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Germany anti-Islam protests: Cologne Cathedral to switch of lights in protest against Pegida

In directly you are talking about acceptance of Kurds and already Germany is training Kurds in Kurdistan.

you must explain... i don't understand your statement.

What you are talking here its linked to the international politics in which religion is being used. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan are no different from the African states of South Sudan, Rwanda and Nigeria etc when its about oil or natural resources deals.

wars in iraq, libya and syria were not about oil, but about removing strong and influential muslim societies, strong and influential socialist societies.

the nato puppet slaves of the gulf have enough oil.

Regarding Islam of the Sub Continent Muslims then its only India , where Muslims do understand what is happening on the ground in middle east and they try to see the whole situation from all the angles. Indian Muslims believes in brotherhood and are living in their native lands.

surely, you are joking... most modern indian muslims are far very far from ideas of brotherhood... if you had in 2011 asked banglore muslims ( very burqa and beard, these ) about the happenings in libya and syria, you would have heard "hamna kya" ( why should i care?? )... this is not brotherhood, but they adopting the very isolationist attitude of majority of hindus... these modern indian muslims don't bother about anything else in the world but their own families, jobs, festivals, street dogs, college degrees, their voluntary middle-class poverty etc.

go around bangalore and deoband, asking about taliban and muammar gaddafi ( the current imaam of all muslims )... you will hear from them praise for taliban and insult for gaddafi.

For sure Germans are having all the right to reject immigration but Germans do understand the reason behind why the German Establishment is allowing refugees and Asylum seekers in Quotas under UN mandate but still its mainly the internal immigration within EU member states or the Asylum seekers from other eastern European countries who are not members of EU.

uno mandate?? is this the same uno that allowed destruction of north korea, iraq, libya and now syria?? what is the uno but a rubber stamp of nato, partaking in every plot and massacre of nato since establishment...

You do look Italian, but your boyfriend looks quite dumb....

some backhanded compliment, i see...
you must explain... i don't understand your statement.

Kurds are there in every EU countries in large numbers and always show themselves separate from Arabs and Turks.

I am talking about the oil deals in Middle east and Africa in which different EU countries have adopted a different approach.

wars in iraq, libya and syria were not about oil, but about removing strong and influential muslim societies, strong and influential socialist societies.

the nato puppet slaves of the gulf have enough oil.

We cant deny that the establishments of Iraq, Libya and Syria were not able to understand the international politics and in return become the reason for the deaths of their own populations. Socialism kept them backward under the control of big powers and whatever the armies they have created just haven't work out because there were internal divisions. When Iraq was invaded , Syria and Libya kept away from the war and one after another they were removed and the reason for their removal was the oil.

surely, you are joking... most modern indian muslims are far very far from ideas of brotherhood... if you had in 2011 asked banglore muslims ( very burqa and beard, these ) about the happenings in libya and syria, you would have heard "hamna kya" ( why should i care?? )... this is not brotherhood, but they adopting the very isolationist attitude of majority of hindus... these modern indian muslims don't bother about anything else in the world but their own families, jobs, festivals, dogs, college degrees, their voluntary middle-class poverty etc.

I don't know which Indian Muslims you have met , its true that indian muslims like rest of the Muslims think about thier families, jobs, education etc but there are no far away from media and do understand international and internal politics

go around bangalore and deoband, asking about taliban and muammar gaddafi ( the current imaam of all muslims )... you will hear from them praise for taliban and insult for gaddafi.

Here you need to understand one thing that after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan there were talks all over the world that Afghans have fought with bravery against a super power and the old people still think that the taliban are the same Afghan Mujaheddin and during the America war in Afghanistan some countries use the counter propaganda against the Americans.

uno mandate?? is this the same uno that allowed destruction of north korea, iraq, libya and now syria?? what is the uno but a rubber stamp of nato, partaking in every plot and massacre of nato since establishment...

When refugees enter under UN mandate it means that there is a collective decision by those countries and its allies who are involved in that region militarily will take refugees and funds are being issued for housing and food etc. its comes under humanitarian issues. Problem is this most of the citizens within EU doesn't want to understand under which circumstances those refugees come. Daily they do read news about the deaths of the civilians in the war zones but they to not care about it and give reasons when our people were dieing in second world war no one cares about us.
Pegida are cherry pickers, if you're going to be against an Abrahamic religion then you should be against them all.
Christianity has very little in common with European paganism which is dead outside of a few clowns in costumes sacrificing animals and drinking their blood etc.
Not all paganism is like that and some pagan religions are monotheistic, you people have a bad habit of portraying it as pure evil.
Pegida are cherry pickers, if you're going to be against an Abrahamic religion then you should be against them all.

that is true.

