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Germany anti-Islam protests: Cologne Cathedral to switch of lights in protest against Pegida

This entire discussion is pretty laughable. Simple fact is, that politicians and governments in all EU countries move right and install antiimmigration laws. PEGIDA is usefull in that aspect. Thats democracy working.

Pegida was started in Dresdan which is known for its hardline approach against all who are not Germans and Dresdan comes in East Germany and we even know about the situation in East Germany before 1989. There are even reports behind who are funding all the far rights groups all over EU.

All the EU countries are working to place border check points which i don't think is because of refugees or asylum seekers from Middle east or Africa but to restrict internal immigration among EU countries as there is a need of more mechanism. I don't think that living in any EU country is easy for the people of non European countries from Asia, Africa and Middle east because there is a system placed. When its hard for legal immigrants i cant understand how refugees or asylum seekers can live without the approval from the Government. EU is not India or Africa or GCC that anyone can come and live. Try to think about what i am trying to say . Immigration subject is linked to the regional and international issue in which billions of money is involved. EU countries need cheap labor to compete and there are some who are trying for an atmosphere that immigrants just agree to work on less wages.
With all due respect to the Muslims - I clearly see the difference between true Muslims and terrorists hiding behind the ideas of the religion - I would prefer Europe to remain Christian. Except for Bosnians and Albanians, of course.
With all due respect to the Muslims - I clearly see the difference between true Muslims and terrorists hiding behind the ideas of the religion - I would prefer Europe to remain Christian. Except for Bosnians and Albanians, of course.

Here this has nothing to do with religion but more about internal EU policy and there are some who can use the religion card in EU but they wont accept even Christians from Asia, Middle east and Africa. All are aware what is the problem but no one will say straight.
How is Islam crushed in Europe? Islam has a deeper history in Europe than any other religion outside of Christianity which ironically is a fellow Semitic religion also originating from the ME like so much else. Judaism included.

What is TOTALLY crushed is indigenous European paganism though. Replaced by ME religions and moral and ethical views that have shaped Europe for the past 2000 years.

There are over 50 million Muslims in Europe today and the numbers are growing albeit will stabilize in not a too distant future. About 7-8% of Europe's population. Constantinople - once the second most important city in Europe is now called Istanbul.

Also what is exactly special about defeating invaders after 800 years of rule? It's like if a Christian Western country had colonized a Muslim area for 800 years in the ME. Never did such a thing happen or will happen.

Besides the Muslim Arabs of Al-Andalus left over 10 World UNESCO Heritage sites in both Spain and Portugal and many of those attractions are now the main historical/cultural attractions of those two countries. Up to 20-25% of all Spanish words are of Arabic origin and Portuguese has a huge number as well. Influences in terms of cuisine, music, architecture etc. is also huge. Most locals see Al-Andalus as their heritage. Besides many Spaniards and Portuguese also have Arab/Berber ancestry.

Today Islam is also the second biggest religion in Spain.

Instaed of writing nonsense and alluding to Nazi like genocides then Europe must worry about the low birth rates. Look at the predicted population numbers of Europe in 2100. 5-6 African states are predicted to have more people by then. I say this as partially European person who has lived half of his life (still do) in Europe, have siblings born here and relatives.

Besides in 100 years time very few people will care about religion. That's my guess. Today the vast, vast majority of Muslims in Europe are nothing more than cultural Muslims who refuse to eat pork but who have no problem having sex with girls and going to nightclubs in the weekends. I know it, you know it and everyone familiar with Europe knows it. Maybe not the horde of Indian trolls that use this thread as a opportunity to write their idiotic posts. Stick to the slums, will you? The familiarity might be greater on that topic.

The bigotry and amount of idiotic posts from both sides is staggering on this thread. Just another day on PDF.


Keep an eye on this thread.

I love how you reply to trolls with long posts. I have personal experience of this. Any way I agree with your points. I should add though the trouble makers should be deported. If they really want their culture and laws in a European society then why not immigrate to your own country? You won't have any problems there, no more crying about racism. fortunately or unfortunately the world will continue to become a global village. We are definitely moving towards a very diverse world.
I love how you reply to trolls with long posts. I have personal experience of this. Any way I agree with your points. I should add though the trouble makers should be deported. If they really want their culture and laws in a European society then why not immigrate to your own country? You won't have any problems there, no more crying about racism. fortunately or unfortunately the world will continue to become a global village. We are definitely moving towards a very diverse world.

