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French Senate passes Armenian genocide law

more like they should respect nature and it's power...

No my friend, I was eluding to the part about those elders not being properly cared for, as you mentioned. I'm just not a big fan of how the elderly care system works in the West...whereby an increment in the quality of life and independence comes at the expense of their children not having enough time for them.
Sarkozy Renews Call on Turkey to Face its History


Sarkozy addresses the CRIF dinner on Wednesday

PARIS—French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Wednesday renewed calls on Turkey to face its history by recognizing the Armenian Genocide.

Speaking at an annual dinner of the Representative Council of the Jewish Institutions of France (CRIF), Sarkozy said that France, which collaborated with the Nazis during World War II, faced that period in history. Confronting history can be a source of pride for Turkey as well, referring to that country’s continued denial of the Armenian Genocide, reported ntvmsnbc.com.

In December the lower house of France’s parliament passed a measure criminalizing the denial of the Armenian Genocide. In January, the French Senate filed suit. However, thereafter, some lawmakers appealed the bill, which is awaiting a ruling by France’s Constitutional Council.

Last week Sarkozy vowed to redraft a law that criminalizes the denial of the Armenian Genocide, if the country’s highest judicial body finds an earlier version unconstitutional. While making the statement, Sarkozy reportedly criticized those in cabinet who had opposed the bill, saying they “did not see past the ends of their noses.”

He also said a rejection of the bill by the Constitutional Council could open the door to questioning a law that penalizes denial of the Holocaust.

Sarkozy’s calls on Turkey to come to terms with its history were first heard in October, when during a visit to Dzidzernagapert he declared that “the Armenian Genocide is a historical reality… Turkey, which is a great country, would honor itself to revisit its history like other great countries in the world have done.”

While in Armenia, he vowed that if Turkey did not address its past, other measures would be taken to rectify the wrong Turkey has carried out for almost a century.

France officially recognized the Armenian Genocide in 2001.

Sarkozy Renews Call on Turkey to Face its History | Asbarez Armenian News
In 1845, the onset of the Great Irish Famine resulted in over 1,000,000 deaths. Ottoman Sultan Abdülmecid declared his intention to send 10,000 sterling to Irish farmers but Queen Victoria requested that the Sultan send only 1,000 sterling, because she had sent only 2,000 sterling. The Sultan sent the 1,000 sterling but also secretly sent 3 ships full of food. The English courts tried to block the ships, but the food arrived Drogheda harbor and was left there by Ottoman Sailors.

Due to this the Irish people, especially those in Drogheda, are friendly to the Turks.

(Note, in 1845, the 10000 pounds dedicated to the Irish from the Sultan would be worth approximately 800,000 pounds today, that is $1,683,280 US Dollars.

On the other hand, the Queen gave the equivilant of 160,000 pounds today or 336,656 US Dollars)
It sad when Thousands of Muslim Turks Died at the hands of Armenians Thugs are not Even Mentioned.The so called Armenian Genocide is a conspiracy theory,A vicious Campaign To Tarnish The Peaceful Image of The Ottomon Turks.We Always Side With Turkey on this issue.May be French needs to took into their barbaric campaign in Algeria and East Africa.
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