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Germany anti-Islam protests: Cologne Cathedral to switch of lights in protest against Pegida

No, I'm saying that you are faulting the EU for not doing what You are doing in your own countries. You are accusing them of xenophobia because their las guarantee equal rights for all citizens, while your own discrimination against non muslims is acceptable to you.

Where did I accuse the EU of fanning xenophobia?

I wrote that the authorities' permissive attitude towards extremists on both sides will let the situation spiral out of control. Freedom of speech is good and all, but it must be measured against promoting extremism -- on all sides.
Just don't make me to laugh, I have met not only Japanese but even Chinese and even some came on national tv and have shared their experiences.The same case with there even with Indians be there from any religion. Its like we are more tolerant to people from all over the world.

I am talking in general of the situation in most of the EU countries and here i am just saying what i am seeing in real life and in this i don't hate any one even when i have being hated and hurted by lot of people. Just waiting when Indian Government will take note on all this.


Moldavian-flagged Blue Sky M was on the Greek island of Zante on the morning of Monday, December 29, and how it managed to leave the island with 678 migrants aboard without Greek authorities noticing before it eventually arrived at the Apulian port of Gallipoli on Wednesday after an SOS was sent by radio from the freighter to attract attention, claiming falsely that armed men had commandeered the ship.

The migrants were in generally good condition but the arrival of the Ezadeen a short time after the arrival of another group of migrants aboard the Blue Sky M, also abandoned by its crew, has posed headaches for Italian authorities concerned by what EU commissioner for immigration Dimitris Avramopoulos called "new methods to exploit the desperate."

360 people including 54 women and 74 minors left the vessel at the port of Corigliano Calabro after Italian authorities boarded the ship Thursday to find it had been abandoned by its crew of people smugglers.


those so called refugees paid each 8000€ for their trip. Thats reason alone to show they just come here to exploit the system and also the main reason why they come in a camp and will be send back. Its that easy.
And? What is the conclusion of this comparison?

The point of the comparison is that Germany grants rights to its citizens as equal under the law. It doesn't give rights to German citizens based on their ethnicity, religion or birth origin.

Whatever the other countries do or don't do is irrelevant to how Germany treats its own citizens.
The point of the comparison is that Germany grants rights to its citizens as equal under the law. It doesn't give rights to German citizens based on their ethnicity, religion or birth origin.

Whatever the other countries do or don't do is irrelevant to how Germany treats its own citizens.

I'm sorry but this is no longer some legal issue. It really is civilizational. You don't want these protests, then try to reform yourself at home. Till then the rights you are asking for are only the generosity they offer on their own terms.
The point of the comparison is that Germany grants rights to its citizens as equal under the law. It doesn't give rights to German citizens based on their ethnicity, religion or birth origin.

Again, the results of this comparison please? To further clarify, what rights are German Muslims being denied that non Muslim Germans are privy to? As this seems to be tree you wanna bark upon, reference is this statement:
Muslim Germans deserve the same rights , regardless of their religion. Any hatred or anger should be directed at criminal and extremist elements. The old excuse that the Muslim community tolerates or does not protest against extremism is a false canard to justify xenophobia.

Whatever the other countries do or don't do is irrelevant to how Germany treats its own citizens.

This is a no argument, as i didn't compare other countries and what they do to their citizens to Germany. Speaking of old excuses, eh!
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Again, the results of this comparison please? To further clarify, what rights are German Muslims being denied that non Muslim Germans are privy to? As this seems to be tree you wanna bark upon, reference is this statement:

I am preempting the calls by some people to curb rights of Muslims.

Perhaps you should read the thread before jumping in.

This is a no argument, as i didn't compare other countries and what they do to their citizens to Germany. Speaking of old excuses, eh!

You jumped into a conversation and quoted part of my post. omitting the context. My reply established the context of that comment.
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