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French Senate passes Armenian genocide law

Barbarism ? You were the guys who exterminated 1.5 million armenians from the face of the planet. Now that is called barbarism in the modern world . And please research more about French colonialism in India. I doubt they killed more than a 100 people while they were there.
why we exterminated 1.5 million armenians instead of burning in fire?
when your soldiers fights far away from Anatolia, and armenians kill your children and women with frenc and russian, what will do you?
you do same USA what did his some citizens during World War II...you will take them to safe area..
there is an armenian minister at the ottomans cabinet in 915 at "techir" ...how can be genocide ...did you understand ...
those are due to france's inner politics
why is indians talking here if i was an indian i will be ashamed like **** you got f ed by the british they ruled you like little dogs little island ruled you for years like little shits hahah why are indians talking they got ruled like a little fish


Armenian Churches in Turkey Today (For all the Haters)
Norman Stone: 'There is No Armenian Genocide'

Famous British Historian says he is ready to be prisoned by France

“The Armenian ‘genocide’ is an imperialist plot.” So said Dogu Perincek, in Marxist mode, and he chose to say it in Switzerland. Switzerland passed a law threatening prison for anyone ‘denying’ that there had been a genocide of the Ottoman Armenians in 1915, and Mr. Perincek was interrogated by the police.
There have been similar events in other countries and now we have the French parliament passing a law that is harsher than the Swiss one – a year’s prison and a heavy fine. This is a ridiculous and contemptible business – bad history and worse politics. It is also financially very grubby indeed. We all know how the American legal system can work: lawyers will agree to work for nothing, in return for a share of the profits at the end of a court case. Court cases are very expensive and it can simply be easier for banks or firms or hospitals to agree to make a payment without any confession of liability, just because fighting the case would be absurdly expensive, and the outcome – given how the American jury system works – unpredictable. A burglar, crawling over a householder’s glass roof, fell through it, was badly wounded, and took the householder to court: result, a million dollars in damages. Class actions by Armenian Diaspora descendants in California shook down the Deutsche Bank over claims dating back to 1915 and collected 17,000,000 dollars; then they attempted the same with a French insurance company. We can be entirely certain that if Turkey ever ‘recognizes the genocide’ then the financial claims will follow.
But if Turkey refuses to admit it, she is in fact on perfectly good ground. The very first thing to be said is that the business of ‘genocide’ has never been proved. The evidence for it is at best indirect and when the British were in occupation of Istanbul they never found any direct evidence or proof at all. They kept some hundred or so prominent Turks in captivity on Malta, hoping to find some sort of evidence against them, and failed. They asked the Americans if they knew anything and were told, no. The result is that the alleged ‘genocide’ has never been subjected to a properly-constituted court of law. The British released their Turks (meanly refusing to pay for their journeys back home from Malta). There is a counter-claim to the effect that this happened because the Nationalist Turks were holding British officers hostage but the fact is that the Law Officers simply said that they did not have the evidence to try their captives.
Diaspora Armenians claim that ‘historians’ accept the genocide case. There is some preposterous organization called ‘association of genocide scholars’ which does indeed endorse the Diaspora line, but who are they and what qualifications do they have? Knowing about Rwanda or Bosnia or even Auschwitz does not qualify them to discuss Anatolia in 1915, and the Ottoman specialists are by no means convinced of the ‘genocide’. There is in fact an ‘A’ team of distinguished historians who do not accept the Diaspora line at all. In France, Gilles Veinstein, historian of Salonica and a formidable scholar, reviewed the evidence in a famous article of 1993 in L’Histoire. Back then the Armenian Diaspora were also jumping up and down about something or other, and Veinstein summed up the arguments for and against, in an admirably fair-minded way. The fact is that there is no proof of ‘genocide’, in the sense that no document ever appeared, indicating that the Armenians were to be exterminated. There is forged evidence. In 1920 some documents were handed to the British by a journalist called Andonian.....

All my Turkey loving pakisthani friends ...on one side u are crying about genocide in kashmir where not more then 20 thousand people die in last 14 years and on other side u are not ready to accept Armenian Genocide where more then 1.5 million died
All my Turkey loving pakisthani friends ...on one side u are crying about genocide in kashmir where not more then 20 thousand people die in last 14 years and on other side u are not ready to accept Armenian Genocide where more then 1.5 million died

hypocrites ay

still dont think there is much point to making it law to deny it.... effectively they are passing law to restrict peoples freedom of speech

---------- Post added at 11:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 AM ----------

they should pass law only that says they recognize it did in fact happen and they condemn turkeys action and refusal to admit it

but to pass law making it illegal to deny it, is a direct injustice to freedom of speech
it wasnt just armenians either, it was greeks and assyrians too

turkey doesnt deny it happened, they just refuse to call it genocide

they wanted a pure turkish state.. so they got rid of whoever else was there

however i have no doubt that the armenians inflated the actual number of deaths and no doubt the armenians commited atrocities also
Good on France, history has to be faced.
And it's governments job to determine what true history is, right? Interest group politics is obliged to determine what history is, right? Good on France then, I wouldn't expect any less from a country as illiberal as France is. French philosophy? Well, France threw that under a bus long time ago.
bro I Think you forget how russian empire kick your *** from black sea ...how timur brutally crushed so called great ottoman sultan...how great ottoman sultan hiding under the *** of england and france when russian attack them...how u kill so many so many innocent Armenian when ottamans was facing defeat in battle and how cowerdly you join nato due to fear of ussr.......

Dude, it doesn't matter.. Indians were the ONLY ones in the entire 5000 year old history that let every invader kicked their... ahem ahem! Turks, Greeks, Huns, Mongols, Arabs, Persians, Afghans, etc etc :P
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