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Attack on Hamid Mir: DG ISPR says baseless allegations not to be tolerated

Kick these ******* do do takay kay anchors into jail.....
That's the most moronic comment I read in a while. Are you suffering from bipolar disorder? In other threads you say military doesn't follow rule of land and in here you are mocking at their decision to go to court?
Something called selected application of logic or acting in sheer self interest. Something which suits Military's interest, it can go any length. Something where it doesn't, it doesn't bother them no matter what others require.
You forgot to put Retired there .

Serving Officers can be tried under the Army Act by Courts Martial first, but please note that every serving Officer can also be tried in the civil courts. It is a lied perpetuated by the Army that it is above civilian courts.
The point is that the Army cannot pick and choose where it wants the courts to help it out. It must follow a legal course of action in ALL matters without distinction. Otherwise, the blatant hypocrisy drowns out everything else.


Yes---pak army can pick and chose what it wants to----just like the the united states. The wonders of patriot act are visible to all.

If nations and people were worried by blatant hypocrisy---the u s would have been one of the first ones to drown many a years ago.

It does not work like that for nations. Nations pick and chose the grounds that they are going to fight for.


Please read the law. Any Army Officer can be prosecuted regardless of the Army Act, which does not prevent trials in the regular courts.

Please state an example in pakistn and in the U S as well.
Serving Officers can be tried under the Army Act by Courts Martial first, but please note that every serving Officer can also be tried in the civil courts. It is a lied perpetuated by the Army that it is above civilian courts.
Prove it .. or in the terms of Law .. Show me a Precedent ... if you cannot then Stop you Rants .
Friends of Bangladesh liberation war honors



just sad on humanitarian grounds. however disgraced by reality and pointless allegations against the saviors of the nation, perhaps above pictures justify the disgrace !!!!
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Whether someone likes it or not. But geo administration would have to explain for this particular of treachery. We have tolerate enough BS of them in the past few years and this time we want an explanation. A clear explanation.

Bohat tum ghaddaron kai dramai bardasht kar liye hum nai.
Prove it .. or in the terms of Law .. Show me a Precedent ... if you cannot then Stop you Rants .

There was a discussion between me and Awesome when he was Admin here on this very topic, where I did show it in terms of law. That discussion has since been removed, and I am not going to repeat it.
There was a discussion between me and Awesome when he was Admin here on this very topic, where I did show it in terms of law. That discussion has since been removed, and I am not going to repeat it.
Then Don't Talk on this topic again unless you have anything to back it up with ..
Then Don't Talk on this topic again unless you have anything to back it up with ..

Your attempts to silence me are not needed. What I say is correct: The Federal Government of Pakistan has by Law the authority to order the trial of any person subject to the Army Act in Federal Civilian Courts as well. It is too scared to exercise its authority due to the Army's blackmail, but by Law, it does have it.
Your attempts to silence me are not needed. What I say is correct: The Federal Government of Pakistan has by Law the authority to order the trial of any person subject to the Army Act in Federal Civilian Courts as well. It is too scared to exercise its authority due to the Army's blackmail, but by Law, it does have it.
Why would i actually waste my time in silencing you , you are not that important as you think you are ..

You can write a whole page of jibber jabber & it will still be useless if you are unable to prove your point .you said Active personals can be sentenced by a civil court I said Go ahead Prove it , bring me a precedent, I will believe you .. .if you cannot then shut it and go troll some other thread .. simple as that .
Why would i actually waste my time in silencing you , you are not that important as you think you are ..

You can write a whole page of jibber jabber & it will still be useless if you are unable to prove your point .you said Active personals can be sentenced by a civil court I said Go ahead Prove it , bring me a precedent, I will believe you .. .if you cannot then shut it and go troll some other thread .. simple as that .

Okay, Sir, from now on I will ignore you so that we may have a truce between us.

(BTW, the lack of precedent does not mean that the legal right to try Officers in civilian court by the Federal Government does not exist. It does. It also shows the heavy blackmail by the Army in preventing the rule of law to suit its own purposes.)

Back to the topic:

It would be interesting to see how ISPR manages the legal implications of its proposed case against Geo on the freedom of the Press.
Case thoko s@l@y Mir asi per.

This Hamid Mir asi talk alot about judiciary...he must be tried now for supporting TTP & spreading propaganda. He should be charged with treason.
GEO is like a enemy propaganda war machine against Pakistani National Institutions.
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