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France you got the attention of Pakistan and Kashmir

Opened for further discussion. Please don't troll each other now. THank you.
And a separate wing from paf especially to study find weakness in Rafael and make it public therefore hurting its market and providing a competitor to Rafale.
I may not have a better idea you may not have good idea but if we think about someone will come with a solution and find a better way to approach French problem. But we need to add it to think about list.
1. It will help expand thought process of developing good foundation for countermeasures against Rafale which is the main strike platform of our enemy.
2. It can also bring some kind of awareness in European Pakistani communities about the role of France in Pakistan affairs which probably won't have much effect but European leaders depend on community votes and how can that be leveraged and to what extent I dont know but someone needs to think about it.
3. Identifying what kind of connections and what kind of parties are in links with French because that also could be an Indian intelligence connection as well. After all Israeli operates through French embassy at one time but currently I dont know.
4. Monitor activities and every activity.
5. Dont be fooled by French delicacy.
It's time to recognize the nation that is harming and is straight up involved in harming Pakistan's interest. It's about time we start doing something about France which is voting against Kashmir in UNSC and providing India with weapons to be used against Pakistan.
We should start studying the weaknesses of France to be exploited a research into developing and identifying their vulnerability. Find their enemies and support them.
If France wants to play that dirty game of making money and thinking only money then Pakistan shall look and do anything to send France a message. Wether in Afghanistan or somewhere else if needed to be.
lets kick out the french companies first from Pakistan, then we will talk.
It's time to recognize the nation that is harming and is straight up involved in harming Pakistan's interest. It's about time we start doing something about France which is voting against Kashmir in UNSC and providing India with weapons to be used against Pakistan.
We should start studying the weaknesses of France to be exploited a research into developing and identifying their vulnerability. Find their enemies and support them.
If France wants to play that dirty game of making money and thinking only money then Pakistan shall look and do anything to send France a message. Wether in Afghanistan or somewhere else if needed to be.

Downsizing diplomatic relations won't do anything. What may send a message though is when their soldiers feel the heat. France is lately really involved in Africa. :whistle:

We can certainly do something there, but need to be careful to support the right group to do it.

lets kick out the french companies first from Pakistan, then we will talk.

No. We need these companies. They give jobs, contribute to exports, and give growth.
Downsizing diplomatic relations won't do anything. What may send a message though is when their soldiers feel the heat. France is lately really involved in Africa. :whistle:

We can certainly do something there, but need to be careful to support the right group to do it.

No. We need these companies. They give jobs, contribute to exports, and give growth.
replace them with chinese companies then.........or maybe Russian. Only give benefit of our 5th largest consumer market of the planet to those only who gives us benefit in return!
replace them with chinese companies then.........or maybe Russian. Only give benefit of our 5th largest consumer market of the planet to those only who gives us benefit in return!

You say replace them with Chinese and Russian companies as if we have any dying so badly to come here.

We can't get companies here to begin with, and you want to kick out which will only deter more the ones who were already looking to invest.
You say replace them with Chinese and Russian companies as if we have any dying so badly to come here.

We can't get companies here to begin with, and you want to kick out which will only deter more the ones who were already looking to invest.
buddy! Chinese companies will always invest and so will Russian, just need to talk to em.

Tune Pakistan ko bacha samjha hua ha kya?:lol:
Pakistan international politics ka Molana Fazalur Rehman ha, they all hate us, but cant live without us...... As @Spring Onion used to say!:enjoy:
buddy! Chinese companies will always invest and so will Russian, just need to talk to em.

Tune Pakistan ko bacha samjha hua ha kya?:lol:
Pakistan international politics ka Molana Fazalur Rehman ha, they all hate us, but cant live without us...... As @Spring Onion used to say!:enjoy:

JuSt NeEd To TaLk To ThEm.

Yes, that's how investments work. Just go talk to them lol.

Need a loan? Np, just take one lol.
How are people poor? Just don't be poor lol.
How can you not get 100/100? Just get one lol.

You should advertise for Nike and their brand Just do it. You will do good there. Probably not in realistic situations though.
replace them with chinese companies then.........or maybe Russian. Only give benefit of our 5th largest consumer market of the planet to those only who gives us benefit in return!

You say replace them with Chinese and Russian companies as if we have any dying so badly to come here.

