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French Senate passes Armenian genocide law

One thing is sure : many armenians died during this period, and we just want to know why

Many ??

Where are these fckng graves ?? Many people were killed where? which camps? Which methods did Turks use? Where are these fcking bones ??

Only empty claims. 1.5 million armenians were killed ... Germans started to kill jews one by one by shooting them. it took very long time and made the soldiers have physiologic problems. Then they made the camps and used the gas to annihilate them.

So how did Turks kill these many armenians ?? I want you prove it or shut your mouth up !!
France also must consider approving bills making it criminal offence to deny that genocide was committed by Europeans against American Indians, Africans for slavery, genocide by Japanese Imperial Army against Chinese and Asians, genocide in Rwanda with French implication, state genocide by Israel against palestinians etc. France must not discriminate on genocides for political reasons. All genocides must not be denied even those committed by France itself on civilians Algerians during the war for independence and genocides committed by Europe on other civilizations and countries during the crusade and colonial rule must also be recognized and denying such genocides must also be declared criminal offence. Even the killings of civilians by US soldiers must be declared genocide and denying same must be a criminal offence.
You can't ban people from believing Armenians were not killed by Turks.

A law cannot change the beliefs of the people. And France has more than one law that people are not impressed with.
DEATH AND EXILE the ethnic cleansing of ottoman (osmanli) muslims 1821-1922; ISBN 0-87850-094-4; Justin McCarthy;

many armenians allied with the tsars armies and murdered muslims in the east. they did this in 1877 and later. more muslims were slaughtered than armenians- but of course -genocide victims cannot be muslims- can they?
I am not going to search for this guys----Punjabi Jattan Da Puttar reply but I have to say that you are an embarrassment of human mind if you can't understand the irony here.

They are making a law to ''protect human rights'' by banning the two of the most important human right ''freedom of self resolve and freedom of speech''.
Congratulations France.

But I dont agree with the fact that the turban is forbidden there :s

I agree with the ban of burqa there

you are probably a little kid who makes those comments to piss off people, perhaps you take pleasure in it, or perhaps you have an ingrained hate of muslims, I don't care. However I do want to read constructive point of view or alternate or why people think otherwise with explanations.

Seriously would you want me to say that I support forcefully headshaving of all male immegrants when they enter France, you know what that would mean to a sikh! Retard, think before posting without any substance.
you are probably a little kid who makes those comments to piss off people, perhaps you take pleasure in it, or perhaps you have an ingrained hate of muslims, I don't care. However I do want to read constructive point of view or alternate or why people think otherwise with explanations.

Seriously would you want me to say that I support forcefully headshaving of all male immegrants when they enter France, you know what that would mean to a sikh! Retard, think before posting without any substance.

No this is not true, i don't hate muslims because my religion forbid to hate others religions.

But i believe that the genocide of armenians by turkssss existed
And i'm not the only one, all europe believe it
We have some proofs :

Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And i find it DISGUSTINGGGG that you can defend it
No this is not true, i don't hate muslims because my religion forbid to hate others religions.

But i believe that the genocide of armenians by turkssss existed
And i'm not the only one, all europe believe it
We have some proofs :

Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And i find it DISGUSTINGGGG that you can defend it

you find it disgusting that we defend what WE believe has not happened?

democracy my friend... does it tell you something. linking wikipedia is just plain stupid.

what France does here is playing with Turkey to get it's policies forward.

people there have just been robed their freedom. so now, they cant go out and say "i dont believe in this".

and NO, not all Europeans believe it. some Armenian historians/experts even say this should be between Turkey and Armenia, not a political tool for the rest of the world to use and play with.

can you give me any other proof other than Wikipedia where 1.5 million Armenians have systematically been killed? and good ones, not "armenian genocide by turks.ar"

you believe it i dont. why should my freedom be taken away because i dont believe in something you say? isn't france a free society. what if a law came to existence in India saying that if you deny 'X' you will be put to prison and given a 50 000 Euro bill?

just because you dont believe in something that a midget believes in?
No this is not true, i don't hate muslims because my religion forbid to hate others religions.

But i believe that the genocide of armenians by turkssss existed
And i'm not the only one, all europe believe it
We have some proofs :

Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And i find it DISGUSTINGGGG that you can defend it

DONT belive that armenian genocide, if you do l will arrest you, shut up!!!!

do you like this stuation?
do you understand me really?
do you have a brain?
Yes, France came to India in 1750's for the Human Rigths and thus India was converted to civilisation from barbarism! Is it so?
You stupit ignorant !!!

Barbarism ? You were the guys who exterminated 1.5 million armenians from the face of the planet. Now that is called barbarism in the modern world . And please research more about French colonialism in India. I doubt they killed more than a 100 people while they were there.
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