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Germany anti-Islam protests: Cologne Cathedral to switch of lights in protest against Pegida

lol at flat nose. my nose is not flat and yes that is my girl. you wang insult her now too? leave her out of this.

No disrespect to her or you. I'm just saying it is hard to place you. By the way, she looks Italian.
Germany needs to realize that the speech control laws they enacted as a bulwark against Nazism and xenophobia need to be expanded to protect all minorities, not just specific ones.

I don't like blanket anti-Islamic sentiment. But then, when you wax eloquent and blabber free speech and stuff, you don't seem half as concerned that even a 17000 strong protest in Germany is nothing in comparison to the inflexibility and religious intolerance in the Islamic world. Instead of accusing the world of being 'intolerant' and 'xenophobic' maybe you should do some introspection for a change. You guys still have a debate going on whenther Osama was a shaheed or not.

These actions will make sure of that by the way this man is
Pierre Vogel
View attachment 180821

I'm sorry, did I miss the 'world is against Islam' routine you specialize in?
Well, it was them and their governments that let the immigrants come there in the first place - if you don't like Muslims, don't let Muslims come and settle down in your countries. The west is all crazy about not discriminating and everything, and that's admirable, but they should understand that the whole point of having a nation-state in the first place is that you live with like-minded people with similar beliefs as you.

No one forced them to be liberal and open towards different cultures and people, they shouldn't cry about it now. That part was meant to address the people protesting against (all) Muslims in general.

As for those protesting against extremists (or, as some people like to say, ''Islamofascists''), I'm with them and so is the majority of Muslims. We should all be against extremists, idiots and extremist idiots who hijack religions, create dangerously dishonest narratives and get people killed.
lol...you shaped nothing. Stop insulting and belitteling my heritage

If you knew history, you'd know that he is correct.

Europe is nothing but an extension of Middle-Eastern civilization.

Earliest civilization given to barbarians of Europe came from Assyrians, Phoecians, Persians, Egyptions and what not. The writing systems, languages of Rome/Greece came from Middle-Eastern civilizations.

Heck, even modern secularism in Europe is an influence of Islam. Google the words "father of Modern secular thought in Europe" and see what comes up. A Muslim scholar of Spain who was banned by Catholic Church for its secular ideas, but eventually his influence crushed Catholic Church and prevailed throughout Europe.

And again, it is European scholars/academia that have been him the title of Father of Secularism in Europe, not me...not you.

Middle-East was NEVER "romanized"...Moreover, when faced with Islam--Islam totally and completely crushed European culture, Christianity, and European influence from areas such as Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Palestine, Syria and so on.

Europe, even when it colonized Muslim lands, couldn't do jack against Islam or Islamic culture. Mashallah.

Today, there are 50 million plus Muslims throughout Europe, thousands of Mosques throughout Europe, and Islamic culture is present everywhere...In essence, Islamic Civilization extended itself even in the heartlands of Europe!

Whereas in Islamic world, Europe couldn't establish its civilization in such a way. The only chance Europe had to extend its civilization like Islam has extended was in Algeria..where there was physical presence of European culture and symbols.

Guess what?

It was destroyed by Algerians out of all people. Funny isn't it? When Muslims conquered European lands (North Africa, Egypt, Syria, Palestine etc), they totally annihilated and replaced European culture..and where they didn't..they ruled it for 800 years (and 500 plus years and continuing in Istanbul, Mashallah)..while when Europeans conquered Muslim lands--we not only preserved our culture, but we drove little Europeans out within 150 years to 200 years...

And then went on to take our culture in the heart of Europe itself!!! haha...while all Europeans do is to cry.

