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Germany anti-Islam protests: Cologne Cathedral to switch of lights in protest against Pegida

Keep telling yourself that. I suggest that you reread what I wrote or just open a few history books.

European paganism is dead outside of a few clowns in costumes sacrificing animals and drinking their blood etc. Ridiculed by everyone.

Yes, ME did not influence Europe at all, Judaism, Christianity and Islam originated in Iceland, Portugal and Belarus respectively as well and 50 million Muslims are suddenly going to disappear all while religion continues to play a lesser role everywhere in the world.

Most people in Europe are not religious. This includes Muslims. If you were a Catholic that followed his religion you would not have bragged about how many girls that you have fucked knowing very well what the Catholic Church says about sex before marriage. Similarly most Muslims in Europe do not follow Islam.

The problems with people of Muslim background in certain European states has something to do with their social class and the fact that most of the Muslims that came to Europe came from the lowest classes of the Muslim world. Their problems are bound in lack of education, their social inheritance etc.

A bit similar to how the Christian African-Americans and Latino communities in the US.

In any case low births and rapidly decreasing populations, the spread of knowledge to the entire world, the playing field leveling all across the world in terms of prosperity and science (slowly but steadily this will happen) etc. will inevitably make the world what it has always been. A globalized farm. Anyone fighting against that is fighting a already lost war.

In 100 years time we will hopefully have made huge technological progresses in terms of space exploration etc. that such discussions will be left for the simple-minded.

This is laughable.

1. keep religion out. yes i´m roman catholic and like evry human i´m not perfect. Its not on you too judge.

2. the middle east never developed democracy, individualism and freedom. The individual counts nothing there. Thats deep in culture.
This is laughable.

1. keep religion out. yes i´m roman catholic and like evry human i´m not perfect. Its not on you too judge.

2. the middle east never developed democracy, individualism and freedom. The individual counts nothing there. Thats deep in culture.

No, it's not. You can't counter anything other than dumb one-liners. I know European history better than most people let alone the average PDF member. This is also part of my heritage and that of family. When I see bullshit from ignorants I will counter it. Just like I do with users from the ME here or elsewhere.

I am not interested in what you are nor have I judged you as I am not interested in what you are doing. I used you as a perfect example of a "cultural Christian". Just like I ridicule Muslims in Europe who act like Mullah's when they see fit but are the biggest "players" on the nightclubs during the weekend. I thought that you lived in Europe? You must know the ground realities. A few ghettos inhabited by people of a Muslim background who happen to be descendants of the lowest social classes (mostly) in their respective countries of origin do not speak for anyone. There are more native Germans with social problems and similar struggles than migrants. Just go and visit East Germany. A regular village there.

The ones that call for a change of Danish customs, laws or German are a tiny, tiny minority of Muslims. If they truly wanted this to change they would have moved to countries that apply such laws but they don't. You cannot fool anyone here on PDF other than people with no clue about the ground realities in Europe. For instance the Indian horde here which you often happen to ridicule. Now they are running around you like loyal pets on a hunting trip.

That's nonsense. Both monarchism and republicanism was born in the ME just like the first individual accounts of people.

The main thing that sets Europe apart and the Western world is what I mentioned in previous posts and the fact that the West managed to separate state and church. Along with this absolute rule ended too (outside of Eastern Europe and the Hitler, Mussolini, Franco etc. in between) and the old system of ruler and subject which unfortunately is still present in the ME. Once this gets removed, which is a question of time, we will see a similar development. We already see glimpses of it.

Look I like you for bringing character to PDF and we have enjoyed discussions in the past but for a person that claims to be enlightened some of your views are a direct opposite of that.
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You are not even German or Italian so stop it with your inferiority complex. You are from the Philippines if I am not mistaken. You posted this picture claiming to be 'pure' European :lol:


yeah i look very philippines


I look like any other italian. My father is german, my mother italian. So stop your insults. beside that i reported you for insulting me
yeah i look very philippines

I look like any other italian. My father is german, my mother italian. So stop your insults. beside that i reported you for insulting me

No you do not look Italian or German. Please stop it with your lies.
And yes you do look philipino. There is no insult in that. Be proud of who you are and stop acting more European than Europeans themselves.
No, it's not. You can't counter anything other than dumb one-liners. I know European history better than most people let alone the average PDF member. This is also part of my heritage and that of family. When I see bullshit from ignorants I will counter it. Just like I do with users from the ME here or elsewhere.

I am not interested in what you are nor have I judged you as I am not interested in what you are doing. I used you as a perfect example of a "cultural Christian". Just like I ridicule Muslims in Europe who act like Mullah's when they see fit but are the biggest "players" on the nightclubs during the weekend. I thought that you lived in Europe? You must know the ground realities. A few ghettos inhabited by people of a Muslim background who happen to be descendants of the lowest social classes (mostly) in their respective countries of origin do not speak for anyone. There are more native Germans with social problems and similar struggles than migrants. Just go and visit East Germany. A regular village there.

The ones that call for a change of Danish customs, laws or German are a tiny, tiny minority of Muslims. If they truly wanted this to change they would have moved to countries that apply such laws but they don't. You cannot fool anyone here on PDF other than people with no clue about the ground realities in Europe. For instance the Indian horde here which you often happen to ridicule. Now they are running around you like loyal pets on a hunting trip.

