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Friendly Fire Incident between Iranian vessels in the Persian Gulf

.......You know I really don't know what to say in response to such a comment, it has been awhile since I've come across such fierce stupidity and dogmatic partisanship/nationalism. You'd be a great candidate for some god-forsaken ultra-right wing American recruitment center with that sort of soulless 'Murica Numbah One diatribe.

"I don't really believe you are an American." -- OH Golly Gee Batman, I didn't know I had to prove my American status to a literally nobody, good thing I'm not the type of person seeking validation from random internet persons.....You sound like a child saying such inane things do you even realize that? Lmao you loony, do really want my social security, driver's license, house address and full name? Surely you can understand why I won't readily give such things out just to prove that I'm American.

"Rather you are some one's false flag, probably Iranian."-- Good, thanks for the useless comment, it's high time you get off your butt and do something about it :) . I mean really man, how much does that actually change things within the grand scheme? You do realize the U.S.A. is being taken over by foreigners from South America, Asia and Middle East slowly but surely right? Don't answer, I don't wanna take the thread off-topic, think of this from a rhetorical point of view (bet you can't you Mr. America). U.S. has so many non-American people that such a comment you made doesn't hold much practical value anymore or at the very least, such a sentiment is quickly losing value. But I do view myself as an America first, given that I was born in the United States, or is there some yet to be known arbitrary rule will not allow me to claim such a title?

"Iran is totally an enemy of the USA"-- Thank you for sharing your views, not everyone who is an American citizens agrees with this point-of-view. I guess Japan, Russia, Germany, Vietnam, Iraq and a whole litany of others are still enemies with that sort of woeful attitude.

"No American should give Iran any sympathy"-- And now ladies and gentlemen, we've reached the crux of the issue. Thank you so much "truth"seeker for completely outing yourself as an irredeemably hateful busybody lmao. Didn't know we should let patriotism/nationalism trump our humanity, what a sad piece of turd you are man...

Get help "truth"seeker, I mean it....

America is "shopping mall" or "international airport" posing as a country
Can you name? It has to be bigger than Iranian warship hits another Iranian warship, or shoot-down of a passanger airplane.
Search google and you can find many, any way Turkish are not angels and also to learn from mistakes and apply corrections is a far better proposition than to remain complacent and in denail
Search google and you can find many, any way Turkish are not angels and also to learn from mistakes and apply corrections is a far better proposition than to remain complacent and in denail
Nothing on Google.
Advanced technology can be a double edged sword if you are not careful. A single miscalculation can lead to tragedies like this. Iran is more likely to have such things happen given the very tense environment it is operating in and the fact it is constantly involved in tests, war games etc. As for the missile, the high automatisation of the system is this double edge I speak of.
Dimwit, that's why I linked the post from the staff of the PDF. Read it.

There is no doubt that this terrorist act came from Iran. That's why ISPR referenced to the "terrorists routes" which are coming into Pakistan from Iranian territory.
You Pakistanis are always coming in the thread and spewing bile.... As i said in the past no one cares what Pakistan thinks, the world community doesn't hold a microphone to you folks asking Pakistan's thoughts on geopolitical state of affairs. Pick up any international paper, NYT, WAPO, Le monde, Kommersant, Bild.....etc and see how many times Pakistan is mentioned. Get over yourselves.
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Unfortunately, many people can easily fall into this trap of thinking in terms of "Only our side is right, their side is wrong". This is almost always counterproductive. To fix problems, we have to always understand the points of views of the other side. We may get away with not applying this (temporality anyway) when we're dealing with nations that have nigh fully opposing ideologies (e.g Iran v US), but when we're dealing with nations that are close historically, culturally, religiously etc, then there no excuse to dismiss other each. Both Iran and Pakistan have their own valid grievances. And we need to be deal with these grievances with our underlying historical bonds in mind. I have described Iran-Pakistan as cousins many times in this forum, I am not using that term lightly. I mean it. I am in no doubt that these few obstacles Iran and Pakistan are facing are just temporarily blips in history.

When I get more free time in the future, I will write about the future of Iran-Pakistan relation in more detail.
Sorry for the loss sustained by the Iranians.

By the way, the deviation of the thread into Iranians proving their ethnic/cultural superiority over Pakistanis and Arabs, was not surprising at all. I hope they find peace in living with others.

I saw the pictures and the ship seems to have sustained heavy damage. What I realized is that the modern navy is so darn useless. Just a single high quality missile can destroy a huge ship and render it useless. I believe that against the modern missiles and advanced detection techniques of the West, Iranian Navy does not stand a chance. This is also true for many other Navies like Pakistan as well.

Countries like Pakistan and Iran need to work hard on high quality reconnaissance and high kill probability missiles in order to survive in the coming times.

Another thing I noticed was that, a small ship with a powerful radar, electronic counter measures and a dozen missiles with a small crew is what is only needed in modern times to defend the territorial coast. The era of big ships is now long gone.
You Pakistanis are always coming in the thread and spewing bile.... As i said in the past no one cares what Pakistan thinks, the world community doesn't hold a microphone to you folks asking Pakistan's thoughts on geopolitical state of affairs. Pick up any international paper, NYT, WAPO, Le monde, Kommersant, Bild.....etc and see how many times Pakistan is mentioned. Get over yourselves.

I can write an essay here to educate you what we are and we do and what we can do. But for time being, just ponder over this, you president recently asked government of Pakistan to facilitate the talks with America in order to lift the sanctions on your sorry arses. Think over it!
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