We cant deny that the establishments of Iraq, Libya and Syria were not able to understand the international politics and in return become the reason for the deaths of their own populations.

Socialism kept them backward under the control of big powers

sadly, you do not understand either socialism or transnational politics... or you are spreading anti-socialist propaganda.

Here you need to understand one thing that after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

when did the soviets invade afghanistan?? i know only of the cia-arranged regime change against the socialist government of afghanistan, and i know of the soviets who came into afghanistan to help a comradely nation.

surely, the cosmonaut from afghanistan, abdul ahad mohmand, was not originally from andromeda galaxy.
i agree with a lot of what you say but the western governments are to blame too they side with extremest in the middle east look at what happened in Egypt and they sided with the brotherhood in syria for more than 3 years they look the other way while extremists from all around the world gather and group in libya they helped to rid them from qaddafi rule but now when extremests are on the streets what do they do ?and all this made a lot of people think about living in Europe
You are right. I share the same views as you do regarding the Western gov.t's supporting/training the extremists in the middle east. Most European Nationalists are against Western intervention in the affairs of the Muslim world and disagree with their respective gov.t's interventionist policy in the middle east and elsewhere.
doesn't the five-times-a-day and the method come from hadees bukhari??
The five-times a day ruling comes from some undisputed Hadith (not just Bukhari) and is directly backed by the Quran; the general timings etc are clearly mentioned. For the method, yes, it comes from Hadith. Many of those are virtually undisputed except for minor issues such as where to keep your hands.

well, the prayer fanatic thinks islam is all about prayer, and that one is being more muslim by praying, constantly praying, praying loudly, praying on the loudspeaker, and of course, special marks to those who get that mark on the forehead by keeping the forehead on the prayer mat for too long and for too many times.
Prayer is a significant part of Islam but not the only one or the most significant one. Yes, some people do believe in praying the extra/optional prayers (not obligatory), but those too aren't that long. Unless you're talking about Tarawihs, which are pretty long but only in Ramadan.

No one prays on the loudspeaker - what you hear coming from the mosques is the call to prayer, not the prayer itself. And not everyone does that, just one man specifically assigned to do that.

As for the forehead marks, yeah I've heard of that but never heard anyone saying you're 'more Muslim' for having them -If I ever heard that I'd ask them ''what if my prayer mat is too soft :D''

did the mongols adopt islam because of some extra-special method of prayer not found in their native religion... or was it the real aspects of islam that attracted them... how would one speak of napoleon or puskin, for they were not religious but thoughtful men, spiritual men... and yet islam found admiration in them...
I understand what you're saying, Islam's underlying ideology or the non-ritualistic core elements are pretty admirable and significant -those concepts are the best and most important parts of Islam (justice, proportionality, racial equality etc.)

remember, my friend... taliban and deoband and ikhwaan and isis... they all origin from brainwashings of prayer fanatics.
Incorrect bro, they have nothing to do with too much prayer. If they were prayer fanatics they'd be building mosques instead of bombing them - they are products of an extremist and generally false narrative, couple with a disgustingly corrupted version of religion. Most of the fighters don't know anything about Islam (see How much Islam do Taliban know....?? they probably don't pray that eagerly (considering their lack of knowledge regarding prayer).

But you are right in one sense - they are people who ignore the core principles of Islam and practice only the ones they want to.
I don't like blanket anti-Islamic sentiment. But then, when you wax eloquent and blabber free speech and stuff, you don't seem half as concerned that even a 17000 strong protest in Germany is nothing in comparison to the inflexibility and religious intolerance in the Islamic world. Instead of accusing the world of being 'intolerant' and 'xenophobic' maybe you should do some introspection for a change. You guys still have a debate going on whenther Osama was a shaheed or not.

See, you are making the same mistake that many anti-Muslim posters here keep making.

This is not about comparing the rights in Germany to rights in the Muslim world.
This is about comparing the rights of non-Muslim Germans to the rights of Muslim Germans.

Muslim Germans deserve the same rights as any other citizen/resident of Germany, regardless of their religion. Any hatred or anger should be directed at criminal and extremist elements. The old excuse that the Muslim community tolerates or does not protest against extremism is a false canard to justify xenophobia. It's like saying all blacks are collectively responsible for crimes be black people.
See, you are making the same mistake that many anti-Muslim posters here keep making.

This is not about comparing the rights in Germany to rights in the Muslim world.
This is about comparing the rights of non-Muslim Germans to the rights of Muslim Germans.

Muslim Germans deserve the same rights as any other citizen/resident of Germany, regardless of their religion. Any hatred or anger should be directed at criminal and extremist elements. The old excuse that the Muslim community tolerates or does not protest against extremism is a false canard to justify xenophobia. It's like saying all blacks are collectively responsible for crimes be black people.