That's nonsense. Both monarchism and republicanism was born in the ME just like the first individual accounts of people.

The main thing that sets Europe apart and the Western world is what I mentioned in previous posts and the fact that the West managed to separate state and church. Along with this absolute rule ended too (outside of Eastern Europe and the Hitler, Mussolini, Franco etc. in between) and the old system of ruler and subject which unfortunately is still present in the ME. Once this gets removed, which is a question of time, we will see a similar development. We already see glimpses of it.

Look I like you and we have enjoyed discussions in the past but for a person that claims to be enlightened some of your views are a direct opposite of that.

yeah republicanism was created in middle east...llllllooooooooooooooooooollllll not one culture there achieved greatness like ours. You wasted rescources for absolut nonsense like gigantic tombs (pyramide)...Then Alexander brought civilisation there.
Funny, then you accuse me of being insulting. Whatever I am, I will be proud of it. I don't pretend to be 'pure' European.:lol:

My father is german, my mother italian. That is both parts european. What you are is irrelevant for me. Your country has zero effect on my life. Why you say thats insulting. Iran was conquered from arabs and mongolians. Thats a historic fact.
My father is german, my mother italian. That is both parts european. What you are is irrelevant for me. Your country has zero effect on my life. Why you say thats insulting. Iran was conquered from arabs and mongolians. Thats a historic fact.

This is what a half German half Italian looks like:


Not what you look like. You look Philipino, and you should be proud of it.
Don't pretend to be European. You're only embarrassing yourself.
yeah republicanism was created in middle east...llllllooooooooooooooooooollllll not one culture there achieved greatness like ours. You wasted rescources for absolut nonsense like gigantic tombs (pyramide)...Then Alexander brought civilisation there.

The first glimpses of early republics were found in the city states of the Near East (ME).

In the ancient Near East, a number of cities of the Eastern Mediterranean achieved collective rule. Arwad has been cited as one of the earliest known examples of a republic, in which the people, rather than a monarch, are described as sovereign.[15] TheIsraelite confederation of the era before the United Monarchy has also been considered a type of republic.[7][16]

Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please don't insult my knowledge.

Yes, the pyramids are famous all over the world and are the most impressive ancient structures on the planet. Arguably the most famous architectural heritage from the ancient world. How is that a bad thing?

Europe until democracy appeared was ruled by the most vicious tyrants that the world has ever seen. The average man and woman were oppressed like anywhere else. Even during the height of the Greek city states (small overall compared to what occurred in the ME back then and had occurred for millenniums before) and the Roman Empire the freedoms enjoyed were not even remotely close to those we see today.

Alexander The Great conquered the ME because it was the most important area of the ancient world and in search of knowledge and richness.

He did invade the ME for a reason and not Northern, Eastern or Central Europe which was irrelevant back then.

Please stop your circus.
I look like any other italian. My father is german, my mother italian. So stop your insults. beside that i reported you for insulting me

How is calling someone Philippino being racist? You are being racist for considering that as racism. First your genocide fantasies and now this...

You represent this PEGIDA bunch raelly well here, and giving us a clue about their level of intellect and intolerance. It is unfortunate for my kins in Germany with what kind of mentality they have to deal with sometimes :disagree:
The first glimpses of early republics were found in the city states of the Near East (ME).

In the ancient Near East, a number of cities of the Eastern Mediterranean achieved collective rule. Arwad has been cited as one of the earliest known examples of a republic, in which the people, rather than a monarch, are described as sovereign.[15] TheIsraelite confederation of the era before the United Monarchy has also been considered a type of republic.[7][16]

Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please don't insult my knowledge.

Yes, the pyramids are famous all over the world and are the most impressive ancient structures on the planet. Arguably the most famous architectural heritage from the ancient world. How is that a bad thing?

Europe until democracy appeared was ruled by the most vicious tyrants that the world has ever seen. The average man and woman were oppressed like anywhere else. Even during the height of the Greek city states (small overall compared to what occurred in the ME back then and had occurred for millenniums before) and the Roman Empire the freedoms enjoyed were not even remotely close to those we see today.

Alexander The Great conquered the ME because it was the most important area of the ancient world and in search of knowledge and richness.

He did invade the ME for a reason and not Northern, Eastern or Central Europe which was irrelevant back then.

Please stop your circus.

the only circus is see here are your laughable statements and insults against my people.

How is calling someone Philippino being racist? You are being racist for considering that as racism. First your genocide fantasies and now this...

You represent this PEGIDA bunch raelly well here, and giving us a clue about their level of intellect and intolerance. It is unfortunate for my kins in Germany with what kind of mentality they have to deal with sometimes :disagree:

1. I said nowhere that i support PEGIDA. I did not even say an opinion about it. I stated some fat and explained whats going on.

2. I say it is an insult to call me philippino because i´m none. Same thing when you call a chinese japanese or turk an arab. I´m what i´m and it is considered an insult to label someone something else.

Another one-liner while I am solely writing historical facts. You are disappointing me. There are no insults involved either unless you think that historical facts are somehow "insults" and why should I insult Europe when I am of partial European ancestry myself, live in Europe, have relatives in Europe and even have siblings born in Europe? Quit the idiotic circus and take the debate as a man of knowledge or quit the senseless one-liners.

I am not the one posting your photos or claiming that you look like people x or y. I don't care.

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