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General Bakshi reveals Kargil humiliation

A very good reason to have suppressed that news.. '90-91 was a year of major financial turmoil in India... Don't know what duration was he talking about, could be VP Singh or Narasimha Rao. But none of them was in a position to mount a major offensive on Pakistan due to poor economic condition prevailing that time.

Anyways GD Bakshi has gone too emotional lately, largely making political statements rather than a General. Will take everything he says with a pinch of salt.
The truth is that Pakistan lost both kargil in 90s and siachin in 80s ,Siachin however was an example of Indian aggression.
Since Kargil Pakistan has failed to regain the initiative because both military and civilian leadership lack the courage and vision.
India today however have further widened the gap and there remains no parity between the two armies,India is by far among the top 10 strongest armies in the globe..
anyway, by your own leaders.

However, he said, a “naive military adventurer, Gen Musharraf,” launched the operation without proper planning on May 8, 1999 causing loss of life of 3,000 officers and Jawans of the Northern Light Infantry (NLI) and Kashmiri Mujahideen, while India suffered loss of 474 soldiers.

and this happens when a military is asked for inquiry about their own misadventures.

The PML-N leader said Gen Musharraf had wilfully avoided constituting a commission to fix the responsibility for this huge military defeat that had demoralised the entire nation. He said the deposed prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, had “constituted a military inquiry committee that recommended court-martial” of Gen Musharraf but the general overthrew the government and “stole the report” from the PM House to save his neck.

and this

The Indian military made a “clean sweep of the NLI and the military posts started falling one after the other”, he said. He said during the Kargil Operation, the Indian intelligence agency, RAW, fed useful information to their military causing their victory, while “the intelligence agencies of Pakistan shamefully failed in feeding any useful information to the military”.

Mr Farooq said while Gen Musharraf was on a state visit to China, the then Chief of General Staff Gen Aziz informed him about the nitty-gritty of the Kargil Operation. He said RAW “bugged every word of this conversation and made it public” thus inflicting a huge diplomatic and political loss on Pakistan.

He said that on his return from China on June 2, 1999, when the federal cabinet summoned Gen Musharraf, he told them that the China had advised him to call back Mujahideen from Kargil(all weather friend)


Yes, always nawaz and zardari mess up and waste the plans of bravest military on planet. A military who ruled pakistan directly or 35 yrs and indirectly for rest.
Nawaz Sharif did not even know about the war till he saw it on the news. It was a totally covert and independent operation launched by Pervez Musharraf. The PMLN leadership was extremely against the movie and tried everything in their power to defame Pervez Musharraf and the war. Nawaz Sharif preassured other military commanders not to get involved in the war and forcefully prevent supplies, artillery and aerial supported. This was one of the reasons Pervez Musharraf named for declaring martial law.
I didn't understand much of what he was saying but I did get the part where he states his soldiers were too afraid to face PA.
According to this Gen, before he enter the game his solider were demoralized and adopted wrong strategy to counter Pak soldiers. later he fixed everything and was happy ending.
According to this Gen, before he enter the game his solider were demoralized and adopted wrong strategy to counter Pak soldiers. later he fixed everything and was happy ending.
where did he said that??
Any English translation of what he’s saying?
I didn't understand much of what he was saying but I did get the part where he states his soldiers were too afraid to face PA.
he's saying they were humiliated by pakistan in 1990s and onwards pakistan captured all the high ground dance on theirs post saying if you dare shoot us but no one dare to challenge them they have bigger weapons and the indian government hid it all like they do usually
where did he said that??

he's saying they were humiliated by pakistan in 1990s and onwards pakistan captured all the high ground dance on theirs post saying if you dare shoot us but no one dare to challenge them they have bigger weapons and the indian government hid it all like they do usually
Sum up this Gen point of view. Instead of word by word trans..
Sum up this Gen point of view. Instead of word by word trans..
his point of view was to humiliate pakistan the same way they did them but he never said they have achieve that goal
The greatest bluff Pakistan military pulled off is fooling their own citizens.

How else can one explain how that video is interpreted in the way the OP is doing?
Carry on though.
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