The bottom line is: Barbarians of Europe were "civilized" by Middle-Eastern Civilization(s) and not the other way around. These are facts. You can try to ignore, hide, and refuse to acknowledge..doesn't really matters. The history doesn't change :)
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i support this move by the german people... europe should be cleansed of the fake-muslim who wears the burqa and the beard, and who spends their time being prayer fanatic... real islam is not those things.

but it is also the fault of european government for allowing this build-up of the fake-muslim within their lands... when the fake-muslim was under threat in socialist muslim lands ( real muslim ), it was the european governments which gave asylum to the faker because they wanted to use the faker in their conspiracies against these socialist muslims lands ( iraq, libya, syria... )... and of course, they allowed the wrong interpretation of islam from india to be preached to the second generation from the fake-muslim...

so my friends and not-friends, i support this move by the german people... and i also ask the germans and europeans to revolt against their governments for dragging the citizens into international conspiracies.
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Well, it was them and their governments that let the immigrants come there in the first place - if you don't like Muslims, don't let Muslims come and settle down in your countries. The west is all crazy about not discriminating and everything, and that's admirable, but they should understand that the whole point of having a nation-state in the first place is that you live with like-minded people with similar beliefs as you.

No one forced them to be liberal and open towards different cultures and people, they shouldn't cry about it now. That part was meant to address the people protesting against (all) Muslims in general.

As for those protesting against extremists (or, as some people like to say, ''Islamofascists''), I'm with them and so is the majority of Muslims. We should all be against extremists, idiots and extremist idiots who hijack religions, create dangerously dishonest narratives and get people killed.

I think EU integration policy for the member states was mainly based on internal immigration which was more or less to teach European member states nationals how to adopt new technology and use them as work force and improve their economic status and in all this the coming of refugees and asylum seekers from the war zones in Africa and Middle east has become as a plus point for the citizens of EU member states to get more opportunities and the policy of the EU commission is to first see citizens of EU member states and the immigration laws were put strict for all the citizens of all the non Eu countries including India,China, Japan etc. But in reality India, China, Japan , GCC all are having full investment in EU countries and even too many defense deals which worth billions.

Take example of India in the year 2012 , Indian companies invested $56 billion in EU and one after another lot of infrastructure deals, Nuclear sector deals, Food sector deals,Defense sector deals are given to Eu countries just in India its even the same in GCC.
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prayer fanatics
Prayer fanatics? We're supposed to pray peacefully and quietly five times a day and each prayer takes no more than ten minutes. I don't see how one can become fanatic by that. Besides, I'd be fine with people being fanatics about prayer instead of being fanatic about blowing others up for some misguided and false reason.
I think EU integration policy for the member states was mainly based on internal immigration which was more or less to teach European member states nationals how to adopt new technology and use them as work force and improve their economic status and in all this the coming of refugees and asylum seekers from the war zones in Africa and Middle east has become as a plus point for the citizens of EU member states to get more opportunities and the policy of the EU commission is to first see citizens of EU member states and the immigration laws were put strict for all the citizens of all the non Eu countries including India,China, Japan etc. But in reality India, China, Japan , GCC all are having full investment in EU countries and even too many defense deals which worth billions.

Take example of India in the year 2012 , Indian companies invested $56 billion in EU and one after another lot of infrastructure deals, Nuclear sector, Food sector,Defense sector are taken by EU companies just in India.
Yeah but their internal immigration system is still understandable - after all, the EU was supposed to form a sort of European super-state, encompassing many cultures and countries. But I'm talking about the non-EU immigrants.

Eastern Europeans are bad enough sometimes, but you don't see that much hatred for them as compared to Muslims nowadays - which is why I was suggesting that the EU improves its immigration policy for non-EU people. I mean, it is way too easy to make up some story about why you need asylum in Europe and actually get asylum, and eventually, even citizenship. (as an example). Their laws aren't as strict as they may seem.

It's their choice, if they want to let people with shady and/or generally bad backgrounds in, they shouldn't cry about it later on. Their countries, their decisions. I wouldn't complain if they stopped immigration from Muslim countries or at least the war-torn ones - but they shouldn't be crying about their own decisions like that.
yeah i look very philippines


I look like any other italian. My father is german, my mother italian. So stop your insults. beside that i reported you for insulting me
You do look Italian, but your boyfriend looks quite dumb....
Prayer fanatics? We're supposed to pray peacefully and quietly five times a day and each prayer takes no more than ten minutes.

doesn't the five-times-a-day and the method come from hadees bukhari??

