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French Senate passes Armenian genocide law

What I do not understand is, why did the French, the champions of free speech and freedom of expression, have to bar someone from saying something that runs contrary to their viewpoint.
What I do not understand is, why did the French, the champions of free speech and freedom of expression, have to bar someone from saying something that runs contrary to their viewpoint.

they suffer from chronic Turk disease! it's common in Europe most of the times.

"you know you're going to loose the next election?... choose to piss of Turkey and you're all good" -midget sarkozy!
Clinton supported Turkey's position on France's bill that penalizes denial of the Armenian allegations with a prison term of one year and a fine of 45 thousand euros. Here is the news and link:

Clinton: We Are Never Going To Go Down That Path To Criminalize Speech

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said regarding the bill adopted by French Senate to make it a crime to deny Armenian allegations on the Ottoman era incidents of 1915 that she hoped that they were never going to go down that path to criminalize speech.

Replying to a question on the United States' stance regarding the French bill criminalizing the denial of Armenian allegations, Clinton said, "first, one of our great strengths is we do not criminalize speech. People can say nearly anything they choose, and they do, in our country. And so other countries, including close friends and allies like France, have different standards, different histories, but we are, I hope, never going to go down that path to criminalize speech."

"I think it's fair to say that this has always been viewed, and I think properly so, as a matter of historical debate and conclusions rather than political. And I think that is the right posture for the United States Government to be in, because whatever the terrible event might be or the high emotions that it represents, to try to use government power to resolve historical issues, I think, opens a door that is a very dangerous one to go through," she said.

The bill penalizes denial of the Armenian allegations with a prison term of one year and a fine of 45 thousand euros.

Clinton: We Are Never Going To Go Down That Path To Criminalize
Reporters Without Borders published an open letter to French Parliamentarians, which urges them to refer genocide denial law to Constitutional Council. Here is the letter and its link:

Dear Parliamentarians,

Reporters Without Borders would like to reiterate to you its concerns about the proposed law aimed at combating “denial of legally recognized genocides,” which the Senate has just approved.

The substance of this law has been much debated but there are grounds for questioning its constitutionality as well. The exchanges between the law’s supporters and opponents, involving leading figures and going to the very heart of our fundamental rights, have been so heated that even its supporters must realize that the Constitutional Council’s opinion is indispensible. We therefore urge you to demand its referral to the Council.

There are four key aspects of the law that disturb us: a conflict with the principle of the right to free expression, a lack of proportionality between the offence and penalty, a violation of parliament’s competence and a lack of clarity in the wording.


Parliamentarians urged to refer genocide denial law to Constitutional Council - Reporters Without Borders
i was going to say the french were being snobbish again and made a stupid law, but then i saw the opposition from Reporters Without Borders, and i am convinced there must be some - however little - virtue in the new law


WRITE TO Valerie Boyer!
They also call us Donkeys, people from Pind.. and think that speaking Punjabi is illiterate thing to do... in every thread this Nalandapride from Bihar is saying bad thing about Punjabis.. these people from Bihar and U.P. are just jealous of Punjabis.. let them burn in their own jealousy... He never lets go of anything or post where he can bash Punjabis...

and just watch him coming back and say that it was Punjabis who started all this and he didn't do anything...

This is the tragedy. Urdu was imposed on us by the British after partition. They found that it was easier to speak it than Punjabi so here we have it...
Punjab has a lot of history and culture and people must respect us for that reason....

You are soo right! As always, they are gonna come here and say that we started it to get the blame. I was fricken infracted by them many times. At the end of the day, there is no solution. I only believe in 'chi tar' for these kinds of people....
sorry dear I born and brought up in india neither me nor my country take any aid from these english speaking anglo american thats why i am not ashame of writting incorrect english and on the other hand you and your country do ..thats way u are so caring about english ....thats way you cant able to tolerate a small grammatical mistakes by me
Learn to write correct English... "I think you are racist" not "I think you are racism"... lol! Nope, we are not pure aryans.. it is your blue eyed bihari brothers who are aryan... rotfl! Mera tey hans hans kai bura haal ho gaya ai... sikh buraaaaaaa! lol!
veer ji i am not saying the bihari are better then punjabi but they Lack opportunities like education healthcare and other social problem once they overcame these problem they preform much better them punjabi in india ....i don't believe in cultural superiority .

India's poor urged to 'eat rats'

An official in the Indian state of Bihar has come up with a new idea to encourage low caste poor people to cope with food shortages - rat meat.

The Principal Secretary of the state's Welfare Department, Vijay Prakash, said that he was advancing his proposal after "much survey and ground work".

Bihar's extremely poor Musahar community are rat-eaters by tradition.

The Musahar are on the bottom strata of the caste system with the lowest literacy rate and per capita income.

Less than one percent of their 2.3 million population in Bihar is literate and 98% are landless.

Mr Prakash says his proposals to popularise rat meat eating are intended to uplift their social-economic condition.

"There are twin advantages of this proposal. First, we can save about half of our food grain stocks by catching and eating rats and secondly we can improve the economic condition of the Musahar community," he told the BBC.

According to Mr Prakash, about 50% of total food grain stocks in the country are eaten away by rodents.

He argues that by promoting rat eating more grain will be preserved while hunger among the Musahar community will be reduced.

He said that rat meat is not only a delicacy but a protein-enriched food, widely popular in Thailand and France.

"Rats have almost no bones and are quite rich in nutrition. People at large don't know this cuisine fact but gradually they are catching up."

However he may find it difficult to popularise such a strategy in a conservative society like Bihar and other north Indian states.

Mr Prakash says that he has recipes to make rat eating a delicacy, which he now wants to distribute to all the hotels in Bihar.

He also wants to encourage rat farming in the same way that poultry is farmed.

While eating rat meat is still stigmatised in urban areas of the country, Mr Prakash says that his research has revealed that it is a popular food item in some parts of Bihar where it is known at roadside hotels by the name of "patal-bageri".

This is not the first time that the department secretary has come out with such an innovative idea.
Earlier, he proposed to recruit eunuchs as security guards to maternity wards in hospitals.

"Yes, that proposal is in its advance stage and we'll very soon engage them in various social activities of our department," he said.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India's poor urged to 'eat rats'
I don't know what that jinxeD_girl is proud of. :girl_wacko: Look at whole history of Punjabis, it is Sikh and only Sikh everywhere and there is no contribution from any non-Sikh Punjabis. Her ancestors has no golden history like Sikhs. All they do is feeling proud over Pashtun or Turkic warriors.

Lolz, and what do you have for being proud? A history of more than a thousand years of being ruled by foreigners??? :lol::lol:
i was going to say the french were being snobbish again and made a stupid law, but then i saw the opposition from Reporters Without Borders, and i am convinced there must be some - however little - virtue in the new law

I don't know if Turks really committed Genocide of Armenians or not. What I know however is that Turks have not made any law against someone saying that it was a genocide.

Why does France need a law? If you feel it was a genocide, let history take care of it.

I am with the Turks here. If historians feel the need to include it as genocide, let them. No one should force me to believe that it was actually a genocide.
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