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General Bakshi reveals Kargil humiliation

read the date of the article.

btw, why you always consider army a most cleaned entity of whole pakistan not politcians?

Politicians may be corrupt but wont sell nation. They may kill people for their own political benefits.
Politicians are also your own people not indian national.
Politicians won't sell a nation. Are you kidding me. A politician will sell his mother if there was again in it for him
Here is full version on youtube....

In the end of video there is also some twist for indians to live furthermore....:lol:

In the end he says, govt dint disclose whole incident ? Right ?

Btw till now, how many times your army has been enquired about all wars with india ? After kargil, mushy imposed martial law when PMLN asked for enquiry ? right ?

Politicians won't sell a nation. Are you kidding me. A politician will sell his mother if there was again in it for him

I was talking about india not pakistan. Here in india, politicians are questioned unlike in pakistan.
In the end he says, govt dint disclose whole incident ? Right ?

Btw till now, how many times your army has been enquired about all wars with india ? After kargil, mushy imposed martial law when PMLN asked for enquiry ? right ?

I was talking about india not pakistan. Here in india, politicians are questioned unlike in pakistan.

We give our armed forces free rein to defend our borders and do what's required.
Nice find. Coming directly from horse mouth. Kargil was the real surgical strike, infact the longest in recent warfare history.

Us waqt ki sarkar ne isko daba diya - Genral Bakshi

Kisi ki sarkar thi?
PM kaun tha?

Rahul Gandhi?

Good questions raised. Let the Bhakts and RSS goons answer this.
You dont give but they already had it from beginning. You blindly blv what they say.
My dear when every family just about has someone in the military they are not outsiders as in India. They are us and we are them.
Here is full version on youtube....

In the end of video there is also some twist for indians to live furthermore....:lol:

Wish i could play General Bakhshi's statement back to him.....while previously he admits that the Indian soldiers dare not step out of the bunkers and had to relieve themselves next to the pot of Haldi Daal.....but once he took over the command, somehow they not somehow only managed to rebuild and re-equip the bunkers but just as in Indian movies, they ended the episode with a song and dance on the roofs.... and they lived happily ever after. :laugh:
anyway, by your own leaders.

However, he said, a “naive military adventurer, Gen Musharraf,” launched the operation without proper planning on May 8, 1999 causing loss of life of 3,000 officers and Jawans of the Northern Light Infantry (NLI) and Kashmiri Mujahideen, while India suffered loss of 474 soldiers.

and this happens when a military is asked for inquiry about their own misadventures.

The PML-N leader said Gen Musharraf had wilfully avoided constituting a commission to fix the responsibility for this huge military defeat that had demoralised the entire nation. He said the deposed prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, had “constituted a military inquiry committee that recommended court-martial” of Gen Musharraf but the general overthrew the government and “stole the report” from the PM House to save his neck.

and this

The Indian military made a “clean sweep of the NLI and the military posts started falling one after the other”, he said. He said during the Kargil Operation, the Indian intelligence agency, RAW, fed useful information to their military causing their victory, while “the intelligence agencies of Pakistan shamefully failed in feeding any useful information to the military”.

Mr Farooq said while Gen Musharraf was on a state visit to China, the then Chief of General Staff Gen Aziz informed him about the nitty-gritty of the Kargil Operation. He said RAW “bugged every word of this conversation and made it public” thus inflicting a huge diplomatic and political loss on Pakistan.

He said that on his return from China on June 2, 1999, when the federal cabinet summoned Gen Musharraf, he told them that the China had advised him to call back Mujahideen from Kargil(all weather friend)


Yes, always nawaz and zardari mess up and waste the plans of bravest military on planet. A military who ruled pakistan directly or 35 yrs and indirectly for rest.
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So we have been doing surgical strikes on Indians forces like for ever.
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