Where do you pull this stuff out of from man? 'In muslim lands the rights we give to non muslims is low, so if they get low rights that's fine, but in non muslim lands the rights they say they will give muslims is high so they must get that'. So one solution to the problem could be that European countries sign into law that muslims in their countries will be treated lower, not given homes, treated unequally etc. Theoretically that should be a solution that works under your formula.
Where do you pull this stuff out of from man? 'In muslim lands the rights we give to non muslims is low, so if they get low rights that's fine, but in non muslim lands the rights they say they will give muslims is high so they must get that'. So one solution to the problem could be that European countries sign into law that muslims in their countries will be treated lower, not given homes, treated unequally etc. Theoretically that should be a solution that works under your formula.

If you don't understand the concept of "equal under law" nothing I write will make sense to you.
If you don't understand the concept of "equal under law" nothing I write will make sense to you.

I'm using the concept of 'equal under law' and that is exactly what your point leads to. You discriminate against non muslims in your lands, so your statement is hogwash. If the EU puts certain laws specific to muslims then
I'm using the concept of 'equal under law' and that is exactly what your point leads to. You discriminate against non muslims in your lands, so your statement is hogwash. If the EU puts certain laws specific to muslims then

I don't know how it works in India, EU countries don't look at Middle Eastern countries for guidance on how to enact their laws.

What you are saying is how YOU would like them to chose their laws, but they are even less likely to listen to you for guidance.
This entire discussion is pretty laughable. Simple fact is, that politicians and governments in all EU countries move right and install antiimmigration laws. PEGIDA is usefull in that aspect. Thats democracy working.

If you knew history, you'd know that he is correct.

Europe is nothing but an extension of Middle-Eastern civilization.

Earliest civilization given to barbarians of Europe came from Assyrians, Phoecians, Persians, Egyptions and what not. The writing systems, languages of Rome/Greece came from Middle-Eastern civilizations.

Heck, even modern secularism in Europe is an influence of Islam. Google the words "father of Modern secular thought in Europe" and see what comes up. A Muslim scholar of Spain who was banned by Catholic Church for its secular ideas, but eventually his influence crushed Catholic Church and prevailed throughout Europe.

And again, it is European scholars/academia that have been him the title of Father of Secularism in Europe, not me...not you.

Middle-East was NEVER "romanized"...Moreover, when faced with Islam--Islam totally and completely crushed European culture, Christianity, and European influence from areas such as Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Palestine, Syria and so on.

Europe, even when it colonized Muslim lands, couldn't do jack against Islam or Islamic culture. Mashallah.

Today, there are 50 million plus Muslims throughout Europe, thousands of Mosques throughout Europe, and Islamic culture is present everywhere...In essence, Islamic Civilization extended itself even in the heartlands of Europe!

Whereas in Islamic world, Europe couldn't establish its civilization in such a way. The only chance Europe had to extend its civilization like Islam has extended was in Algeria..where there was physical presence of European culture and symbols.

Guess what?

It was destroyed by Algerians out of all people. Funny isn't it? When Muslims conquered European lands (North Africa, Egypt, Syria, Palestine etc), they totally annihilated and replaced European culture..and where they didn't..they ruled it for 800 years (and 500 plus years and continuing in Istanbul, Mashallah)..while when Europeans conquered Muslim lands--we not only preserved our culture, but we drove little Europeans out within 150 years to 200 years...

And then went on to take our culture in the heart of Europe itself!!! haha...while all Europeans do is to cry.

The bottom line is: Barbarians of Europe were "civilized" by Middle-Eastern Civilization(s) and not the other way around. These are facts. You can try to ignore, hide, and refuse to acknowledge..doesn't really matters. The history doesn't change :)

the difference is, that we never wanted our culture there. This would mean that we mix. What never happened for racist reasons. Europeans in muslim countries in colonial times did avoid even contact with the natives there. As for culture transfer. The entire muslim world gets westernized. Use our products, language, movies, music. Thats why the mullahs go crazy. :) We are the dominant culture on this planet. Why? simply because we are the best culture. I would prefer death over living in a muslim country where you have no freedom.
Where they r minority they call for support but where they r majority just imagine what will be the status ..... ?
I don't know how it works in India, EU countries don't look at Middle Eastern countries for guidance on how to enact their laws.

What you are saying is how YOU would like them to chose their laws, but they are even less likely to listen to you for guidance.

No, I'm saying that you are faulting the EU for not doing what You are doing in your own countries. You are accusing them of xenophobia because their las guarantee equal rights for all citizens, while your own discrimination against non muslims is acceptable to you.
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