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Friendly Fire Incident between Iranian vessels in the Persian Gulf

Data of US army;

Since 2006 ... a total of 16,652 active-duty personnel and mobilized reservists have died while serving in the US armed forces. Seventy-three percent of these casualties occurred under circumstances unrelated to war,"
They also said they didn’t shoot down their own plane.

I will wait for further news. Usually takes 48 hours for the full story to come out and what really happened.

Look, a deplorable ruining a Iran related thread.

Why are you acting so distraught, no one will even think of this incident two days later. I'm just perplexed why you guys want everything to seem so perfect and under control.

So calm down guys.

Just countering the trolls.
Why are you acting so distraught, no one will even think of this incident two days later. I'm just perplexed why you guys want everything to seem so perfect and under control.

So calm down guys.

I am educating you dude:

US has lost 16000 soldiers since 2006. More than 70% in military exercises and accidents.

We have more military exercises than anyone else in the region.
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What algorithm? You are making stuff up at this point. C-802 is a INS guidance system with an active radar homing in terminal phase. It’s not some sophisticated AI. It’s an old *** cruise missile design. It’s gets coordinates it goes to location, turns on radar uses information to make minor adjust to flight path then hits target.

And why wouldn’t there be AT LEAST a 1 KM distance between ships at sea. In this case it was a TARGET ship. Why would there be a warship ANYWHERE near that? It’s like standing near a Ballistic missile testing strike spot. Utter stupidity.
I assumed it had an electro-optical sensor but it seems that I was wrong.

Anyway, when you say it uses information to make minor adjustments, it means that there must be an algorithm for calculating that adjustment in the terminal phase. The Euclidean division is an algorithm and it was there 2,500 years ago. When I say algorithm, it doesn't necessarily mean a very sophisticated mind-blowing AI. And there should be an algorithm for differentiating between signal and noise. Otherwise it can be jammed very easily.

Why? Because the coordination between them was poor. Or maybe because somebody in the Jamaran frigate/destroyer was too stressed and fired earlier than he should. I don't know really. I wasn't there.
farghesh in hast ke badan be onvane khabare fori nemiad birun. unvaght yek ''assesment'' satteliti mishe va mardom shak khahand dasht, makhsusan har harfi ke az amrika biad birun. alan khodemun in khabar ro dagh va fori dadim birun, in eftezah tare. motevaje mishi duste aziz ?

man nemidunam chera ma iruni ha dust darim gulule too paha khodemun shelik konim.

Man dust nadaram an ra beguwam, ama bhetr ast an ashtebah ra der henguam aramesh anejam dham ta ankeh der heqaqet bashd. anha baad az an dars beguarend, man nemidunam chera keshta besaar nazdik buud. beh nazr ma resd telfat kemetr az an cheaz ast ke teswar ma keredned benaberaan nebaad an ferset dhum ra hedr dhad.
I am educating you dude:

US lost 16000 soldiers since 2006. More than 70% in military exercises and accidents.

We have more military exercises than anyone else in the region.

I'm not sure that has to do anything with what I said about Iranian members on the forum trying to give rosy and perfect picture of Iran.

When US has such incidents it acknowledges it and moves on. They do not think people want to make fun of them like you guys are thinking in your case.
I'm not sure that has to do anything with what I said about Iranian members on the forum trying to give rosy and perfect picture of Iran.

When US has such incidents it acknowledges it and moves on. They do not think people want to make fun of them like you guys are thinking in your case.
On the contrary. We are saying that there needs to be further confirmation and reports before making a conclusion.
Apparent location of the incident

I'm not sure that has to do anything with what I said about Iranian members on the forum trying to give rosy and perfect picture of Iran.

When US has such incidents it acknowledges it and moves on. They do not think people want to make fun of them like you guys are thinking in your case.
Well, he tried to educate you that live fire exercises can have casualties. He didn't think that you assume out of thin air that Iranians think people want to make fun of them because that isn't the case.

People on this thread are analyzing the possible scenarios for things that might have gone wrong, under the hypothesis that the news is true. Since that sort of analysis seems above your head, I don't see why you are sharing your worthless input here.
I'm not sure that has to do anything with what I said about Iranian members on the forum trying to give rosy and perfect picture of Iran.

When US has such incidents it acknowledges it and moves on. They do not think people want to make fun of them like you guys are thinking in your case.

The rosy countries have even more casualties in military exercise.

I am happy to have lots of military exercises in my country more than all our neighbors combined.

I accept the occasionally mishaps of having large amount of military exercises. We have to improve.

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