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Featured Gen. Asim Saleem Bajwa debunks all allegations against him

Asim bajwa was good dgispr, On his facebook page were very good videos posted when he was dgispr. I dont know why ISPR never transfered those videos to ISPR youtube channel.
I strongly rebut the baseless allegations levelled against me and my family.Alhamdolillah another attempt to damage our reputation belied/exposed.I have and will always serve Pakistan with pride and dignity.
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Let it be in the courts and let them judge who and how become so rich and when his financial intersts are in america how can he be working on a huge Chinese sponsored project like CEPEC
Time for some Vigo's to rock up outside some journalists house.
Actully no, it's time to save CEPEC from so called American agents in our lines! 😜
Well done pak army by not supporting anyone
Even Noorani was unable to come up with any allegations regarding the companies owned by Gen. Bajwa's family receiving government contracts illegally or any claims regarding Gen. Bajwa extorting money, receiving bribes or siphoning off money while serving in the military.
Only in Pakistan, where journalism and journalistic integrity and professionalism continues to plummet to record levels, could such a piece have received the traction that it did.

For your kind information Ahmad Noorani contacted SECP, FBR and State Bank of Pakistan several times, under freedom of information act but his request was denied and they did not disclose any financial information regarding the companies of Bajwa and his family members. He even contacted Bajwa to get point of view or rebuttal, but he didn’t give him any response.

Secondly, if his story doesn’t have any substance, bajwa should file a defamation case against him.

Thirdly, Bajwa declared in his assets that his Toyota is worth 3 million PKR. Whereas, market value of same model Toyota is around 2 Crore PKR. This is more than enough to prosecute him and form a Joint Investigation Team along with NAB reference to probe his and his family assets.

IMO PDF should launch a project to dig assets of “Retired” Brig level officers to 3 Stars in foreign countries, that would be a great example of national service and duty.
@mods pls merge the threads, every one is just posting same thread every where
For your kind information Ahmad Noorani contacted SECP, FBR and State Bank of Pakistan several times, under freedom of information act but his request was denied and they did not disclose any financial information regarding the companies of Bajwa and his family members. He even contacted Bajwa to get point of view or rebuttal, but he didn’t give him any response.

Secondly, if his story doesn’t have any substance, bajwa should file a defamation case against him.

Thirdly, Bajwa declared in his assets that his Toyota is worth 3 million PKR. Whereas, market value of same model Toyota is around 2 Crore PKR. This is more than enough to prosecute him and form a Joint Investigation Team along with NAB reference to probe his and his family assets.

IMO PDF should launch a project to dig assets of “Retired” Brig level officers to 3 Stars in foreign countries, that would be a great example of national service and duty.
Yes all retired and present officers must declare thier assests and come clean or else it is a huge mess!
I said the first day. Behind this whole fiasco is PLMN media cell. They are in anguish to see CPEC flourishing and performing better and more transparent than their own term. Especially the powers given to Gen Retd Bajwa.
Noorani is their mouth piece. And promotion on social media was done by Plmn social media cell.
No matter what and who is behind no pakistani civilian or retired officer having his familys financial intersts would be allowed to hold any key govt post! Period!
For your kind information Ahmad Noorani contacted SECP, FBR and State Bank of Pakistan several times, under freedom of information act but his request was denied and they did not disclose any financial information regarding the companies of Bajwa and his family members.

Then that basically means Noorani had nothing to go on, which is my point - no evidence of corruption or illegal activity. Just because Noorani didn't receive the information he wanted from the SECP or FBR or State Bank doesn't mean there was corruption. Are any of the above even authorized to release taxpayer information to a journalist?