We can't get companies here to begin with, and you want to kick out which will only deter more the ones who were already looking to invest.
The success story of Europe is Germany. They are the tech giants may it be Oracle or Sap or any other type of business software modules. There could be so many jobs provided in business analyst and data compiling or any other business modules.
On other tech level as well as economic level they are the one country in Europe.
They need food and have tech and science to offer
We have agriculture and other things to offer them. Maybe offer them to open tech labs of various fields. These Germans hate French and are smartest bunch in Europ . We should build and strengthen relationship with them.
They also have tremendous to offer in a military field as well. With trump's next election if he wins you will see Germany becoming more independent every day. We should even if have to show support to Germany and back them to be the next one in line if the p5 is ever expanded.
Lol emotional thread.
France is just using democratic right of opinion same as we have democratic right of speaking. France will do whatever it feels in the interest of country , It happens everyone in the world.
We don't care about yighurs of china because it is not in the interest of Pakistan.
Don't be thick head. It is not rocket science.
We will lose more by opening front against France. From Nato countries till U.S.A
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Dear all brothers from Pakistan,

I feel myself upset concerning french's support of India.

First of all France is not governed by French people anymore since decades but by persons who pretend to be french. . It's my personal opinion.

Everyone should know that every country works for its own interests or for the group/bloc in which he is.

Every relation at international level is driven by selfish interests, money, etc in give/give mode.

Pakistan has nothing to offer to France today. So it's obvious that France took side for the interests for herself, I mean where money is.

Is it wrong ? No.

Even If we had something to offer to France, I'm not sure French gov gov would had taken side with us or with Kashmir.

Why ? As many have already stated , because of China's factor and especially USA/China factor.

We, Pakistanis living in France, could have voiced our disagreement, we could have launched an awarness compaign. But unfortunately, our community is very weak in number and most of our people are not highly educated to start such voicing. Even the new generations of pakistanis born in France are not enough depite being more and more educated.
Without forgetting severals years of "Incredible india" ads, terrorism etc... Our enmies built a strong narrative against us.

Adding to that the context of several strikes of Yellow Jackets. Our voice would have lost in all the noise made by them. And the political context in France against the retirements laws reforms.

We Pakistanis in general lost several decades in or developpement. I'm not accusing any group, party or whoever as we lost it collectively and the consequences are in front of us today.

We could have involved others muslims in any project of voicing our disagreements, but knowing how arabics people behave, they would have burnt cars, broken the shops etc... it would have not have served our case. So forget them.

Had we had developed a strong "middle class" of consummers, then we maybe would have lot importations from France, and could have used it as leverage. But we don't have such "middle class" consummers worth for their business in such a way where it could had big impact on the french economy.

And as a reminder, french never cared about human right or whatelse. I was often cold reminded it by french/jewish coworkers.

I cannot blame them, everyone is doing same. But it does not mean that because everyone is doing same that it is ok. But the reality of this world is as it is.

In this world there is a fight ongoing for the leadership... and this kind of fight always existed in the history of humanity.

Now what could we do ?

1) working for Shooting down IAF whatever their jets.
2) improving our industrials base (civil and military) and economy based mostly on our own market and less on export
3) replacing our imported goods by locally manufactured products
4) improving education our children in sciences, industrialisation, modern business, marketing etc etc
5) giving training to our workforce to improve our production quality
6) giving training in business to our already established businessmen
7) devise a proper developpement plannings

It's easy to say than to do it. But we have no other choice if we want a better future where we can influence.

I could be wrong, I'm not expert, and my english is not good as yours so maybe i didn't written well what i want to say.
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Dear all brothers from Pakistan,

I feel myself upset concerning french's support of India.

First of all France is not governed by French people anymore since decades but by persons who pretend to be french. . It's my personal opinion.

Everyone should know that every country works for its own interests or for the group/bloc in which he is.

Every relation at international level is driven by selfish interests, money, etc in give/give mode.

Pakistan has nothing to offer to France today. So it's obvious that France took side for the interests for herself, I mean where money is.

Is it wrong ? No.

Even If we had something to offer to France, I'm not sure French gov gov would had taken side with us or with Kashmir.

Why ? As many have already stated , because of China's factor and especially USA/China factor.

We could have voiced our disagreement, we could have launched an awarness compaign. But unfortunately, our community is very weak in number and most of our people are not highly educated to start such voicing. Even the new generations of pakistanis born in France are not enough depite being more and more educated.
Without forgetting severals years of "Incredible india" ads, terrorism etc... Our enmies built a strong narrative against us.

Adding to that the context of several strikes of Yellow Jackets. Our voice would have lost in all the noise made by them. And the political context in France against the retirements laws reforms.

We Pakistanis in general lost several decades in or developpement. I'm not accusing any group, party or whoever as we lost it collectively and the consequences are in front of us today.

We could have involved others muslims in any project of voicing our disagreements, but knowing how arabics people behave, they would have burnt cars, broken the shops etc... it would have not have served our case. So forget them.

Had we had developed a strong "middle class" of consummers, then we maybe would have lot importations from France, and could have used it as leverage. But we don't have such "middle class" consummers worth for their business in such a way where it could had big impact on the french economy.

