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Gen Raheel Sharif calls Kashmir as "jugular vein of Pakistan"

My friend what are u talking about? the Pandits have been massacred lol go see amnesty international or human rights watch they have reported it wtf u on

and it's Pandits not pundits u tit lol get their name right and show some respect what kinda hinduguy are u?

you even heard of the 1998 Wandhama massacre? I am old enough to remember it
sorry it was a genuine mistake. Pandits. :)
yeah but dont you see it was attack by militants from across the border and not general populace turning on their own neighbour and raping and slitting their throat?
Of course it was in the past lol the Pandits had to leave the valley after and fled to Jammu, Delhi and overseas this is what the wahabi scum wanted they sent leaflets saying Kashmir belongs just to Muslims and Hindus and Sikhs must leave the valley pr they will start killing with their kids first go google it if u do not believe me.

sorry it was a genuine mistake. Pandits. :)
yeah but dont you see it was attack by militants from across the border and not general populace turning on their own neighbour and raping and slitting their throat?

That is up for debate many Pandits say that their own muslim neighbours turned on them as well but some say they were helped by their fellow countrymen I guess it is a mixture of both.

This is why many Pandits want their own land in the valley where they can feel safe and their culture will be intact.
Let`s see ... You couldn`t stop the Kashmiris from demanding their "right to self determination" even after 70 years of worst kind of oppression and state terrorism in the valley , carried out by your armed forces .. Let`s see how much more time it takes for the Kashmiris to finally get their rights , promised to them by the UN !!

OK. Let's wait and see.

anything that satisfies the people of valley and does not put us to danger at the same time. For example they can be like scotland, own identity and called a country, decide how to spend their own money (financial independence) only defence and foreign relation being responsibility of GoI.
They can participate in sports as their own team, have own flags, things like that.

There will be no such settlement. India will not let go even an inch of land that it controls now. Besides your settlement of more autonomy still keeps Kashmir under the Indian union, something that the separatists won't agree to. Slowly they will work towards full independence or being a part of Pakistan, this time with less pressure from India. That will not be acceptable to Indians.
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Terming Kashmir as the "jugular vein" ofPakistan, the country's Army Chief Gen Raheel Sharif today said the issue should be resolved in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of Kashmiris and in line with UNSC resolutions for lasting peace in the region.

Addressing the main ceremony to mark the 'Youm-e-Shuhada' (Martyrs' Day) at GHQ Rawalpindi, Gen Sharif said Kashmir was an internationally recognised dispute.

"Matchless sacrifices offered by Kashmiris will not go in vain," he said.

Sharif, who just returned from his official trip toSaudi Arabia, termed Kashmir as a "jugular vein" of Pakistan. He called for resolution of the Kashmir issue in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of Kashmiris and in line with United Nations Security Council resolutions.

The resolution of the Kashmir issue is "indispensable" for lasting peace in the region, he said.

"Pakistan Army is in favour of peace but is always ready to respond to any aggression in befitting manner," he said.

Pakistan has often described Kashmir as the "jugular vein" but this is the first time Gen Sharif has used the term or spoken about Kashmir since taking over late last year.

Talking about domestic issues, he said that Pakistan Army believes in strengthening of democracy, supremacy of constitution and rule of law.

The army chief lauded the media and said: "We believe in freedom of media and responsible journalism".

His comments came amid a controversy surrounding the attack on leading Geo TV anchor Hamid Mir and subsequent move by the Defence Ministry seeking cancellation of the broadcasting licence of the channel.

Sharif said Pakistan Army supports every effort for elimination of terrorism and restoration of peace in the country.

He said armed forces of Pakistan are capable enough to foil the nefarious designs of the enemy and remain alert round the clock for defence of the motherland.

Nobody should doubt the capabilities of Pakistan Army as it will come to the expectations of the nation, he said.

Sharif asked anti-state elements to unconditionally accept Pakistan's Constitution and join the national mainstream otherwise the military "with the support of people will take them to task".

The ceremony was attended by a large number of dignitaries, including Defence Minister Khawaja Asif and former Army Chief Ashfaq Pervez Kayani.