I don't see how one can become fanatic by that. Besides, I'd be fine with people being fanatics about prayer instead of being fanatic about blowing others up for some misguided and false reason.

well, the prayer fanatic thinks islam is all about prayer, and that one is being more muslim by praying, constantly praying, praying loudly, praying on the loudspeaker, and of course, special marks to those who get that mark on the forehead by keeping the forehead on the prayer mat for too long and for too many times.

did the mongols adopt islam because of some extra-special method of prayer not found in their native religion... or was it the real aspects of islam that attracted them... how would one speak of napoleon or puskin, for they were not religious but thoughtful men, spiritual men... and yet islam found admiration in them...

i don't know what is prayer, and i never will pray.

remember, my friend... taliban and deoband and ikhwaan and isis... they all origin from brainwashings of prayer fanatics.
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i support this move by the german people... europe should be cleansed of the fake-muslim who wears the burqa and the beard, and who spends their time being prayer fanatic... real islam is not those things.

In directly you are talking about acceptance of Kurds and already Germany is training Kurds in Kurdistan.

but it is also the fault of european government for allowing this build-up of the fake-muslim within their lands... when the fake-muslim was under threat in socialist muslim lands ( real muslim ), it was the european governments which gave asylum to the faker because they wanted to use the faker in their conspiracies against these socialist muslims lands ( iraq, libya, syria... )... and of course, they allowed the wrong interpretation of islam from india to be preached to the second generation from the fake-muslim...

What you are talking here its linked to the international politics in which religion is being used. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan are no different from the African states of South Sudan, Rwanda and Nigeria etc when its about oil or natural resources deals . Regarding Islam of the Sub Continent Muslims then its only India , where Muslims do understand what is happening on the ground in middle east and they try to see the whole situation from all the angles. Indian Muslims believes in brotherhood and are living in their native lands.

so my friends and not-friends, i support this move by the german people... and i also ask the germans and europeans to revolt against their governments for dragging the citizens into international conspiracies.

For sure Germans are having all the right to reject immigration but Germans do understand the reason behind why the German Establishment is allowing refugees and Asylum seekers in Quotas under UN mandate but still its mainly the internal immigration within EU member states or the Asylum seekers from other eastern European countries who are not members of EU.

Yeah but their internal immigration system is still understandable - after all, the EU was supposed to form a sort of European super-state, encompassing many cultures and countries. But I'm talking about the non-EU immigrants.

Eastern Europeans are bad enough sometimes, but you don't see that much hatred for them as compared to Muslims nowadays - which is why I was suggesting that the EU improves its immigration policy for non-EU people. I mean, it is way too easy to make up some story about why you need asylum in Europe and actually get asylum, and eventually, even citizenship. (as an example). Their laws aren't as strict as they may seem.

It's their choice, if they want to let people with shady and/or generally bad backgrounds in, they shouldn't cry about it later on. Their countries, their decisions. I wouldn't complain if they stopped immigration from Muslim countries or at least the war-torn ones - but they shouldn't be crying about their own decisions like that.

Here its more about security issues when it comes with Eastern European countries that's why EU members states wants border check points which is mainly to stop smugglers and traffickers and this is the reason that EU is having border agreements with non EU countries . The Muslim refugees and Asylum seekers from war zones are allowed to enter in quotas which is under the UN mandate. EU do have to improve its immigration policy for Non EU legal immigrants even and there are lot of gaps in there. I don't think that integration is any issue from anywhere but the problem is there with acceptance and some EU governments are turning blind eye to the gross rights violations of the legal immigrants which are guaranteed according to the agreements and treaties signed between the countries.

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