He even contacted Bajwa to get point of view or rebuttal, but he didn’t give him any response.
Noorani has an existing extremely negative reputation - I would avoid engaging with him as well.
Secondly, if his story doesn’t have any substance, bajwa should file a defamation case against him.
Noorani has been extremely smart about this - he hasn't outright stated that Gen. Bajwa committed corruption. He's listed the success of his brothers, the timeline during which his brothers set up their businesses and cleverly pointed out that their business success happened at the same time that Bajwa was advancing through the ranks in the Army. So he used innuendo and violated the 'correlation is not causation' principle and then let the PMLN, PPP and leftist/liberal anti-Pakistan brigade take the lead in making the accusations of corruption on social media.

So, let me break it down:

Is Noorani correct that Bajwa's brothers have a successful business in the US?

Is Noorani correct that Bajwa's brothers business grew in the US around the same time as Bajwa was being promoted in the Army?

Is Noorani correct that Bajwa's sons created companies in Pakistan?

Is Noorani correct that Bajwa's wife invested X amount in his brothers companies in the US?

But NOTHING in the above is evidence of corruption, illegal activities or wrong doing.

There is no evidence (or even a direct allegation by Noorani) that Gen. Bajwa funneled illegally obtained money to the US while in the military.

There is no evidence that Gen. Bajwa or the businesses of his brothers or sons received Pakistan government contracts, legally or illegally. His brothers are doctors, executives and managers in the US, and between them easily have assets (even before the business) to obtain loans from banks to start a business. I've done much the same - used a few thousand of my own money and then leveraged the equity in my personal home to obtain a business loan for my business, so I completely sympathize with Gen. Bajwa and his brothers on this. If my brother was in the government, would my success be used against him? Should I make myself poor if my brother goes into the government?

There is no evidence that Gen. Bajwa or his sons or wife purchased extremely expensive properties with monies that cannot be explained. There are two claims regarding houses purchased by his sons in the US - one was a foreclosure that cost $30,000 in auction and the second was purchased via bank loan with 80% of the loan amount still outstanding (normal situation with homes purchased via mortgages in the US).

So, the majority of Noorani's claims about the existence and valuation of the businesses and timelines are accurate, and in my view neither he nor factfocus (Mubashir Xaidi) can be sued in court for defamation since all they did was present mostly accurate information - the slander, defamation and false accusations of corruption were made through their supporters on social media, which gives them plausible deniability.
Thirdly, Bajwa declared in his assets that his Toyota is worth 3 million PKR. Whereas, market value of same model Toyota is around 2 Crore PKR. This is more than enough to prosecute him and form a Joint Investigation Team along with NAB reference to probe his and his family assets.
My understanding is that the vehicle was a staff vehicle from his time in the military and he purchased or received it on a discount as part of retirement. @PanzerKiel Can you clarify if you have any information on this?
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No matter what and who is behind no pakistani civilian or retired officer having his familys financial intersts would be allowed to hold any key govt post! Period!
Are you saying that any government official who holds a key government post should ONLY have a family that is dirt poor and bankrupt?

So the family isn't allowed to work hard in the US or Europe, educate themselves and start businesses?

Did I understand you correctly?
Then that basically means Noorani had nothing to go on, which is my point - no evidence of corruption or illegal activity. Just because Noorani didn't receive the information he wanted from the SECP or FBR or State Bank doesn't mean there was corruption. Are any of the above even authorized to release taxpayer information to a journalist?

Noorani has an existing extremely negative reputation - I would avoid engaging with him as well.

Noorani has been extremely smart about this - he hasn't outright stated that Gen. Bajwa committed corruption. He's listed the success of his brothers, the timeline during which his brothers set up their businesses and cleverly pointed out that their business success happened at the same time that Bajwa was advancing through the ranks in the Army. So he used innuendo and violated the 'correlation is not causation' principle and then let the PMLN, PPP and leftist/liberal anti-Pakistan brigade take the lead in making the accusations of corruption on social media.

So, let me break it down:

Is Noorani correct that Bajwa's brothers have a successful business in the US?

Is Noorani correct that Bajwa's brothers business grew in the US around the same time as Bajwa was being promoted in the Army?

Is Noorani correct that Bajwa's sons created companies in Pakistan?

