESCO Heritage sites in both Spain and Portugal and many of those attractions are now the main historical/cultural attractions of those two countries. Up to 20-25% of all Spanish words are of Arabic origin and Portuguese has a huge number as well. Influences in terms of cuisine, music, architecture etc. is also huge. Most locals see Al-Andalus as their heritage. Besides many Spaniards and Portuguese also have Arab/Berber ancestry.

Today Islam is also the second biggest religion in Spain.

Instaed of writing nonsense and alluding to Nazi like genocides then Europe must worry about the low birth rates. Look at the predicted population numbers of Europe in 2100. 5-6 African states are predicted to have more people by then. I say this as partially European person who has lived half of his life (still do) in Europe, have siblings born here and relatives.

Besides in 100 years time very few people will care about religion. That's my guess. Today the vast, vast majority of Muslims in Europe are nothing more than cultural Muslims who refuse to eat pork but who have no problem having sex with girls and going to nightclubs in the weekends. I know it, you know it and everyone familiar with Europe knows it. Maybe not the horde of Indian trolls that use this thread as a opportunity to write their idiotic posts. Stick to the slums, will you? The familiarity might be greater on that topic.

The bigotry and amount of idiotic posts from both sides is staggering on this thread. Just another day on PDF.


Keep an eye on this thread.
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I think you know who she is? ;) She is the one who crushed islam in europe.
Yes i'm aware of who she is. And i'm aware of what Europeans are capable of. Europe alone conquered the entire world with its own might. Europeans are just soft on these Muslim immigrants due to the political correctness, but once they awaken they can and will wipe out any and all threats to their existence.

Its sad that it has come to this. It really is. These Muslim immigrants and their parasitical behavior is what's ruining the image of all Muslims in the West including myself.
I hope Germans are not that kind of Peoples , Germany always praise Pakistan to fight this war on terror,
not every Muslim is a terrorist Sympathizers , those who do , should be in jail ....
How is Islam crushed in Europe? Islam has a deeper history in Europe than any other religion outside of Christianity which ironically is a fellow Semitic religion also originating from the ME like so much else. Judaism included.

What is TOTALLY crushed is indigenous European paganism though. Replaced by ME religions and moral and ethical views that have shaped Europe for the past 2000 years.

There are over 50 million Muslims in Europe today and the numbers are growing albeit will stabilize in not a too distant future. About 7-8% of Europe's population. Constantinople - once the second most important city in Europe is now called Istanbul.

Also what is exactly special about defeating invaders after 800 years of rule? It's like if a Christian Western country had colonized a Muslim area for 800 years in the ME. Never did such a thing happen or will happen.

Besides the Muslim Arabs of Al-Andalus left over 10 World UNESCO Heritage sites in both Spain and Portugal and many of those attractions are now the main historical/cultural attractions of those two countries. Up to 20-25% of all Spanish words are of Arabic origin and Portuguese has a huge number as well. Influences in terms of cuisine, music, architecture etc. is also huge. Most locals see Al-Andalus as their heritage. Besides many Spaniards and Portuguese also have Arab/Berber ancestry.

Today Islam is also the second biggest religion in Spain.

Instaed of writing nonsense and alluding to Nazi like genocides then Europe must worry about the low birth rates. Look at the predicted population numbers of Europe in 2100. 5-6 African states are predicted to have more people by then. I say this as partially European person who has lived half of his life (still do) in Europe, have siblings born here and relatives.

Besides in 100 years time very few people will care about religion. That's my guess. Today the vast, vast majority of Muslims in Europe are nothing more than cultural Muslims who refuse to eat pork but who have no problem having sex with girls and going to nightclubs in the weekends. I know it, you know it and everyone familiar with Europe knows it. Maybe not the horde of Indian trolls that use this thread as a opportunity to write their idiotic posts. Stick to the slums, will you? The familiarity might be greater on that topic.

The bigotry and amount of idiotic posts from both sides is staggering on this thread. Just another day on PDF.


Keep an eye on this thread.

lol you hopefully do realize that the roman catholic church which shaped europe, is nothing butbthe monotheistic version of the old roman religion and has nothing to do with any middle eastern values or history. Infact if you know history you should remember that the middle east was seen on rome as decadent and pathetic. We had one syrian emperor. Elagabal. He was seen as typical middle eastern and killed in early years. In old middle east women were not pushed in the house, That was a roman thing. You got romanized. Stop insulting my heritage and history.
lol you hopefully do realize that the roman catholic church which shaped europe, is nothing butbthe monotheistic version of the old roman religion and has nothing to do with any middle eastern values or history. Infact if you know history you should remember that the middle east was seen on rome as decadent and pathetic. We had one syrian emperor. Elagabal. He was seen as typical middle eastern and killed in early years. In old middle east women were not pushed in the house, That was a roman thing. You got romanized. Stop insulting my heritage and history.

That's a lot of nonsense. Christianity has very little in common with European paganism which is dead outside of a few clowns in costumes sacrificing animals and drinking their blood etc.
Christianity just like all 3 Abrahamic religions have everything to do with the ME. Rome itself was greatly shaped by Greece which itself was shaped by much older civilizations in the ME.

