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Friendly Fire Incident between Iranian vessels in the Persian Gulf

If Liwa Zeinabiyoun is a terrorist group, why doesn't your country blacklist them as a terrorist group? Please tell your government to officially list them as a terrorist group.
I agree that Pakistan should blacklist the Liwa Zeinabiyoun, but blacklisting a group only goes so far and Pakistan's focus is on terrorist groups that act within Pakistan. So far, the Pakistanis that have fought for Liwa Zeinabiyoun and returned to Pakistan have not engaged in terrorism in Pakistan - the day that happens there will be hell to pay, not just for the individuals involved in Liwa Zainabiyoun, but for Pakistani Shia in general, because those looking for an excuse to scapegoat the Shia will use Iranian recruitment for, and Pakistani Shia participation in, LZ as the excuse they have been looking for to spread sectarian hatred against the Shia in Pakistan.

Iran has an responsibility, if it genuinely thinks of Pakistan as a neighboring brotherly State, to not light fires of sectarian hatred in Pakistan and recruit Pakistanis for terrorist/militant groups abroad. You have a large enough population - use your own people.
I agree that Pakistan should blacklist the Liwa Zeinabiyoun, but blacklisting a group only goes so far and Pakistan's focus is on terrorist groups that act within Pakistan. So far, the Pakistanis that have fought for Liwa Zeinabiyoun and returned to Pakistan have not engaged in terrorism in Pakistan - the day that happens there will be hell to pay, not just for the individuals involved in Liwa Zainabiyoun, but for Pakistani Shia in general, because those looking for an excuse to scapegoat the Shia will use Iranian recruitment for, and Pakistani Shia participation in, LZ as the excuse they have been looking for to spread sectarian hatred against the Shia in Pakistan.

Iran has an responsibility, if it genuinely thinks of Pakistan as a neighboring brotherly State, to not light fires of sectarian hatred in Pakistan and recruit Pakistanis for terrorist/militant groups abroad. You have a large enough population - use your own people.
The truth is that Iran never thinks of Pakistan as a "brotherly state" and the reason for that is very evident once you see what Pakistanis write about Iran on PDF. We can't think of a country that the majority of its citizens constantly insult us in the worst way they can as a brotherly nation. It has to be noted that it has been Pakistan's decision to turn against Iran, not the other way around.

I have discussed politics and military affairs with Israelis, Americans and even Arabs on PDF and none of them went as far as Pakistanis in insulting Iran. Sure, they did say some things I didn't like, but they never insulted Iranians or our families. The only reason sometimes I ignored Pakistani trolls was because I know there are some Pakistanis that truly love Iran and I didn't want to upset them. And they are the only reason that I refrain from answering those trolls sometimes. But at some point, enough is enough.
And they are challenging amreecan navy:-)....

Drill Mistaken for Actual Attack Led to U.S. Firing on Turkish Ship

A Navy investigation has found that American sailors, awakened late at night, mistook a drill for an actual attack last month when their aircraft carrier fired two missiles at a Turkish destroyer.

The Navy investigation faults senior commanders on the American carrier, the Saratoga, which fired two Sea Sparrow surface-to-air missiles, killing five Turkish sailors aboard the destroyer Muavenet and wounding 15, during a NATO exercise in the Aegean Sea on Oct. 1, according to military officials. Reprimands Are Expected

Actually I was giving you the benefit of the doubt calling you an "American" self-hater. I don't really believe you are an American. Rather you are some one's false flag, probably Iranian. Hence my hostility. Iran is totally an enemy of the USA. No American should give Iran any sympathy.

.......You know I really don't know what to say in response to such a comment, it has been awhile since I've come across such fierce stupidity and dogmatic partisanship/nationalism. You'd be a great candidate for some god-forsaken ultra-right wing American recruitment center with that sort of soulless 'Murica Numbah One diatribe.

"I don't really believe you are an American." -- OH Golly Gee Batman, I didn't know I had to prove my American status to a literally nobody, good thing I'm not the type of person seeking validation from random internet persons.....You sound like a child saying such inane things do you even realize that? Lmao you loony, do really want my social security, driver's license, house address and full name? Surely you can understand why I won't readily give such things out just to prove that I'm American.