Even integrated legal immigrants are going through some major issues which are being over looked. Well when its about racism then the largest partner of EU countries are GCC, India, Japan and South Korea. But the problem here is with the attitude towards even legal immigrants and things are the same with the person who invested millions and who invested nothing. Here the problem is different and here the approach should be change from within EU countries domestic policy. Making guilty anyone is too easy but the problem is somewhere else. If Racism increases in EU then EU nationals can see the same racism even outside EU including in India, GCC, Japan and South Korea and this will spoil not only people to people relations but even business relations. There is a need for understanding
Even integrated legal immigrants are going through some major issues which are being over looked. Well when its about racism then the largest partner of EU countries are GCC, India, Japan and South Korea. But the problem here is with the attitude towards even legal immigrants and things are the same with the person who invested millions and who invested nothing. Here the problem is different and here the approach should be change from within EU countries domestic policy. Making guilty anyone is too easy but the problem is somewhere else. If Racism increases in EU then EU nationals can see the same racism even outside EU including in India, GCC, Japan and South Korea and this will spoil not only people to people relations but even business relations. There is a need for understanding

nobody in EU is against people from Japan or South Korea. This is against muslims only.

Face reality. Chinese and japanese also have conflicts. But they don´t come to germany or any other european country and make mass demonstrations here and beat each other up. There are cultures who know how to behave and others who have no culture at all...
nobody in EU is against people from Japan or South Korea. This is against muslims only.

Face reality. Chinese and japanese also have conflicts. But they don´t come to germany or any other european country and make mass demonstrations here and beat each other up. There are cultures who know how to behave and others who have no culture at all...

Let me quote you from the other thread about this:

I stated a fact. EU labels PKK terrorist but does nothing against them. They can operate without disturbance within EU boarders.

Nope it shows diplomatic wisdom. Do you know Machiavelli?

That way EU labels PKK as terroristic and gains cookie points from turkey and on other side holds the kurdish door open.

I thought you were enjoying Germany's "Kurdish door" with hundreds of terrorist supporters on its streets. What's the matter now?

Let me quote you from the other thread about this:

I thought you were enjoying Germany's "Kurdish door" with hundreds of terrorist supporters on its streets. What's the matter now?

They can do silently inside their house what they want but don´t disturb our business. You understand?
They can do silently inside their house what they want but don´t disturb our business. You understand?

As you can see in the videos, they can do whatever they want.

What a 'diplomatic wisdom'... :disagree:
As you can see in the videos, they can do whatever they want.

What a 'diplomatic wisdom'... :disagree:

I told you i think they should be silent here. What you don´t understand?
I told you i think they should be silent here. What you don´t understand?

I'm just trying to understand your stance on this. I mean you said that you see Germany's support to PKK, which is a terrorist organization, as a 'diplomatic wisdom' but you also don't wan't to see terrorist supporters roaming Germany. How come?
Well Islam is a system which is completely opposite to western systems and clash are inevitable. Muslims in Germany need to focus just on preaching Islam and converting as many as possible, like this guy is doing.

No Shariah police on the streets stopping all perceived unislamic activities? Come on, I thought you were a practicing Muslim!
I'm just trying to understand your stance on this. I mean you said that you see Germany's support to PKK, which is a terrorist organization, as a 'diplomatic wisdom' but you also don't wan't to see terrorist supporters roaming Germany. How come?

No, i said PKK is a diplomatic asset for EU. We keep a door open to the kurds and influence them. Thats positive.

But they should shut up here and don´t make much waves.
nobody in EU is against people from Japan or South Korea. This is against muslims only.

Face reality. Chinese and japanese also have conflicts. But they don´t come to germany or any other european country and make mass demonstrations here and beat each other up. There are cultures who know how to behave and others who have no culture at all...

Just don't make me to laugh, I have met not only Japanese but even Chinese and even some came on national tv and have shared their experiences.The same case with there even with Indians be there from any religion. Its like we are more tolerant to people from all over the world.

I am talking in general of the situation in most of the EU countries and here i am just saying what i am seeing in real life and in this i don't hate any one even when i have being hated and hurted by lot of people. Just waiting when Indian Government will take note on all this.


Moldavian-flagged Blue Sky M was on the Greek island of Zante on the morning of Monday, December 29, and how it managed to leave the island with 678 migrants aboard without Greek authorities noticing before it eventually arrived at the Apulian port of Gallipoli on Wednesday after an SOS was sent by radio from the freighter to attract attention, claiming falsely that armed men had commandeered the ship.

The migrants were in generally good condition but the arrival of the Ezadeen a short time after the arrival of another group of migrants aboard the Blue Sky M, also abandoned by its crew, has posed headaches for Italian authorities concerned by what EU commissioner for immigration Dimitris Avramopoulos called "new methods to exploit the desperate."

360 people including 54 women and 74 minors left the vessel at the port of Corigliano Calabro after Italian authorities boarded the ship Thursday to find it had been abandoned by its crew of people smugglers.

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They can not legally restrict converts. Their law forbids discrimination of citizens based on religion.

Though there are other ways - also legally - to de-incentivize converts and incentivize reversion to Christianity.

LOL don't make up words. "de-incentivize and incentivize" :rofl:
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