Is Noorani correct that Bajwa's wife invested X amount in his brothers companies in the US?

But NOTHING in the above is evidence of corruption, illegal activities or wrong doing.

There is no evidence (or even a direct allegation by Noorani) that Gen. Bajwa funneled illegally obtained money to the US while in the military.

There is no evidence that Gen. Bajwa or the businesses of his brothers or sons received Pakistan government contracts, legally or illegally. His brothers are doctors, executives and managers in the US, and between them easily have assets (even before the business) to obtain loans from banks to start a business. I've done much the same - used a few thousand of my own money and then leveraged the equity in my personal home to obtain a business loan for my business, so I completely sympathize with Gen. Bajwa and his brothers on this. If my brother was in the government, would my success be used against him? Should I make myself poor if my brother goes into the government?

There is no evidence that Gen. Bajwa or his sons or wife purchased extremely expensive properties with monies that cannot be explained. There are two claims regarding houses purchased by his sons in the US - one was a foreclosure that cost $30,000 in auction and the second was purchased via bank loan with 80% of the loan amount still outstanding (normal situation with homes purchased via mortgages in the US).

So, the majority of Noorani's claims about the existence and valuation of the businesses and timelines are accurate, and in my view neither he nor factfocus (Mubashir Xaidi) can be sued in court for defamation since all they did was present mostly accurate information - the slander, defamation and false accusations of corruption were made through their supporters on social media, which gives them plausible deniability.

My understanding is that the vehicle was a staff vehicle from his time in the military and he purchased or received it on a discount as part of retirement. @PanzerKiel Can you clarify if you have any information on this?
Actully now it's official bussines what you think Noorani is a typical so called cheap anchor of any news channel?
He has more then what he showed up and in this figure game dear genral will, get a bashing.
It's not matters who is behind it, all what matters is genral come clean with it, with millions of dollors of companies its not that ezy o| simple but I'm happy that times are changing pak army didn't came to defend him rightly cause they also have to chcek thier institution who else got millions of dollors worth of companies in usa and still is serving?
While no matter what he is or served at what level, asset beyond means is a crime itself and he must come in the courts, law is equal for every one!!!
Are you saying that any government official who holds a key government post should ONLY have a family that is dirt poor and bankrupt?

So the family isn't allowed to work hard in the US or Europe, educate themselves and start businesses?

Did I understand you correctly?
All I'm. Saying is any key govt official hving or his nearest family members assets in usa and else where must be questioned and if fornd guilty must be punished, that is the simplest law
While it should include politicians, and kill the dam. Crouption at all levels, million dollor companies can't Jst be made in few years?
Actully now it's official bussines what you think Noorani is a typical so called cheap anchor of any news channel?
He has more then what he showed up and in this figure game dear genral will, get a bashing.
It's not matters who is behind it, all what matters is genral come clean with it, with millions of dollors of companies its not that ezy o| simple but I'm happy that times are changing pak army didn't came to defend him rightly cause they also have to chcek thier institution who else got millions of dollors worth of companies in usa and still is serving?
While no matter what he is or served at what level, asset beyond means is a crime itself and he must come in the courts, law is equal for every one!!!
The company is in the US and the majority of their investment, reinvestment and expansion was done through loans.

Where is the corruption?

Since when is your brothers running a successful business in the US a crime? Is there even any allegation of Bajwa getting kickbacks from some Army project? Any allegation of Bajwa receiving bribes? Any allegation of Bajwa routing government/military contracts to 'Papa Johns' or any other companies owned by his brothers or sons or wife?

Did Bajwa or his wife or sons buy million dollar Avenfield apartments or Surrey palaces while he was in the Army?

You can't even show me a single allegation of corruption.

The ONLY thing the entire Noorani report states is that 'Bajwa's brothers ran a successful business in the US at the same time as Bajwa was in the military'. That's it.

So, again, where is the allegation of corruption? Corruption from what project, bribe, government contract?

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