And as a reminder, french never cared about human right or whatelse. I was often cold reminded it by french/jewish coworkers.

I cannot blame them, everyone is doing same. But it does not mean that because everyone is doing same that it is ok. But the reality of this world is as it is.

In this world there is a fight ongoing for the leadership... and this kind of fight always existed in the history of humanity.

Now what could we do ?

1) working for Shooting down IAF whatever their jets.
2) improving our industrials base (civil and military) and economy based mostly on our own market and less on export
3) replacing our imported goods by locally manufactured products
4) improving education our children in sciences, industrialisation, modern business, marketing etc etc
5) giving training to our workforce to improve our production quality
6) giving training in business to our already established businessmen
7) devise a proper developpement plannings

It's easy to say than to do it. But we have no other choice if we want a better future where we can influence.

I could be wrong, I'm not expert, and my english is not good as yours so maybe i didn't written well what i want to say.
tldr you'll need a sincere, competent, permanent and unrestricted government to do that.
Dear all brothers from Pakistan,

I feel myself upset concerning french's support of India.

First of all France is not governed by French people anymore since decades but by persons who pretend to be french. . It's my personal opinion.

Everyone should know that every country works for its own interests or for the group/bloc in which he is.

Every relation at international level is driven by selfish interests, money, etc in give/give mode.

Pakistan has nothing to offer to France today. So it's obvious that France took side for the interests for herself, I mean where money is.

Is it wrong ? No.

Even If we had something to offer to France, I'm not sure French gov gov would had taken side with us or with Kashmir.

Why ? As many have already stated , because of China's factor and especially USA/China factor.

We could have voiced our disagreement, we could have launched an awarness compaign. But unfortunately, our community is very weak in number and most of our people are not highly educated to start such voicing. Even the new generations of pakistanis born in France are not enough depite being more and more educated.
Without forgetting severals years of "Incredible india" ads, terrorism etc... Our enmies built a strong narrative against us.

Adding to that the context of several strikes of Yellow Jackets. Our voice would have lost in all the noise made by them. And the political context in France against the retirements laws reforms.

We Pakistanis in general lost several decades in or developpement. I'm not accusing any group, party or whoever as we lost it collectively and the consequences are in front of us today.

We could have involved others muslims in any project of voicing our disagreements, but knowing how arabics people behave, they would have burnt cars, broken the shops etc... it would have not have served our case. So forget them.

Had we had developed a strong "middle class" of consummers, then we maybe would have lot importations from France, and could have used it as leverage. But we don't have such "middle class" consummers worth for their business in such a way where it could had big impact on the french economy.

And as a reminder, french never cared about human right or whatelse. I was often cold reminded it by french/jewish coworkers.

I cannot blame them, everyone is doing same. But it does not mean that because everyone is doing same that it is ok. But the reality of this world is as it is.

In this world there is a fight ongoing for the leadership... and this kind of fight always existed in the history of humanity.

Now what could we do ?

1) working for Shooting down IAF whatever their jets.
2) improving our industrials base (civil and military) and economy based mostly on our own market and less on export
3) replacing our imported goods by locally manufactured products
4) improving education our children in sciences, industrialisation, modern business, marketing etc etc
5) giving training to our workforce to improve our production quality
6) giving training in business to our already established businessmen
7) devise a proper developpement plannings

It's easy to say than to do it. But we have no other choice if we want a better future where we can influence.

I could be wrong, I'm not expert, and my english is not good as yours so maybe i didn't written well what i want to say.
You wrote clear and got your point across in fine manner. Agree with your points by restating that just the way France looks for its interests and doesn't care about anything else then why is Pakistan criminal for doing so or why can't it do so in return? We dont owe French anything so...
tldr you'll need a sincere, competent, permanent and unrestricted government to do that.

I found meaning of "tldr" on urban dictionnary : too long /didn't read.

If you meant that by tldr then ok. I understand its not written in good english so educated people won't like to read it.
I appologise for it.

And I know you are a well educated person so you should already have a better picture of what i have.:tup:

But yes, we need a sincere, competent, and unrestricted gov. Without doubt.

You wrote clear and got your point across in fine manner. Agree with your points by restating that just the way France looks for its interests and doesn't care about anything else then why is Pakistan criminal for doing so or why can't it do so in return? We dont owe French anything so...

It's up to us to understand how to build narratives. Good, Strong, and well defined narratives. I mean narratives built according the mindset, the culture, the "values" of the audience.

By doing this, you will be sure that your message will be understood and accepted.
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I also don't get why most of our people (I include all of South Asia in this but particularly my own fellow Pakistanis) get emotional over hardcore politics, int'l relations and economics. Doesn't help, folks, people laugh at us because of this., seen it myself and i can't blame them.

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