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Germany anti-Islam protests: Cologne Cathedral to switch of lights in protest against Pegida


Another one-liner while I am solely writing historical facts. You are disappointing me. There are no insults involved either unless you think that historical facts are somehow "insults" and why should I insult Europe when I am of partial European ancestry myself, live in Europe, have relatives in Europe and even have siblings born in Europe? Quit the idiotic circus and take the debate as a man of knowledge or quit the senseless one-liners.

No insults? You try to put my heritage and history down. And my history is based on rome and hellenism. Not some crazy lunatic in egypt who forces tenthousands to build a gigantic stone hill for his corpse. We have no history with middle east. We conquered you,. You were a colony and thats it. Nothing more and nothing less.
No insults? You try to put my heritage and history down. And my history is based on rome and hellenism. Not some crazy lunatic in egypt who forces tenthousands to build a gigantic stone hill for his corpse. We have no history with middle east. We conquered you,. You were a colony and thats it. Nothing more and nothing less.

Okay, that's enough please. Please can all you stick to the topic and refer to the forum rules:
Forum Rules

Any further posts directed towards members nationality, faith, and personal life will be reported as spam.
No insults? You try to put my heritage and history down. And my history is based on rome and hellenism. Not some crazy lunatic in egypt who forces tenthousands to build a gigantic stone hill for his corpse. We have no history with middle east. We conquered you,. You were a colony and thats it. Nothing more and nothing less.

When did Germans conquer the ME? That never happened. You do realize that the Roman Empire (a totally multicultural empire) was even ruled by an Arab? Philip the Arab? That several Roman Emperors were from ME and Queens? Popes included. You really have a poor knowledge about Europe and the ME it seems. Nor do I understand your need to constantly state that you are somehow superior. You don't really show that. Just so you know.

Your accusations of historical facts being "insults" is rather ridiculous.

Anyway I remember our discussions about space, your opposition to the death penalty, history (where you were busy empathizing how Southern Europeans and ME people are basically one - I can find your posts if you want) and now back to this circus.

Stop acting this way below;

I am out. PDF is addictive as usual but I got an exam next week.

Grüss Gott, meine Freunde!
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1. I said nowhere that i support PEGIDA. I did not even say an opinion about it. I stated some fat and explained whats going on.

2. I say it is an insult to call me philippino because i´m none. Same thing when you call a chinese japanese or turk an arab. I´m what i´m and it is considered an insult to label someone something else.

Why don't you support them? You sure have the similar mentality as them. You consider having anything in common with muslims an insult. I mean, you even said something like this to warn the muslims in EU:

Europe spain once had 10% jews and germany 8%... as a little reminder. :)

So yeah, why not? Are they too "soft" for your taste?
Yes i'm aware of who she is. And i'm aware of what Europeans are capable of. Europe alone conquered the entire world with its own might. Europeans are just soft on these Muslim immigrants due to the political correctness, but once they awaken they can and will wipe out any and all threats to their existence.

Its sad that it has come to this. It really is. These Muslim immigrants and their parasitical behavior is what's ruining the image of all Muslims in the West including myself.
i agree with a lot of what you say but the western governments are to blame too they side with extremest in the middle east look at what happened in Egypt and they sided with the brotherhood in syria for more than 3 years they look the other way while extremists from all around the world gather and group in libya they helped to rid them from qaddafi rule but now when extremests are on the streets what do they do ?and all this made a lot of people think about living in Europe
When did Germans conquer the ME? That never happened. You do realize that the Roman Empire was even ruled by an Arab? Philip the Arab? That several Roman Emperors were from ME and Queens? Popes included. You really have a poor knowledge about Europe and the ME it seems. Nor do I understand your need to constantly state that you are somehow superior. You don't really show that. Just so you know.

Your accusations of historical facts being "insults" is rather ridiculous.

Anyway I remember our discussions about space, your opposition to the death penalty, history (where you were busy empathizing how Southern Europeans and ME people are basically one - I can find your posts if you want) and now back to this circus.

Stop acting this way below;

I am out. PDF is addictive as usual but I got an exam next week.

