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French Senate passes Armenian genocide law

Genocides have happened be it the holocaust or the one in question or in the balkans /Rawanda and may happen in the future too.

What I do not understand is the need to make laws to establish their having happened or the resistance to the laws.

How can we ever move on if we remain stuck in the past ?

That's a good point, I think what's horrible about passing a law like the one the french senate passed is that they're only looking at it from one point of view, and completely ignoring the suffering of Turks in the hands of Armenian and the russian warband/army. They're pretending it doesn't exist, maybe it's because the allied west had declared war on the ottomans that they choose to ignore that fact. Perhaps that is also why Rwanda and Algeria isn't categorized as a genocide.

I see this as a good opportunity to limit the amount of import from France by playing this card right, and at the same time maintaining or raise export to France. It'd be very nice to have the turkish people feel that a national cause for an objective evaluation of a historic event has been politicized and abused, so they boycot french things.

At the same time we (azerbaijan) could pressure France out of the Minsk group because of this law as well, since Azerbaijan are Turkic descendants, they'll be more hellbent on this. We should also focus efforts to have other Turkic nations starte recognizing international attrocities committed by colonial powers.

Because I believe that it'll help keep some companies out and open the doors for others. (mostly ours).

Forummurat... dude slow down the propaganda machine.
Another victory of Davutoglu's foreign policies.
Turkiye must recognize Algerian genocide immediately. I think this is the best answer to sarkozy and france. How pity is it? france has economic problems but its own president doesn't solve these problems even he makes it hard to solve.

Now what did france get from this ? lost a market which has 75 million population. For what? For the sake of sarkozy's chair. This is perfect description of a looser ....

BTW. I wish good luck to france with poor armenia... From now on, they can sell their goods to armenians. Poor anrmenia perfect a market for crappy french products. ahahahah
Another victory of Davutoglu's foreign policies.

I don't completely disagree, however I think there should have been less talking to media about this because all it did was either be interpretated as a threat or as involvement into domestic affairs. e.g. whitehouse has bloody speechwriters and 2-3 people checking every word in the speech for any misinterpretations!

In times like this you have only one minister who talks, e.g. Davutoglu who commented on the case, but I think too many ministers and people from AKP got involved. Personally, I think this shows lack of discipline among AKP.

I think it's more important for AKP to discipline it's deputies with regards to being outspoken.
We have a Israeli who knows whats better for Turkey.

İsrail'de havalar nasıl?

Nah it's 500's personality to be like that. protecting Israels rights, throwing mud on everyone else that isn't friendly towards Israel :) wait.... sounds familiar.. hm.... I guess we're all like that.
Nah it's 500's personality to be like that. protecting Israels rights, throwing mud on everyone else that isn't friendly towards Israel :) wait.... sounds familiar.. hm.... I guess we're all like that.

i guess he or she knows Turkish.
Ok so tell me why 1/3 of the population of armenia disapeared during this period ????

Some went to lebanon and Syria, others went to Caucasus. There was inter communal conflict, Turks, Kurds, Armenians, Assyrians have suffered. Armenians were not like Jews waiting to be butchered. Armenians had taken up arms and started killing.
Ok so tell me why 1/3 of the population of armenia disapeared during this period ????

They said firstly that 300.000 Armenians died..
Later said 500.000 Armenians died..
750.000 Armenians died..
1.000.000 Armenians died..
Number continued to increase in accordance with interests of the West
And now reached to 1.500.000 Armenians..
I suppose we continue genocide in these days... :)
Ok so tell me why 2/3 of the population of armenians living in anatolia disapeared during this period ????

Millions of Armenians went to live in America, France, Britain, Russia, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Argentina.. Where they came from? Guess now intelligent child! They have many populations in this countries that have a great potential for vote and they affect the election results !!!
They said firstly that 300.000 Armenians died..
Later said 500.000 Armenians died..
750.000 Armenians died..
1.000.000 Armenians died..
Number continued to increase in accordance with interests of the West
And now reached to 1.500.000 Armenians..
I suppose we continue genocide in these days... :)

One thing is sure : many armenians died during this period, and we just want to know why
One thing is sure : many armenians died during this period, and we just want to know why

No, I don't believe that you just want to know the truth. You just want to join the bandwagon of condemning something intangible. Those numbers can't be proven, might as well say 100.000.000 died, if you claim tht 1,5 million died you have to come up with an objective proof. So far only proof fabricated is Armenian.
One thing is sure : many armenians died during this period, and we just want to know why

Ok i will tell you the story completely..

Turks and Armenians lived by peace, tolerance and friendship in Anatolia since 1000 years.. We didn't kill them, lived side by side 1000 years and one day we got up and started to cut Armenians, you think i suppose but not..

Ottomans said for Armenians "Millet-i Sâdıka" (loyal nation) Armenians also loved Ottomans.. Ottomans gave the task to many Armenians in the top order of State until 1915-20's..

But Armenians were the tool to dirty plans of Europe and started insurgency and terrorism after 1875's.. This terror has become the mass by 25-30 years.. 500.000 Turk, Kurd and Azeri killed frightfully.. You can watch the video that i put in #2.. In the meantime England, France, Biritish India, Australia, New Zeeland, Canada and Scotland armies came to Gallipoli to siege Istanbul to help Russia against Turkey.. Turkey remained between the two wars.. England, France, others from west and Russia from east.. And sametime Armenians from the inside in 1915..

Turkish army killed many Armenian terrorist in mutual war.. Some of them executed in city ​​squares for intimidation to other Armenians.. Young Turks Party decided to obligatory migrate for Armenians. Because presence of the state was compromised. Unfortunately hundreds of thousands of Armenians died during this migration with the cause of bad organisation and cause of starvation and epidemic disease.. In the meantime Kurds made revenge attacks to Armenians because they killed many Kurds and burnt many Kurdish city.. In the meantime was some abuse.. As well as thief and bandit attacks.. And some Turkish commandars made various abuse.. But 19 big Turkish commander was sentenced to death by Turkish court in those days.. Talat Pasha was the greatest of them.. Ottoman won the Gallipoli war and westernians started to use this issue agaist Turks as the political purpose..

But when you speak with older Armenians over all world you will see that old Armenians love Ottoman Empire and Turks still and miss this lands. Because they know the facts..!
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