shaped nothing. Stop insulting and belitteling my heritage
If you knew history, you'd know that he is correct.
Europe is nothing but an extension of Middle-Eastern civilization.
Earliest civilization given to barbarians of Europe came from Assyrians, Phoecians, Persians, Egyptions and what not. The writing systems, languages of Rome/Greece came from Middle-Eastern civilizations.
Heck, even modern secularism in Europe is an influence of Islam. Google the words "father of Modern secular thought in Europe" and see what comes up. A Muslim scholar of Spain who was banned by Catholic Church for its secular ideas, but eventually his influence crushed Catholic Church and prevailed throughout Europe.
And again, it is European scholars/academia that have been him the title of Father of Secularism in Europe, not me...not you.
Middle-East was NEVER "romanized"...Moreover, when faced with Islam--Islam totally and completely crushed European culture, Christianity, and European influence from areas such as Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Palestine, Syria and so on.
Europe, even when it colonized Muslim lands, couldn't do jack against Islam or Islamic culture. Mashallah.
Today, there are 50 million plus Muslims throughout Europe, thousands of Mosques throughout Europe, and Islamic culture is present everywhere...In essence, Islamic Civilization extended itself even in the heartlands of Europe!
Whereas in Islamic world, Europe couldn't establish its civilization in such a way. The only chance Europe had to extend its civilization like Islam has extended was in Algeria..where there was physical presence of European culture and symbols.
Guess what?
It was destroyed by Algerians out of all people. Funny isn't it? When Muslims conquered European lands (North Africa, Egypt, Syria, Palestine etc), they totally annihilated and replaced European culture..and where they didn't..they ruled it for 800 years (and 500 plus years and continuing in Istanbul, Mashallah)..while when Europeans conquered Muslim lands--we not only preserved our culture, but we drove little Europeans out within 150 years to 200 years...
And then went on to take our culture in the heart of Europe itself!!! haha...while all Europeans do is to cry.
The bottom line is: Barbarians of Europe were "civilized" by Middle-Eastern Civilization(s) and not the other way around. These are facts. You can try to ignore, hide, and refuse to acknowledge..doesn't really matters. The history doesn't change