"Rather you are some one's false flag, probably Iranian."-- Good, thanks for the useless comment, it's high time you get off your butt and do something about it :) . I mean really man, how much does that actually change things within the grand scheme? You do realize the U.S.A. is being taken over by foreigners from South America, Asia and Middle East slowly but surely right? Don't answer, I don't wanna take the thread off-topic, think of this from a rhetorical point of view (bet you can't you Mr. America). U.S. has so many non-American people that such a comment you made doesn't hold much practical value anymore or at the very least, such a sentiment is quickly losing value. But I do view myself as an America first, given that I was born in the United States, or is there some yet to be known arbitrary rule will not allow me to claim such a title?

"Iran is totally an enemy of the USA"-- Thank you for sharing your views, not everyone who is an American citizens agrees with this point-of-view. I guess Japan, Russia, Germany, Vietnam, Iraq and a whole litany of others are still enemies with that sort of woeful attitude.

"No American should give Iran any sympathy"-- And now ladies and gentlemen, we've reached the crux of the issue. Thank you so much "truth"seeker for completely outing yourself as an irredeemably hateful busybody lmao. Didn't know we should let patriotism/nationalism trump our humanity, what a sad piece of turd you are man...

Get help "truth"seeker, I mean it....
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The truth is that Iran never thinks of Pakistan as a "brotherly state" and the reason for that is very evident here once you see what Pakistanis write about Iran on PDF. We can't think of a country that its citizens constantly insult us in the worst way they can as a brotherly nation. It has to be noted that it has been Pakistan's decision to turn against Iran.

I have discussed politics and military affairs with Israelis, Americans and even Arabs on PDF and none of them went as far as Pakistanis in insulting Iran. Sure, they did say some things I didn't like, but they never insulted Iranians or our families. The only reason sometimes I ignored Pakistani trolls was because I know there are some Pakistanis that truly love Iran and I didn't want to upset them. And they are the only reason that I refrain from answering those trolls sometimes. But at some point, enough is enough.
Iran after the revolution is not the same Iran as before the revolution. The post-Revolution Iran is too caught up in winning some stupid ideological war to care about any neighbor. If the Turks weren't as economically and militarily strong, post-revolution Iran would be doing the same things there that it is doing in Pakistan. Do you realize that the animosity towards Iran has been building up for years now because of Iranian actions and behavior, not just in Pakistan but globally?

There is an arrogance and hostility in the Iranian regime towards Pakistan that can best be described as poisonous. Every time there's an incident in Iran, your leadership starts spewing filth, hatred and threats at Pakistan. How long do you think that was going to go on before more and more Pakistanis started getting angry at Iran? Is your leadership that stupid that it thinks Pakistan would arm and support Baloch terrorists in Iran that are also fighting the Pakistani State?

And you're not even denying that Iran is recruiting Pakistanis for sectarian conflicts abroad - how do you think Pakistanis feel about that?

Please also keep in mind that there is a minority of sectarian bigots in every country. Just because you run into a few here does not mean that every Pakistani thinks or feels the same way. Most of us would prefer a constructive relationship with Iran, but Iranian behavior also needs to change. Leave Pakistan out of your ideological wars.

Stop recruiting Pakistanis for your sectarian wars abroad - use your own people.
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Iran after the revolution is not the same Iran as before the revolution. The post-Revolution Iran is too caught up in winning some stupid ideological war to care about any neighbor. If the Turks weren't as economically and militarily strong, post-revolution Iran would be doing the same things there that it is doing in Pakistan. Do you realize that the animosity towards Iran has been building up for years now because of Iranian actions and behavior, not just in Pakistan but globally?

There is an arrogance and hostility in the Iranian regime towards Pakistan that can best be described as poisonous. Every time there's an incident in Iran, your leadership starts spewing filth, hatred and threats at Pakistan. How long do you think that was going to go on before more and more Pakistanis started getting angry at Iran? Is your leadership that stupid that it thinks Pakistan would arm and support Baloch terrorists in Iran that are also fighting the Pakistani State?

