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French Senate passes Armenian genocide law

What can be the real motives of the Europeans behind their decision to exasperate the two major west Asian countries at the same time? On the one hand the EU wants to ban on oil imports from Iran oil, and on the other hand they are using an alleged event to malign the name of Turkey.
What can be the real motives of the Europeans behind their decision to exasperate the two major west Asian countries at the same time? On the one hand the EU wants to ban on oil imports from Iran oil, and on the other hand they are using an alleged event to malign the name of Turkey.

With respect to Turkey...I watched a talk show talking about the same thing and most of the analysts or political commentators were of the opinion that Sarkozy did this to get votes from half a million or so Armenians in France and any individuals who don't look very favorably on Turkey because its a Muslim majority country even if they are as Westernized as they get (Islam equals the bogeyman...I suppose).
Turks should listen to their intelectuals.

Taner Akcam:

Genocide Recognition is about Justice, Not Freedom of Thought

....What should be clear to everyone is this: In Turkey, genocide denial is an industry. It is also a state policy of primary importance. The National Security Council, Turkey’s highest constitutional authority, established in 2001 a Coordinating Committee for the Fight Against Baseless Claims of Genocide. All of the important ministries, including the Armed Forces, are represented on this committee, which is chaired by the vice prime minister. I repeat: Denying the genocide is one of the most important national policies of the Turkish state. You need to realize that you aren’t just confronting a simple “denial,” but you’re up against a “denialist regime.”

As long as Turkey continues this state policy of genocide denial through its institutions, relations, and mentality, Ankara will be sensitive to external pressure. In fact, this pressure should be increased. What happened in Libya and Syria needs to happen in Turkey also, with regard to genocide denial, even if the content and scope of the pressure are different.

If the West is serious about democracy in the Middle East, it cannot build democracy by supporting a denialist regime. Historical denial, both as institution and mindset, is probably the greatest stumbling block to peace and democracy in the Middle East. Why do Christians, Kurds, and Arabs in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq feel intimidated by Turkey? Why aren’t they keen on Turkey’s intervention for democracy and human rights? Because they see, in today’s denialist regime of Turkey, the Unionists’ mentality that committed crimes against them in the past.

The South African regime didn’t collapse from internal pressure alone. The support of international public opinion was also very important. As long as the West allows Turkey’s denialist politics to continue, genocide denial will go on.

We are faced with the huge issue of how to prevent mass murders and genocides in today’s global community. To that end, the space for genocide denial in the international arena must be narrowed and ultimately eliminated. Turkey’s denial policy should be reconsidered within this perspective of prevention of genocide in the global world.....

Full interview at
Akcam: Genocide Recognition is about Justice, Not Freedom of Thought | Armenian Weekly
Turks should listen to their intelectuals.

Taner Akcam:

Genocide Recognition is about Justice, Not Freedom of Thought

Full interview at
Akcam: Genocide Recognition is about Justice, Not Freedom of Thought | Armenian Weekly

You know that Armenian army and gangs killed tens of thousand muslims right... If they had the same power that Ottomans had it would be Turkish Genocide that we would be arguing about right? You know that, only reason number of death Armenians are larger than number of death Turks because difference in power right?

While Armenians and their ar+se lickers praise those murderers as freedom fighter when they had done the same thing that what you are accusing of Ottomans... You know that because of the Armenians killings there is not a single Turk in Georgia's and Armenia's modern lands when population of these areas were multicultural.

Hypocricy is never good my friend... When you decided to cry about the genocide atleast cry a little about the Muslims that Armenians killed...

When you are looking for justice maybe you could treat ASALA as terrorist, which they are, rather than heros that made the Armenian genocide heard across the world. When they were killing Turkish diplomats here and there Armenians were celbrating and Europeans were silent because people who were killed Turks until ASALA killed some European citizens... Hypocricy of the Armenians and West has exceed what Turks could ever done with their unwillingness to accept genocide...

And let me ask you... In 1910 cencus there were 600.000 Armenians living in Ottoman lands. I wonder how Ottomans could kill 1.5-2-3 million Armenians. Did they invented to clone people and than kill their clones too.

This genocide thing started to become disgusting as it could get... You are accusing Jews of making propaganda out of Holocaust, which you yourselves do, you are acussing Jews that they played with numbers of Holocaust, which you yourselves done, You are accusing Jews that its Armenians place to be pityed by the whole world as victims... Someone needs to tell Armenian Diaspora that Armenians killed a lot and I mean a lot of Muslims to act like a victim...
^^^that is the Turkish version of the history as of today, I have seen it change at least three times in my life time......You can believe what you want, but this freedom of speech cannot apply to the denialist institutions in France sponsered from Ankara. Lets hope this law passes and and maybe one day Turkey man's up.
Turks should listen to their intelectuals.

Taner Akcam:


Intellectual Tamer of Azatavrear

Taner Akcam? Intellectueal? Ja Ja Ja.. I hear the name of this man first time.. :)
Taner Akçam - Vikipedi
And he is a communist and has a dark past like your Armenian State :)
This poor are not a respected man who probably give the conference for the money :)
Look the face of man and see the facts :)
Turks should listen to their intelectuals.

If that is the logical way for Armenians then i suggest you listen to your countries intelectuals to. they keep telling the government to not use it as a political gain and we can clearly see the difference between Turkey and Armenia.

beside, it's not like your hands are clean either, you massacred, murdered, genocided innocent Turks, Azeri Turks and Muslims throughout the region.

Genocide Recognition is about Justice, Not Freedom of Thought[/B]

is it??? then you should recognize the genocides you made against Turks, Azeri Turks, Muslims and the population of Karabagh...

beside, France has already recognized it as a genocide back in 2001. there you go, freedom for you...

ohh sorry my mistake, i forgot it. i am speaking with an Armenian. so unless Turks are fully responsible they wont be happy. :hitwall:
^^^that is the Turkish version of the history as of today, I have seen it change at least three times in my life time......You can believe what you want, but this freedom of speech cannot apply to the denialist institutions in France sponsered from Ankara. Lets hope this law passes and and maybe one day Turkey man's up.

Some food for thought brother : Free speech is not to be regulated like diseased cattle and impure butter. The audience that hissed yesterday may applaud today, even for the same performance. - William O. Douglas
Turks should listen to their intelectuals.

Taner Akcam:

Genocide Recognition is about Justice, Not Freedom of Thought

Full interview at
Akcam: Genocide Recognition is about Justice, Not Freedom of Thought | Armenian Weekly

Holy Sh!t... This is an epic moment... An Armenian needs to be high to queto such a thing. What did you :drag:smoke:drag:

When an Armenian could queto someone who says others made an industry out of Genocide...

When an Turks are blamed for making an Industry out of genocide...

:crazy_pilot::crazy_pilot:That crazy psycho propably confused us with Jews or Armenians...:crazy_pilot::crazy_pilot:

Don't think of Turks as ADL or Armenian diaspora......................:rofl::rofl:
French arent the people who should be taken seriously...
few years back their elders died alone in the heat..while the younger ones were out on holidays basqing in the sun.
French arent the people who should be taken seriously...
few years back their elders died alone in the heat..while the younger ones were out on holidays basqing in the sun.

Huuunh....? Please explain.
Huuunh....? Please explain.

i also saw it, went on a program in National geographic channel about the global warming and that many elders especially in france died as a result of not being taken care of properly...
i also saw it, went on a program in National geographic channel about the global warming and that many elders especially in france died as a result of not being taken care of properly...

Really...thats horrible. You know the Western World despite her advances can learn a thing or two from us Orientals...!
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