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Friendly Fire Incident between Iranian vessels in the Persian Gulf

Iran helped India in helping Baloch terrorists to kill 6 of our soldiers.
Now Iran got their soldiers killed by themselves.
What goes round comes round.
Lets hope you dont get banned for this comment.
مساله رو نژادی نکنید. خیلی از پاکستانی ها ایران رو مثل پاکستان دوست دارند و چن تایی هم وهابی توشون هست که کمن ولی پر صدا اند
من مدت زیادی تو این فروم بودم با ایدی تاریخ گذشته ای و عمری گذاشتم تو این فروم. گاهی اینها اهل کشور سوم اند و فقط میخوان دعوا درست کنن

لطفا پست بالا رو حذف کنید

Don’t feed a troll.
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Dozens of Iranian soldiers killed in Navy missile accident

It was reported that during a military drill, a C-802 missile was fired towards another Iranian Navy destroyer, striking it and causing extensive damage.

Dozens of sailors in Iran's Navy were killed early Monday after a on-board missile was accidentally shot from one destroyer and hit another, according to a Maariv report.

It was reported that during a military drill, a C-802 missile was fired towards another Iranian Navy destroyer, striking it and causing extensive damage. Iranian authorities have not yet officially made a statement, and the exact number of victims is still unknown.

Yeah , why?
Israelis are propagandists, only one person is martyred.

Hate to see these Freemason beasts , Anyways :

IMG_5686 (1).jpg

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