Gen Raheel Sharif calls Kashmir as "jugular vein of Pakistan" | Business Standard

The Simla Agreement contains a set of guiding principles, mutually agreed to by India and Pakistan, which both sides would adhere to while managing relations with each other. These emphasize: respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty; non-interference in each other’s internal affairs; respect for each others unity, political independence; sovereign equality; and abjuring hostile propaganda. The following principles of the Agreement are, however, particularly noteworthy:

its not false hope, vajpayee said whatever is humanly possible, we should do.
Investment in kashmir, well, that should be written off. Its not such a big amont. Further investment should be done based on revenue sharing basis with govt of kashmir.
And yes, northern ireland type settlement is also possible.

All that was just conjecture - you know for real that Mushy actually had something concrete on the table to discuss? - the only thing concrete that came out of Vajpayee/ NS/Mushy meeting was both sides will engage in talks more routinely. The whole ready to sign agreement is just hot air.
All that was just conjecture - you know for real that Mushy actually had something concrete on the table to discuss? - the only thing concrete that came out of Vajpayee/ NS/Mushy meeting was both sides will engage in talks more routinely. The whole ready to sign agreement is just hot air.
i agree both countries are not ready to sign. The sign of great leader is to take people with them and convince most of them that even if you lose something, the negotiation is worth it.
change the Name to BAKISTAN to include bangladesh as well !

Why would we change anything? Pakistan's name was chosen almost a century ago & it will remain that forever.
P represents Punjab region(Punjab/Bahawalpur/Seraiki areas), A represents Afghania region(KPK/FATA/Waziristan), K represents Kashmir region(AJK/GB/IOK-Maqbooza Kashmir), S represents Sindh region(Sind/Khairpur/Karachi), TAN represents BalochisTAN(Balochistan/Kalat/Gawadar/Makran/LasBela/Kharan).

Today I represents ICT or Islamabad Capital Territory.
Why would we change anything? Pakistan's name was chosen almost a century ago & it will remain that forever.
P represents Punjab region(Punjab/Bahawalpur/Seraiki areas), A represents Afghania region(KPK/FATA/Waziristan), K represents Kashmir region(AJK/GB/IOK-Maqbooza Kashmir), S represents Sindh region(Sind/Khairpur/Karachi), TAN represents BalochisTAN(Balochistan/Kalat/Gawadar/Makran/LasBela/Kharan).

Today I represents ICT or Islamabad Capital Territory.

So even a century back there was no place for East Pakistan aka Bangladesh in Pakistan ! @IamBengali ! funny since the resolution of Pakistan was passed in Dhaka!
Why would we change anything? Pakistan's name was chosen almost a century ago & it will remain that forever.
P represents Punjab region(Punjab/Bahawalpur/Seraiki areas), A represents Afghania region(KPK/FATA/Waziristan), K represents Kashmir region(AJK/GB/IOK-Maqbooza Kashmir), S represents Sindh region(Sind/Khairpur/Karachi), TAN represents BalochisTAN(Balochistan/Kalat/Gawadar/Makran/LasBela/Kharan).

Today I represents ICT or Islamabad Capital Territory.

Why wasn't Bengal included in the name of Pakistan?
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Why didn't Bengal was included in the name of Pakistan?

Because it wasn't meant to be part of the union in the first place? The decision to allow Bengal to become part of Pakistan came later, if I'm not wrong. It turned out to be a bad decision after all :lol:
Because it wasn't meant to be part of the union in the first place? The decision to allow Bengal to become part of Pakistan came later, if I'm not wrong. It turned out to be a bad decision after all :lol:

Punjab and Bengal were largest Muslim majority provinces and thus very important for Muslim League to build a political muscle, you weren't going to get your Pakistan if Bengal wasn't included in the Pakistan movement although social issues in Bengal and Punjab were opposite to each and came into open conflict just after independence.
Why would we change anything? Pakistan's name was chosen almost a century ago & it will remain that forever.
P represents Punjab region(Punjab/Bahawalpur/Seraiki areas), A represents Afghania region(KPK/FATA/Waziristan), K represents Kashmir region(AJK/GB/IOK-Maqbooza Kashmir), S represents Sindh region(Sind/Khairpur/Karachi), TAN represents BalochisTAN(Balochistan/Kalat/Gawadar/Makran/LasBela/Kharan).

Today I represents ICT or Islamabad Capital Territory.
I presented this twice...But who reads?! Def not Indians...
I presented this twice...But who reads?! Def not Indians...
lmao,this doesnt strengthens your claims on Kashmir.Everyone has read it but It is irrelevant.
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