Grüss Gott, meine Freunde!

don´t expect a real conversation when you only insult the other person. You come here and put all what i stand for down, insult my ancestors and reduce them to nothing and then expect me to stay calm and nice? Sorry, thats not going to work. The roman empire means something for me. For you not...thats ok. But for me its my ancestors and i´m proud for them. You try to make my ancestors 2nd class people and insist that evrything came from your ancestors and we hijacked it. if you dont see the insult in there then i don´t know.

anways i won´t comment this any further. i stated my point and thats it.
don´t expect a real conversation when you only insult the other person. You come here and put all what i stand for down, insult my ancestors and reduce them to nothing and then expect me to stay calm and nice? Sorry, thats not going to work. The roman empire means something for me. For you not...thats ok. But for me its my ancestors and i´m proud for them. You try to make my ancestors 2nd class people and insist that evrything came from your ancestors and we hijacked it. if you dont see the insult in there then i don´t know.

anways i won´t comment this any further. i stated my point and thats it.

A quick reply to this ridiculous post above.

I am not sure if you are joking here or if this is just you continuing your previous tactic when you cannot counter historical facts. Where have I put anything down? Where did I even comment about the Roman Empire in a negative way other than stating facts about its multicultural makeup, that it was heavily influenced by Greece (the first real civilization in Europe of a magnitude) which itself was heavily influenced by ancient ME civilizations next by? Or when I put your nonsense claims apart in regards to the ME when republicanism and individualism was briefly discussed or when I mentioned that most rulers in antiquity (EVERYWHERE) were tyrants and that the average man and woman struggled?

You really act like a child considering that you are in your late 20's.

LOL, at me being "anti-Europe" (I guess that you do not read my posts on other sections on PDF). Like accusing me of being anti-Arab. Only on PDF. Anyway a moderator told us to stop so I am stopping after this post. The only thing that I am anti-x or y is the Iranian Mullah regime, retards (of all colors, ideologies, races) and a few other harmless things. I am anti-Real Madrid too.
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yeah i look very philippines


I look like any other italian. My father is german, my mother italian. So stop your insults. beside that i reported you for insulting me
You look every European. Just get rid of the long hair.
No insults? You try to put my heritage and history down. And my history is based on rome and hellenism. Not some crazy lunatic in egypt who forces tenthousands to build a gigantic stone hill for his corpse. We have no history with middle east. We conquered you,. You were a colony and thats it. Nothing more and nothing less.
WTF you call the people who started civilization crazy lunatics while they knew medicine and engineering your grand fathers if you are really european and not philippino were chasing wild animals in the forest show a little respect
yeah i look very philippines


I look like any other italian. My father is german, my mother italian. So stop your insults. beside that i reported you for insulting me
Is that your gf?

I have no Guatemalan ancestry. Just because my greatgrandmother comes from guatamale and has a spanish heritage doesn´t mean i have guatemalan ancestry. I look like any other italian. So nope. never any discrimination.
Perhaps you have blood from afro Arabic conquerers of Spain? You do have a pseudo flat nose that afro Arabs, blacks and south east Asians share.

Please read up on the subject you are commenting on before letting one rip:

Michael Adebolajo & Michael Adebowale, were both born to British Christian families and were brought up and educated in London, not Kabul.
Thats a cute dolphin I need that pix....Alot of people quoting me here on PDF can be answered with this pix alone
Is that your gf?

Perhaps you have blood from afro Arabic conquerers of Spain? You do have a pseudo flat nose that afro Arabs, blacks and south east Asians share.

lol at flat nose. my nose is not flat and yes that is my girl. you wang insult her now too? leave her out of this.

WTF you call the people who started civilization crazy lunatics while they knew medicine and engineering your grand fathers if you are really european and not philippino were chasing wild animals in the forest show a little respect

respect for what? Egypt never reached the size, cultural advancement and development that rome achieved, In the end it became our colony. I visited egypt at a nile cruise. Was nice to see but nothing impressive at all.
He is a muslim. He is advocating demographic subversion of India by importing Bangladeshi muslims, and of Europe by Boat Jihadis.

From where you are getting these wrong assumptions. I am against illegal Bangladeshi immigrants inside India

Regarding those boat refugees most of them are from Africa comes from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Nigeria. Rwanda, Gambia and Congo and majority of them are African Christians. Syrian, Iraqis, Libyans,Somalians all are coming from the war zones and those are even refugees.


yeah i look very philippines

I look like any other italian. My father is german, my mother italian. So stop your insults. beside that i reported you for insulting me

To me you look like Human who is having life, brain to think and heart to do good for others.
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respect for what? Egypt never reached the size, cultural advancement and development that rome achieved, In the end it became our colony. I visited egypt at a nile cruise. Was nice to see but nothing impressive at all.
you have to respect others for them to respect you this was my point egypt arab persian greek china all have a great history and has done a lot for mankind civilization in general

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