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Friendly Fire Incident between Iranian vessels in the Persian Gulf

In my opinion Iran military structure in terms of training command clearance and tenure needs lot of improvement. Standard of safety can only be improved if better sops are made and implemented along with clear disciplinary action against all responsible for such kind of incidents. These recent two incidents show lack of effective and safe fire control with regards to operators. Some heads in military hierarchy shall be held responsible and removed from position along with detailed revamping of all operational and training procedures governing live fire.
And please show us evidence of Your claims.


This happened right on the border with Iran. Some terrorists were neutralised within Iranian territory just recently. Indian state terrorist Kulbashan Yadev and his network was using Iranian soil to spread terrorism in Pakistan. Indians were openly threatening terrorist activities in Baluchistan after their loses in Kashmir and of course we all know the India operates from Iranian soil by the blessings of Mullah regime. So spare us the BS of evidence.
I would like to offer our condolences to the sailors who lost their lives.

Iranian Navy Hits Own Warship With Missile In Fatal Accident

H I Sutton
Aerospace & Defense

The warship Kenarak after the missile impact. Rescuers rushed to the scene.

The Iranian Navy has confirmed that 19 people died when an Iranian warship was hit by a missile during a training exercise. 15 more are reported to have been injured. The events took place off the Iranian port of Jask in the Sea of Oman on May 10. Jask is strategically located outside the Straits of Hormuz, and is regularly used by Iranian warships and submarines.

The incident occurred close to the coast near Jask and Chabahar. Rescuers rushed to the scene but the boat’s superstructure was completely destroyed and the hull began to sink. It appears that they were able to tow it back to port.

Training with live missiles is inherently dangerous and accidents can occur in any Navy. The missiles can lock on to the wrong target. Strict procedures and effective command normally mitigate the risks however. So such incidents are rare, and this event stands out in terms of scale and misfortune. In July 2016 a Taiwanese warship accidentally fired an anti-ship missile which homed in on a fishing vessel, killing its captain and injuring the crew.

The sunk warship, Kenarak (A-1403), was a Hendijan-class auxiliary support vessel. She can be armed with 20mm cannon and anti-ship missiles but is used was a general purpose vessel. Her core crew is only 15 people, many fewer than the reported dead and injured.

The missile was reportedly fired from the frigate Jamaran. It has not yet been confirmed which type of weapon was involved. However the 1500 ton warship is armed with C-802 Noor anti-ship missiles. These are an Iranian development of a Chinese weapon, and are broadly equivalent to the U.S. Navy's Harpoon missile. The frigate, termed a destroyer in Iranian parlance, is also armed with radar guided anti-aircraft missiles which can also be used against ships. These are derived from the U.S. Navy's legacy Standard SM-1 type. They have a smaller warhead than the Noor missile.

Jamaran is the first Moudge class ship and entered service in 2010. 3 Moudge Class ships have been built and more are under construction. It is not the first accident involving this class of ship however. Her sister-ship Damavand was sunk in a navigation error on January 10 2018.

Iran regularly exercises its forces to attack ships in the Straits of Hormuz as well as the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Jamaran is one of its newer and most capable warships, but there are reports that it is building even larger destroyers, and even large submarines.

Iran please kick out the Indian advisers in your country...
probably the sailor who died was newly joined the navy and was not know how to swim so he died.
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I don't have anything of worth to say to you now since the first thing you did was unjustly call me an "American self-hater"

Actually I was giving you the benefit of the doubt calling you an "American" self-hater. I don't really believe you are an American. Rather you are some one's false flag, probably Iranian. Hence my hostility. Iran is totally an enemy of the USA. No American should give Iran any sympathy.

This happened right on the border with Iran. Some terrorists were neutralised within Iranian territory just recently. Indian state terrorist Kulbashan Yadev and his network was using Iranian soil to spread terrorism in Pakistan. Indians were openly threatening terrorist activities in Baluchistan after their loses in Kashmir and of course we all know the India operates from Iranian soil by the blessings of Mullah regime. So spare us the BS of evidence.
that happened something like 14km away from border so please stop nonsense about trigger found over border iIran .
nobody anymore use such trigger ,when you can buy infrared trigger from any shop for dirt cheap

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Do have Indian trainers?

Nope. It was friendly fire. Apparently one of our frigates (Jamaran) has shot it instead of targeting the decoy.
We're still waiting for the news to be confirmed.

You can't read Persian. Can you? Because it's not saying what you said. And it's Konarak, not Andijan. Hendijan is the class. And the attacker was Jamaran.
Terrible loss, very sad to hear. Iran has made huge strides over the last decade and with such a fast pace of development occuring accidents like this were unfortunately inevitable.

Every incident is something to learn from. Iran's learning curve is very steep and they will become stronger after this.

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