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Featured Gen. Asim Saleem Bajwa debunks all allegations against him


Oct 2, 2019
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Like I said in the other thread - merely creating companies is not a big deal. I can create a dozen companies by paying the small amount of fees and doing the required paperwork.

The main issue was whether those companies owned by his family members had received government contracts illegally or whether Gen. Bajwa had defrauded the State whilst in the military.

Even Noorani was unable to come up with any allegations regarding the companies owned by Gen. Bajwa's family receiving government contracts illegally or any claims regarding Gen. Bajwa extorting money, receiving bribes or siphoning off money while serving in the military.

The Ahmad Noorani piece was a complete hatchet job, poorly done by basically using the 'success' of a government employees family in the US as a 'charge sheet'.

Only in Pakistan, where journalism and journalistic integrity and professionalism continues to plummet to record levels, could such a piece have received the traction that it did.
Like I said in the other thread - merely creating companies is not a big deal. I can create a dozen companies by paying the small amount of fees and doing the required paperwork.

The main issue was whether those companies owned by his family members had received government contracts illegally or whether Gen. Bajwa had defrauded the State whilst in the military.

Even Noorani was unable to come up with any allegations regarding the companies owned by Gen. Bajwa's family receiving government contracts illegally or any claims regarding Gen. Bajwa extorting money, receiving bribes or siphoning off money while serving in the military.

The Ahmad Noorani piece was a complete hatchet job, poorly done by basically using the 'success' of a government employees family in the US as a 'charge sheet'.

Only in Pakistan, where journalism and journalistic integrity and professionalism continues to plummet to record levels, could such a piece have received the traction that it did.
Well..... Maryam Nawaz already strike establishment . Angry Shahaz Sharif mad at Maryam, because he arrange bhai jan exit deal.
Time for some Vigo's to rock up outside some journalists house.
Well..... Maryam Nawaz already strike establishment . Angry Shahaz Sharif mad at Maryam, because he arrange bhai jan exit deal.
I see that as a good thing in a way - she indirectly ended up supporting the Noorani story which has now been debunked, and that reflects poorly on her.
I see that as a good thing in a way - she indirectly ended up supporting the Noorani story which has now been debunked, and that reflects poorly on her.

I said the first day. Behind this whole fiasco is PLMN media cell. They are in anguish to see CPEC flourishing and performing better and more transparent than their own term. Especially the powers given to Gen Retd Bajwa.
Noorani is their mouth piece. And promotion on social media was done by Plmn social media cell.

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