And you're not even denying that Iran is recruiting Pakistanis for sectarian conflicts abroad - how do you think Pakistanis feel about that?

Please also keep in mind that there is a minority of sectarian bigots in every country. Just because you run into a few here does not mean that every Pakistani thinks or feels the same way. Most of us would prefer a constructive relationship with Iran, but Iranian behavior also needs to change. Leave Pakistan our of your ideological wars.
No, I don't. Didn't your friend on PDF just insult pre-revolution Iran by saying that all Iranians had to reset their watches to what the Shah said that nobody has ever heard of? Anti-Iranian sentiments in Pakistan are deeply rooted and the reason for that is the sectarian fiber of the Pakistani culture and society. It's not like Pakistan was a strategic partner of Iran before the 1979 revolution.

Let me refresh your memory. When Jundullah in Iran, a Baloch separatist group, killed tens of Iranian civilians and soldiers, Iran wrote official letters to Pakistan, not once but many times, to allow Iranian troops pass the border to chase the terrorists. Pakistan never allowed Iranian troops chase the terrorists that passed to the other side of the border while you had no problem with Americans bombing your villages and killing your civilians with drones for years. And Americans publicly called you a sponsor of terrorism. Even now, 3 of our soldiers kidnapped months ago, probably more than a year ago, by Baloch separatists are in Pakistan now. You haven't done anything to secure their release. You could've handed over Rigi to Iran years ago, but you didn't and we finally caught him airborne traveling from Dubai to Kazakhstan.

How do Pakistanis feel about Saudis recruiting them in other parts of the world? I never hear them complain about that. And it isn't our fault that your society is too sectarian. The sectarian division in Pakistan is due to historical and cultural reasons, not because of Iran. Pakistanis insulted and probably continue to insult your most prominent scientist Abdus Salam because he belonged to an Ahmedi ideology. We don't recruit Pakistanis. Does Iran have TV channels or newspapers in Pakistan? Do we have ideological schools like madrassas that Wahhabists have in Pakistan? Pakistanis join us because they believe in our goals for the region. Our ultimate goal is to kick the Americans out of the region. I don't see how that's a bad thing for the region.
No, I don't. Didn't your friend on PDF just insult pre-revolution Iran by saying that all Iranians had to reset their watches and something about the Shah that nobody has ever heard of? Anti-Iranian sentiments in Pakistan are deeply rooted and the reason for that is the sectarian fiber of the Pakistani culture and society. It's not like Pakistan was a strategic partner of Iran before the 1979 revolution.

Let me refresh your memory. When Jundullah in Iran, a Baloch separatist group, killed tens of Iranian civilians and soldiers, Iran wrote official letters to Pakistan, not once but many times, to allow Iranian troops pass the border to chase the terrorists. Pakistan never allowed Iranian troops chase the terrorists that passed to the other side of the border while you had no problem with Americans bombing your villages and killing your civilians with drones for years. And Americans publicly called you a sponsor of terrorism. Even now, 3 of our soldiers kidnapped months ago, probably more than a year ago, by Baloch separatists are in Pakistan now. You haven't done anything to secure their release. You could've handed over Rigi to Iran years ago, but you didn't and we finally caught him airborne traveling from Dubai to Kazakhstan.

How do Pakistanis feel about Saudis recruiting them in other parts of the world? I never hear them complain about that. And it isn't our fault that your society is too sectarian. The sectarian division in Pakistan is due to historical and cultural reasons, not because of Iran. Pakistanis insulted and probably continue to insult your most prominent scientist Abdus Salam because he belonged to an Ahmedi ideology. We don't recruit Pakistanis. Pakistanis join us because they believe in our goals for the region. Our ultimate goal is to kick the Americans out of the region. I don't see how that's a bad thing for the region.
In poll after poll over the years, Pakistanis have had the most favorably view of Iran out of almost every country in the world:



And that's down from approximately 70% favoribility ratings in the 2013 Pew poll.

