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Friendly Fire Incident between Iranian vessels in the Persian Gulf

that happened something like 14km away from border so please stop nonsense about trigger found over border iIran .
nobody anymore use such trigger ,when you can buy infrared trigger from any shop for dirt cheap

Dimwit, that's why I linked the post from the staff of the PDF. Read it.

There is no doubt that this terrorist act came from Iran. That's why ISPR referenced to the "terrorists routes" which are coming into Pakistan from Iranian territory.
Never hire funny trainers, you end up losing ships
Indians are OK people. Funny referred to you.
Never stoop so low that people hire you as mercenaries to commit a genocide in Yemen.

Another sign that Iranian command and control is very poor.
Still far superior coordination than what happened at the USS Liberty incident.
Iran wants to fight Mighty US Navy with yhhs ancient frigate which evennin peace time showing weakness. During any war with US strong EW and jamming environment Iranian navy will decapitated in very early hours.
Pakistan never went to Yemen, KSA itself was enough to make a mush of Iranian terrorists there.

Indians are OK people. Funny referred to you.
Never stoop so low that people hire you as mercenaries to commit a genocide in Yemen.

Still far superior coordination than what happened at the USS Liberty incident.
Pakistan never went to Yemen, KSA itself was enough to make a mush of Iranian terrorists there.
Aren't you entertaining. KSA has hired over a 1000 pakistanis to help them kill people at weddings, children going to school by bus or other people whose country is in chaos. And yet, after 5 years, they haven't advanced an inch toward Saana.

And least we forget that we have also hired you to do our dirty job in Syria. Ever heard of Liwa Zeinabiyoun?
Did you identify and count them?

Aren't you entertaining. KSA has hired over a 1000 pakistanis to help them kill people at weddings, children going to school by bus or other people whose country is in chaos. And yet, after 5 years, they haven't advanced an inch toward Saana.

And least we forget that we have also hired you to do our dirty job in Syria. Ever heard of Liwa Zeinabiyoun?
Unfortunately thread is being taken off topic. Seem there are those that cannot wait for the opportunity to release their hatred as soon such a news is posted and destroy these thread that should be about showing condolences to soldiers that have lost their lives.
Did you identify and count them?
Why would I? Everyone knows the likes of you. Just a call from your Saudi "brothers" would suffice for thousands of people like you to end up there. Actually, I believe 1000s to be an underestimation.
You are really dumb, You people beat your heads a lot, maybe your brains have flipped in your skulls. Aren't you from the same country where the whole nation changed the time in their watches to match the time in their Shah's wrist-watch instead of him fixing it?

Why would I? Everyone knows the likes of you. Just a call from your Saudi "brothers" would suffice for thousands of people like you to end up there. Actually, I believe 1000s to be an underestimation.
You are really dumb, You people beat your heads a lot, maybe your brains have flipped in your skulls. Aren't you from the same country where the whole nation changed the time in their watches to match the time in their Shah's wrist-watch instead of him fixing it?
No, we're not. That's probably a story about Saudi Arabia? Your brothers? Who have put the name of their royal family in the name of the country as its their property?

Iran is like your father. Without Iran, Pakistan is nothing but a separated part of India that looks exactly like Indians to all the world, no matter how hard you try to prove otherwise (except that you're Muslims, which is deemed as worse than Hinduism by all powerful countries in today's world). The only thing that makes Pakistan a bit different is a touch of Iranian culture on you. So, talk with respect to your fathers, kid.
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RIP to fallen...

Overall same shits happens even among most powerful navy. For example, couples cases. In 1992 during joint exercises, the US carrier Saratoga mistakenly fired the Sea Sparrow missiles on a Turkish destroyer Muavenet that killing 5 and wounded 22 Turkish sailors. In 1987 during Soviet missile trainings, one target missile accidentally hit the Soviet missile corvette Musson and 39 sailors died.
No, we're not. That's probably a story about Saudi Arabia? Your brothers? Who have put the name of their royal family in the name of the country as its their property?

Iran is like your father. Without Iran, Pakistan is nothing but a separated part of India that looks exactly like Indians to all the world, no matter how hard you try to prove otherwise (except that you're Muslims, which is deemed as worse than Hinduism by all powerful countries in today's world). The only thing that makes Pakistan a bit different is a touch of Iranian culture on you. So, talk with respect to your fathers, kid.
This is inappropriate language. Please address an argument in a better way.

Pakistan is a land of much diversity and beauty. Indians have a much different look and feel on average. WE are all humans regardless.
first go wash your mouth with soap, then learn to talk politely and then which staff exactly. and who is he to decide were the attack happened , your army said 14km away from the border and you guys come and say 1km away . even if its true and 1 km away , do you dare to enter Iran border and search for the detonator.
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