What changed Europe was Columbus discovering the Americas, Renascence and especially Protestantism which was created as a protest against the corrupt Roman Catholic Church.

Almost all of Europe's modern technological and scientific advances happened due to that.

Protestant work ethic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How did Rome shape the ME when the ME is the cradle of civilization and was the most important area of the world for thousands of years. Long before anyone had heard about Rome?

There is almost zero Roman influence in the ME outside of ruins which ironically are some of the best preserved if not the best preserved. Especially in Northern Africa.

Fact of the matter is that what I wrote is correct.

Islam is well and alive in Europe and has left a big marker in European history (centuries before war refugees from ME arrived and Turkish guest workers) nor are 50 million Muslims going to be killed.

In 100 years time there will be nothing but cultural "Muslims", "Christians", "Jews" etc. left in Europe and most parts of the world. As things are moving right now.

Also no European country can kick nationals out. You are going to kick out 3-4 generation Turks in Germany? You joking? Newly arrived migrants yes. In Denmark for instance the Syrian war refugees are only going to stay temporarily. Today migration is mostly coming from Eastern European countries.
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That's a lot of nonsense. Christianity has very little in common with European paganism. Christianity just like all 3 Abrahamic religions have everything to do with the ME. Rome itself was greatly shaped by Greece which itself was shaped by much older civilizations in the ME.

What changed Europe was Columbus discovering the Americas, Renascence and especially Protestantism which was created as a protest against the corrupt Roman Catholic Church.

Almost all of Europe's modern technological and scientific advances happened due to that.

Protestant work ethic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How did Rome shape the ME when the ME is the cradle of civilization and was the most important area of the world for thousands of years. Long before anyone had heard about Rome?

There is almost zero Roman influence in the ME outside of ruins which ironically are some of the best preserved if not the best preserved. Especially in Northern Africa.

Fact of the matter is that what I wrote is correct.

Islam is well and alive in Europe and has left a big marker in European history (centuries before war refugees from ME arrived and Turkish guest workers) nor are 50 million Muslims going to be killed.

In 100 years time there will be nothing but cultural "Muslims", "Christians", "Jews" etc. left in Europe and most parts of the world. As things are moving right now.

Also no European country can kick nationals out. Newly arrived migrants yes. In Denmark for instance the Syrian war refugees are only going to stay temporarily. Today migration is mostly coming from Eastern European countries.

lol...you shaped nothing. Stop insulting and belitteling my heritage
then why don't pak allow proselytization by Christians in pak , if muslims want this right in Europe?

same fear in india too. the muslims are asking for reservation when we have already given them reservation in form of Pakistan.

I should add its only a fringe which is making the ruckus. actually fringe elements on both sides.
WTF.....are you living under a rock or you belong to planet Zoago?? What do ya mean that "WE" are the one's who have provided reservation in form of Pakistan ? Were "WE" the third cousins of King George III when he lost his mental balance ??
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lol...you shaped nothing. Stop insulting and belitteling my heritage

Keep telling yourself that. I suggest that you reread what I wrote or just open a few history books.

European paganism is dead outside of a few clowns in costumes sacrificing animals and drinking their blood etc. Ridiculed by everyone.

Yes, ME did not influence Europe at all, Judaism, Christianity and Islam originated in Iceland, Portugal and Belarus respectively as well and 50 million Muslims are suddenly going to disappear all while religion continues to play a lesser role everywhere in the world.

Most people in Europe are not religious. This includes Muslims. If you were a Catholic that followed his religion you would not have bragged about how many girls that you have fucked knowing very well what the Catholic Church says about sex before marriage. Similarly most Muslims in Europe do not follow Islam.

The problems with people of Muslim background in certain European states has something to do with their social class and the fact that most of the Muslims that came to Europe came from the lowest classes of the Muslim world. Their problems are bound in a lack of education, their social inheritance etc. Despite this the second and third generation "migrants" of a Muslim background are doing well academically and in certain countries even outperforming the locals. Their results will be seen in the next 10-20 years.

You don't see people from the GCC migrating to Europe. Only for studies, investments or buying up property, football clubs, firms etc. You mostly see/saw either war refugees, political refugees (a small portion) or guest workers mainly from Turkey. That's about it.

A bit similar to how the Christian African-Americans and Latino communities in the US.

In any case low births and rapidly decreasing populations, the spread of knowledge to the entire world, the playing field leveling all across the world in terms of prosperity and science (slowly but steadily this will happen) etc. will inevitably make the world what it has always been. A globalized farm. Anyone fighting against that is fighting a already lost war.

In 100 years time we will hopefully have made huge technological progresses in terms of space exploration etc. that such discussions will be left for the simple-minded.

End of story. Let the trolling continue.
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Simple truth is sons of these so called refugees will start cutting the neck of germens sooner than later.. Look at briton for a lesson..

Please read up on the subject you are commenting on before letting one rip:

Michael Adebolajo & Michael Adebowale, were both born to British Christian families and were brought up and educated in London, not Kabul.
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