Do you realize that Pakistan is the ONLY country where a majority has a favorable view of Iran?
In poll after poll over the years, Pakistanis have had the most favorably view of Iran out of almost every country in the world:



And that's down from approximately 70% favoribility ratings in the 2013 Pew poll.

Do you realize that Pakistan is the ONLY country where a majority has a favorable view of Iran?
Do you realize that Pakistanis have a favorable view of Iran in that poll because they believe in the concept of Ummah and not because they like Iran? Do the same poll about Iran versus Saudi Arabia or Iran versus Turkey and then tell me the answer.
status to a literally nobody, good thing I'm not the one seeking validation from random internet persons.....You sound like a petulant child saying such inane things do you even realize that? Lmao you loony,

Get help "truth"seeker, I mean it....

I understand you may be angry, but please do not insult @TruthSeeker. He is a nice person and I don't want to mention his exact age but if you have Iranian background, then you know that we culturally never insult people older and we treat elders with great respect. So edit your comment. If you disagree with someone's statement, then choose between two options: 1) Ignore or 2) Reply in a calm manner using substance.
Do you realize that Pakistanis have a favorable view of Iran in that poll because they believe in the concept of Ummah and not because they like Iran? Do the same poll about Iran versus Saudi Arabia or Iran versus Turkey and then tell me the answer.

boss turkey wont allow a indian navy commander to run terror rings in pakistan..
Let me refresh your memory. When Jundullah in Iran, a Baloch separatist group, killed tens of Iranian civilians and soldiers, Iran wrote official letters to Pakistan, not once but many times, to allow Iranian troops pass the border to chase the terrorists. Pakistan never allowed Iranian troops chase the terrorists that passed to the other side of the border while you had no problem with Americans bombing your villages and killing your civilians with drones for years. And Americans publicly called you a sponsor of terrorism. Even now, 3 of our soldiers kidnapped months ago, probably more than a year ago, by Baloch separatists are in Pakistan now. You haven't done anything to secure their release. You could've handed over Rigi to Iran years ago, but you didn't and we finally caught him airborne traveling from Dubai to Kazakhstan.
The Americans are a superpower and had the Indians lined up to do their dirty work for them. Pakistan has never officially accepted or allowed the US to carry out drone strikes in Pakistan and officially objected every single time. The only reason we didn't shoot down their drones was to prevent a war with the US that we simply could not win, especially with the Indians lined up to work with them.

Iran, however, is not the US, and Pakistan's position is the same there. It's just that Iran does not have the capability to win a war against Pakistan and we will attack unauthorized Iranian military targets on Pakistani soil or in Pakistani airspace. It's nothing personal - we're not going to allow the Afghans or Indians or Chinese to do anything similar either.

Pakistan is fighting the same Baloch terrorist groups - why does Iran think that Pakistan has a magic wand to solve all of Iran's requests when it is still trying to defeat the terrorists attacking the Pakistani State in Balochistan? Like I said, your leadership is really either a bunch of idiots or deliberately ignores the realities on the ground and makes absurd demands because it wants to scapegoat Pakistan.

Finally, with respect to Rigi, there is a lot of speculation that he was captured BECAUSE of Pakistani intelligence cooperation, and even if it wasn't, as you yourself said, he was travelling from Dubai, so take it up with the Emiratis instead of blaming Pakistan.

Do you realize that Pakistanis have a favorable view of Iran in that poll because they believe in the concept of Ummah and not because they like Iran? Do the same poll about Iran versus Saudi Arabia or Iran versus Turkey and then tell me the answer.
Stop changing the goal posts - I'm quoting you from earlier, "Anti-Iranian sentiments in Pakistan are deeply rooted and the reason for that is the sectarian fiber of the Pakistani culture and society."

So either retract your earlier quoted statement, or explain why the PEW poll suggests Pakistanis have such a favorable view of Iran.

