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Friendly Fire Incident between Iranian vessels in the Persian Gulf

Worst part about this whole thing is that they were probably filming it for TV broadcasting about naval drills and they probably have the film of it striking the Konarak (which will never be released).
My guess the filming crew were on konarak as it as nearest to the target.
The American self-hater appears. Are you bummed that Bernie dropped out? Got to settle for Joe now. Maybe he will win and sell your country to your friends in Tehran and Beijing ....

What even?...... this thread isn't about me, what are you even trying to get at?

Also it's funny that you didn't even try to reply to my last response so I don't have anything of worth to say to you now since the first thing you did was unjustly call me an "American self-hater", that overtly tells me you don't have any good intentions here other than starting some internet tough-guy shit you can't back up. FYI "truth"seeker, I'm giving you a friendly 'out' here, so don't push what doesn't need pushing...

Second verse same as the first: I didn't vote for/or plan to vote for Bernie, and I'm most definitely not a stooge for alzheimer's Joe and I sure as hell won't tell who I will or will not be voting for to some random internet nobody.

"friends in Tehran and Beijing".....Holy Jesus, wtf man? Please try harder with your false assumptions about me lol, it's somewhat amusing.

Anyways, do yourself a favor and leave me alone or ignore me since there isn't anything you're gonna get outta this childish-crap you're trying to start, especially nothing that's worth your while...

While I'm at it, I will say that it should be noted you only responded to me outta all the other members here so it seems you've taken at least a passing fancy to me or you've made this thing personal lol (not into that stuff, go somewhere else). Did my last response dig deep at your feelings "truth"seeker or are you on some god-forsaken woeful crusade to 'protect' America by outing online personas that don't vibe with your own agenda that has something to do with excusing or supporting every and any course of action the U.S.A undertakes 'cause of 'Murica and muh "exceptionalism".

On second thought, don't answer that because I know what you'll say, guys like you are really easy to make out. Always the same cut-and-paste responses over and over and over again....

Anyways, take care of yourself, your friends and loved ones "truth"seeker ( I mean this sincerely btw): the world is going through tumultuous times, and I will damned if I spend it here trying to argue with a nobody over stuff I don't have any direct control over. I've got much more important things to see too right now.
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in yek manteghe nezami hast. mosalam hast ke mishe penhanesh kard. har video ya reportagi ro mamurane amniat bayad toghif konand va mosahebe ba kadre nezami mamnoo. faghat yekami modiriat mikhad ke nist.

begzarim, masale alan in nist. masale ine ke shoroo konande thread khabare ''rumour'' ro ajulane miad thread mizane. vaghean... in che mana dare ? man ke sar dar nemiaram.
در دروازه را میشه بست در دهن مردم را نه . با خانواده دریا نوردها چه میکنی؟ می‌فرستی گولاگ .
بهترین کار اینه این چیزها را خودت بگی قبل از اینی که دشمنها بگن.
در دروازه را میشه بست در دهن مردم را نه . با خانواده دریا نوردها چه میکنی؟ می‌فرستی گولاگ .
بهترین کار اینه این چیزها را خودت بگی قبل از اینی که دشمنها بگن.
اینم حرفیه
just like they downed own airplane earlier these poorly trained iranis are only capable of killing their own people
As if Pakistan didn't shot down one of their own f-16 or didn't attacked one of their own ship or didn't gave wrong intel to the USA that result in bombing of their forces..
Dozens of Iranian soldiers killed in Navy missile accident

It was reported that during a military drill, a C-802 missile was fired towards another Iranian Navy destroyer, striking it and causing extensive damage.

Dozens of sailors in Iran's Navy were killed early Monday after a on-board missile was accidentally shot from one destroyer and hit another, according to a Maariv report.

It was reported that during a military drill, a C-802 missile was fired towards another Iranian Navy destroyer, striking it and causing extensive damage. Iranian authorities have not yet officially made a statement, and the exact number of victims is still unknown.
Usually BS

One killed and reset rescued
Look, a deplorable ruining a Iran related thread.

Just countering the trolls.
Yes, appalling behavior, some of the Pakistanis are just ignorant in this thread....I can only relate it to having a chip on the shoulders about Iran or suffering from an inferiority complex. one of the animals said he was smirking.
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