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French Senate passes Armenian genocide law

Even Before the amendments were made to Article 301 on April 30, 2008, the article stated the following

A person who publicly denigrates Turkishness, the Republic or the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, shall be punishable by imprisonment of between six months and three years.

A person who publicly denigrates the Government of the Republic of Turkey, the judicial institutions of the State, the military or security organizations shall be punishable by imprisonment of between six months and two years.

In cases where denigration of Turkishness is committed by a Turkish citizen in another country the punishment shall be increased by one third.

Expressions of thought intended to criticize shall not constitute a crime

cant see any thing against armanians here!!!

almost every democracy has similar regulations!

On April 30, 2008, article 301 was amended by the Parliament of Turkey, with the following changes

replacement of the word "Turkishness" with the phrase "the Turkish Nation" (so "denigration of Turkishness" became "denigration of the Turkish Nation")

reduction of the maximum penalty from three years to two

removal of the special provision aggravating the punishment for denigration when committed by a Turkish citizen in another country

requiring permission of the justice ministry to file a case. The permission procedure of Article 301 will be carried out by the Directorate General of the Criminal Affairs of the Ministry of Justice where competent judges are seconded to the Ministry. Even if a criminal investigation is launched upon the permission of the Minister of Justice, the prosecutor still has discretionary power to decide not to prosecute.


But... by its very nature any text is vulnerable to interpretative explotations!

...instead of prasinig and following the principle of rule of law, I should say we had and unfortunatly we still have a highly politicized judiciary system

Its not about genocide. Its about Insulting Turkish race. You cant insult Turks and Turkish culture. Almost all countries around the world have the same law even Thailand. I have living here for 6 years and i heard many stories which about foreigners insulted Thai people and thai king.

Here in Turkiye you can open your mind independently. No one judge you just because you think different that others unlike France.
France's genocide law put on hold! law's constitutionality will be scrutinized!!!


at the end "la dignité humaine" won once again!!!

guess I am gonna write this to Valeir Boyer :lol:


Timur was a Turk, also Ottoman Empire at its height had a glory that india never had and never will have (Mughals and Islamic empires of Subcontinent don't count, since most of them were Afghan and Turk).

Timur was not a Turk, he belonged to the Mongol tribe Barlas. But we suppose to discuss here Turkey related issues. So people please don't ruin this thread with your usual Pak India fight, take it to somewhere else.
Timur was not a Turk, he belonged to the Mongol tribe Barlas. But we suppose to discuss here Turkey related issues. So people please don't ruin this thread with your usual Pak India fight, take it to somewhere else.

Deffinitely true.. Mongols not Turk.. It is a ignorant legend of some extreme nationalists in Turkey.. They are blind, ignorant and bigot..
wow, some crazy pan-turkists here - they will be put down like rabid dogs through the collective effort of russians, chinese and europeans.
Well, that is the right way to go. They should pass the same law to makes it a criminal offence to deny the atrocities done those japs during WWII, including the massacre in Nanjing.

The French Senate has approved a controversial bill that makes it a criminal offence to deny that genocide was committed by Ottoman Turks against Armenians during World War I.

Armenia says up to 1.5 million people died in 1915-16 as the Ottoman empire split. Turkey rejects the term genocide and says the number was much smaller.

The measure will now be sent to President Sarkozy for final approval.

The bill's passage in the lower house caused major tensions with Turkey.

Ankara froze ties with France after the vote last month and promised further measures if the Senate backed the proposal.

In the event the Senate approved the bill by 127 votes to 86.

The BBC's correspondent in Istanbul, Jonathan Head, says stronger Turkish measures could include the withdrawal of ambassadors and creating more barriers to French businesses in Turkey.

In the first reaction from Ankara, Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin condemned the bill.

"The decision made by the Senate is a great injustice and shows total lack of respect for Turkey," he told the CNN-Turk television channel.

The Turkish embassy in Paris warned that if President Sarkozy approved the bill, the damage done to relations between the two countries would be permanent.

"France is in the process of losing a strategic partner," Turkish embassy spokesman, Engin Solakoglu, told AFP news agency.

Armenia described the vote as "historic".

"This day will be written in gold not only in the history of friendship between the Armenian and French peoples, but also in the annals of the history of the protection of human rights worldwide," said Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, in a statement carried by AFP.

Free speech
The Turkish government argues that judging what happened to the Armenian community in eastern Turkey in 1915-16 should be left to historians, and that the French law will restrict freedom of speech.

Turkish officials acknowledge that atrocities were committed but argue that there was no systematic attempt to destroy the Armenian people - and that many innocent Muslim Turks also died in the turmoil of the events, in the middle of World War I.

France formally recognised the killings as genocide in 2001, one of more than 20 countries which have done so.

The current bill means that anyone denying the deaths were genocide would face a jail term and a fine of 45,000 euros (£29,000; $58,000).

The bill was put forward by President Sarkozy's UMP party.

France has half a million citizens of Armenian descent, and correspondents say their votes may be important in this year's presidential elections.

Ahead of the vote, a spokesman for the French foreign ministry called for "calm," saying Turkey was a partner and a very important ally of France.

Source: BBC News - French Senate passes Armenian genocide law

They force me to become an angry Arab: Death to France :) but seiously Two word: F@ck You!!!

Edit: I forgot to add that French Senate is full of hypocrites. They were condemning Turkey for ''Protecting Turkishness'' which I find silly but now they made a lawfor ''Protecting Genocide Industry''.. Where is your favor of speech?

You go to hell
You go to hell
n you die...

For overcoming your anger,
Browsing deviantART
Napoleon Sarkozy by *rwpike on deviantART
I see so when they abuse our Prophet its freedom of speech but when we comment on a historical fact the freedom gets binned. Nice...really nice.
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