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Friendly Fire Incident between Iranian vessels in the Persian Gulf

Yes, appalling behavior, some of the Pakistanis are just ignorant in this thread....I can only relate it to having a chip on the shoulders about Iran or suffering from an inferiority complex. one of the animals said he was smirking.

Nothing new though, we've known for years that many members on PDF don't like Iranians or Iran and they show it proudly (they don't have to like Iran, just an observation really).
What even?...... this thread isn't about me, what are trying to get at?

Also it's funny that you didn't even reply to my last response so I don't have anything of worth to say to you now since the first thing you did was unjustly call me an "American self-hater", that overtly tells me you don't have any good intensions here other than starting some internet tough-guy shit you can't back up. FYI "truth"seeker, I'm giving you a friendly 'out' here, don't push what doesn't need pushing...

Second verse same as the first: I didn't vote for/or plan to vote for Bernie, I'm most definitely not a stooge for alzheimer's Joe and I sure as hell won't tell who I will or will not be voting for to some random internet nobody.

"friends in Tehran and Beijing".....Holy Jesus, wtf man? Please try harder with your false assumptions about me please lol, it's somewhat amusing.

Anyways, do yourself a favor and leave me alone or ignore me since there isn't anything you're gonna get outta me that's worth your while...

Well I'm at it I will say that it should be noted you only responded to me outta all the other members here so it seems you've taken at least a passing fancy to me or you've made this personal lol (not into that stuff, go somewhere else). Did my last response dig deep at your feelings "truth"seeker or are you on some god-forsaken woeful crusade to 'protect' America by outing online personas that don't vibe with your own agenda that has something to do with excusing or supporting every and any course of action the U.S.A undertakes 'cause of 'Murica and muh "exceptionalism".

On second thought, don't answer that because I know what you'll say, guys like you are really easy to make out. Always the same cut-and-paste responses over and over and over again....

Anyways, take care of yourself, your friends and loved ones "truth"seeker: the world is going through tumultuous times, and I will damned if I spend it here trying to argue with a nobody over stuff I don't have any direct control over. I've got much more important things to see too right now.
Haha, he's ridiculing you for liking Bernie and Biden....so I'm guessing he supports Trump. That's all you need to know.......A Moran :)
Haha, he's ridiculing you for liking Bernie and Biden....so I'm guessing he supports Trump. That's all you need to know.......A Moran :)
View attachment 631355

It's just really weird that he decided to pick this hill to die on all things considered...

This thread was about an Iranian friendly-fire accident during some training exercise or whatever, and he stupidly chose to make his one and only post about me instead of the topic at hand lmao. Obviously he's still a little bit peeved over our last encounter which I completely gave him a well-rounded answer to shut-up any of his deluded crack-pot theories about me. But it don't bother me all that much to tell you the god-honest truth Kastor. I know what PDF is (a cesspool) so it's to be expected really.

Also for some unknown reason he thinks equating me to some arbitrary political affiliation is going to get his argument somewhere... I'm actually quite worried for his mental health, imagine always wrongly using the American domestic political spectrum in order to support your own false assumptions about someone xD!! It's beyond deluded, bordering on madness to say the least Kastor :omghaha:
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Please dont use mention. Instead report the post. In this case, provide the thread to be merged with.
One was in Middle East section other one is in the Iranian section.

Not everybody visits Iranian section. The purpose of carrying this thread to Iranian section was to hide this embarrassment from the other nations posters.... not that i care but truth be truth.

RIP for all Soldiers and my condolences to their families.
One was in Middle East section other one is in the Iranian section.

Not everybody visits Iranian section. The purpose of carrying this thread to Iranian section was to hide this embarrassment from the other nations posters.... not that i care but truth be truth.

RIP for all Soldiers and my condolences to their families.
Many of my dublicated/corona threads get merged or moved that's why I tagged mods.
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