Like I said, don't take the views you come across on a forum or social media as being representative of the entire country.
The Americans are a superpower and had the Indians lined up to do their dirty work for them. Pakistan has never officially accepted or allowed the US to carry out drone strikes in Pakistan and officially objected every single time. The only reason we didn't shoot down their drones was to prevent a war with the US that we simply could not win, especially with the Indians lined up to work with them.

Iran, however, is not the US, and Pakistan's position is the same there. It's just that Iran does not have the capability to win a war against Pakistan and we will attack Iranian military targets on Pakistani soil or in Pakistani airspace.

Pakistan is fighting the same Baloch terrorist groups - why does Iran think that Pakistan has a magic wand to solve all of Iran's requests when it is still trying to defeat the terrorists attacking the Pakistani State in Balochistan? Like I said, your leadership is really either a bunch of idiots or deliberately ignores the realities on the ground and makes absurd demands because it wants to scapegoat Pakistan.

Finally, with respect to Rigi, there is a lot of speculation that he was captured BECAUSE of Pakistani intelligence cooperation, and even if it wasn't, as you yourself said, he was travelling from Dubai, so take it up with the Emiratis instead of blaming Pakistan.
Referring to your own argument, what are your nuclear weapons good for if you think you can't defend your territory from US airstrikes? The US doesn't dare to bomb Iranian civilians and we don't have nukes.

The issue is not Iran vs. Pakistan. You brought up "brotherly relations". If you had brotherly relations with us, you would've helped us arrest Rigi and Jundullah terrorists. You didn't do that. You said you could take care of the problem on your own but never did so. If you believed in brotherly relations, you would've secured the release of our soldiers currently captured by Baluch separatists inside Pakistan. This is an ongoing situation.

Pakistan doesn't have a magic wand, but you could give permission to our troops to chase those terrorists inside Pakistan. I'm sure if Saudi Arabia or Turkey had asked you for permission, you would've given them that. If you had done that, we would've returned your favor today that Baluch insurgency has become an issue in Pakistan. You didn't see this day coming. Did you?

We have always blamed Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel and the US for supporting terrorism in Iran. We have officially blamed them. However, Pakistan has been used as a medium for all terrorist attacks in the Iranian side of Baluchistan.

Stop changing the goal posts - I'm quoting you from earlier, "Anti-Iranian sentiments in Pakistan are deeply rooted and the reason for that is the sectarian fiber of the Pakistani culture and society."

So either retract your earlier quoted statement, or explain why the PEW poll suggests Pakistanis have such a favorable view of Iran.

Like I said, don't take the views you come across on a forum or social media as being representative of the entire country.
I explained to you why. Because Pakistanis believe in the concept of Ummah. They cheer any Muslim country when it comes to Muslims vs. Non-Muslims. Do the same poll about Iran vs. Turkey or Saudi Arabia.

And honestly, I don't know where PEW is. I don't take statistics like that seriously. Numbers are usually made up based on highly inaccurate and biased sampling.
I understand you may be angry, but please do not insult @TruthSeeker. He is a nice person and I don't want to mention his exact age but if you have Iranian background, then you know that we culturally never insult people older and we treat elders with great respect. So edit your comment. If you disagree with someone's statement, then choose between two options: 1) Ignore or 2) Reply in a calm manner using substance.

Philosopher, respectfully speaking man "truth"seeker" isn't here to play tea-time with me as all of his previous comment towards me in and out of this thread revolved around casting doubt about my nationality and for some reason my political affiliation as well (I guess I'm some Bernie Supporter according to him). I don't take things lying down, I will engage if I deem it to be necessary especially when someone is calling something that I know I'm not.

He can be as nice of a guy as he wants to too you but to me he has been nothing but a rabble-rouser wanting to call me what I'm not.

Also it should again be noted that it was "truth"seeker who started with me in this thread, posting a completely off-topic post about instead of the topic at hand.
boss turkey wont allow a indian navy commander to run terror rings in pakistan..
it would be a bit difficult for them to do unlike Iran, Turkey is a bit far away. just wait until NATO starts a campaign --like it did in Iraq, libya, Syria, Afghanistan -- ....

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