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Featured Gen. Asim Saleem Bajwa debunks all allegations against him

So take him to court, whos stopping you
He will be in the courts in the end, while it ill also open a needed door, to not be fooled by someone's special status in the govt or evn retired ones, so then ppls will take them to the courts and will clarify everything, as pakistani nation its a the right step forward which will stop a lot of unseen crouption and espionage elements and will generate a better pakistan in the end
In the other thread where false rumours by Noorani were discussed. I posted the pictures of the Directors of the companies, which were not him or his wife. That was to show without too much comments that when the owners/directors are separate legal entities, the false claims falls on their face.
Unless some posses and shows a direct link and money trail to establish that link.

In the USA or UK Noorani would have been taken to the cleaners, he still should be taken to the cleaners.
Pakistani journalism is dead. Indian's and west's puppet nothing more. Money talks.
With whole of Mr bajwas family nd his bussineses in USA , he should bring a huge case against Noorani, who is stopping him?
Of all the important things that happened today in our country, private TV news channels started their hourly headlines from Mr RETIRED Gen Bajwa explaining his innocence.

Too much involvement in CIVILIAN matters. There is a limit to it.
These TV channels have no value in 2020 no pakistani trust them as they became voices of differnt political parties and vasted intersts and some of the been used by aliens so, right now only social media is bringing the real news sometimes out of mostly biased fake news so that's where all it matters?
But, yes all its happening because democrzy been nevr let established in pakistan in which everyone is responsible of his good work or misdeeds, if it's been established long ago then today there won't be that much crouption and ppls would be afraid of thier exposures no matter in uniform or civil?
I think they may in due course, This response from Asim Bajwa may be first step.
Yes and he did it in right direction but I'm afraid that he isn't that great in defending himself in court of law as you know well, court isn't a anchor who may be under his some preasure as of ex pak army genral?
But, we shouldn't be painting him bad any way, it's all allegations untill now, and we must wait for both sides to bring more documents and then look who got what and let them reach a court, all our efforts should be to give a fair chance by all means to both Noorani and Mr bajwa but still a normal pakistani is astonished how a pak army retired genral can become millionere in $$$?
Thts astonishing, he should tell his path to richness in pakistani universities better then be a CEPEC chairman? Instead
Yes and he did it in right direction but I'm afraid that he isn't that great in defending himself in court of law as you know well, court isn't a anchor who may be under his some preasure as of ex pak army genral?
But, we shouldn't be painting him bad any way, it's all allegations untill now, and we must wait for both sides to bring more documents and then look who got what and let them reach a court, all our efforts should be to give a fair chance by all means to both Noorani and Mr bajwa but still a normal pakistani is astonished how a pak army retired genral can become millionere in $$$?
Thts astonishing, he should tell his path to richness in pakistani universities better then be a CEPEC chairman? Instead

I don't know much about him or his family or their affairs.

But I know one thing for certain, when the companies are formed and their accounts are published. The chances of fraud are minimal, Their accounts get audited.

Similarly, acquisition of new businesses through companies would all be documented, i.e. sources of the financing.
If what Asim Bajwa has declared in his recent written statement is true, then Noorani could be in deep deep troubles if the case ended up in a USA court for libel and slander.
Asim Bajwa has given specific amounts how much was investment by his Wife and Brothers in total for the acquisitions and the amount borrowed. He must have the figures compiled for him after looking at the records.

That's explain why he didn't responded immediately, he rather took few days to give his written statement.
this is case created on social media hype and Gen saib is fighting on social media platform. IK should accept his resgination to show everybody army men can be accountable and let oppositation build case against of him and this is a point where he can clarify his earning from legit sources. Once he cleared from all these allegation then rejoin his public office.
Thts astonishing, he should tell his path to richness in pakistani universities better then be a CEPEC chairman?
The path is open knowledge now.

Brothers go to US for education. Work full time menial jobs like pizza delivery to pay for college while also going to college full time.

Graduate as doctors or with business degrees.

Practice medicine and work hard and become executives/managers in different companies.

Use their knowledge and resources to start franchises by taking loans to fund the majority of the required investment.

Keep investing and growing the company.

Just a few decades of hard work, education, experience and smart business investments is all.
He will be in the courts in the end, while it ill also open a needed door, to not be fooled by someone's special status in the govt or evn retired ones, so then ppls will take them to the courts and will clarify everything, as pakistani nation its a the right step forward which will stop a lot of unseen crouption and espionage elements and will generate a better pakistan in the end

i am all for a corruption free Pakistan, but seriously doubt that it will be possible in my lifetime, especially when the convicted criminals are roaming free in London
Yes and he did it in right direction but I'm afraid that he isn't that great in defending himself in court of law as you know well, court isn't a anchor who may be under his some preasure as of ex pak army genral?
But, we shouldn't be painting him bad any way, it's all allegations untill now, and we must wait for both sides to bring more documents and then look who got what and let them reach a court, all our efforts should be to give a fair chance by all means to both Noorani and Mr bajwa but still a normal pakistani is astonished how a pak army retired genral can become millionere in $$$?
Thts astonishing, he should tell his path to richness in pakistani universities better then be a CEPEC chairman? Instead

looks like you have already judged him guilty.
For your kind information Ahmad Noorani contacted SECP, FBR and State Bank of Pakistan several times, under freedom of information act but his request was denied and they did not disclose any financial information regarding the companies of Bajwa and his family members. He even contacted Bajwa to get point of view or rebuttal, but he didn’t give him any response.

Secondly, if his story doesn’t have any substance, bajwa should file a defamation case against him.

Thirdly, Bajwa declared in his assets that his Toyota is worth 3 million PKR. Whereas, market value of same model Toyota is around 2 Crore PKR. This is more than enough to prosecute him and form a Joint Investigation Team along with NAB reference to probe his and his family assets.

IMO PDF should launch a project to dig assets of “Retired” Brig level officers to 3 Stars in foreign countries, that would be a great example of national service and duty.

The high number of companies registered by the sons, though in itself not a crime, is highly unusual.

The fact that Asim Bajwa's wife is a partner in some of his brothers' businesses abroad is also highly unusual.

The fact that he / his wife misdeclared values / involvements must be a crime...?

I'm not saying that we need to take this investigative journalism on face value --- but a fully independent JIT should look into this or the SC should take a suo moto.

Two close friends of mine have top-ranked companies that regularly bid for and work on military contracts (one in the HVAC space, including for SPD, and the other in hospital equipment for CMHs, etc.) --- and they both say that a kick-back for the Gen in charge is almost always built into their pricing. The only saving grace is that, by and large, at least good quality stuff is selected (unlike the civilian sphere, where they both take the kick-back and award the contract to the worst quality provider.)
I don't know much about him or his family or their affairs.

But I know one thing for certain, when the companies are formed and their accounts are published. The chances of fraud are minimal, Their accounts get audited.

Similarly, acquisition of new businesses through companies would all be documented, i.e. sources of the financing.
If what Asim Bajwa has declared in his recent written statement is true, then Noorani could be in deep deep troubles if the case ended up in a USA court for libel and slander.
Asim Bajwa has given specific amounts how much was investment by his Wife and Brothers in total for the acquisitions and the amount borrowed. He must have the figures compiled for him after looking at the records.

That's explain why he didn't responded immediately, he rather took few days to give his written statement.
Bigger frauds always done by bigger companies

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