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Former Lebanese Minister Threatens Turkish PM Erdogan

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Apr 17, 2010
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Former Lebanese Minister Wiam Wahhab Threatens Turkish PM Erdogan: 100,000 Missiles Will Fall on Turkey

Hezbollah is nothing more than a Shia civilian shield for protecting Iran's azz against USA and Israel. Fighting behind of civilians does not make you hero or victor. Probably this clown has not an intelligence about our nukes.
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what a idiot... first he says we want to steal the Palestinians cause from Iran and Hezbullah and then he says we will fire missiles at Palestine.

I WOULD LOVE to see him join the resistance (if it ever happens) and get a G3 up his *** and get shot into pieces, fatboy!
typical nationalist arab who thinks we stole hatay from them. He isn not significant. Who cares what he thinks ?
typical nationalist arab who thinks we stole hatay from them. He isn not significant. Who cares what he thinks ?

Not a nationalistic Arab, he is a pawn of Iran in Lebanon like other Shia Hezbollah militants, also he is former minister of Lebanon.
And this will happen after he gets wasted(in his dreams) while watchin men belly dancers...LOL... what a retard.....

The dude suffers frm excessive mental master

We will be shoulder to shoulder with our brothers in Turkey if that ever happened, Turkish enemies are our enemies, and their friends are our friends.

The Arabs have this habit of making tall claims and then being found in a hole in the ground. Remember Saddam's " Mother of all wars" threat and then found hiding in the spider hole. Same was true of the Gaddafi, making big claims and then being dragged out of a Sewer pipe. These Arabs are an embarrassment for us muslims. Nobody should dare to look at our Turkish Brothers with an evil eye because we will poke that eye. We will stand by our Turkish brothers shoulder to shoulder and face any enemy together. May long live Turkish - Pakistan friendship and brotherhood.
He is not a Shia muslim, but a Drucie,
and is backed by Syria not I.R.I.
any one can search his name in google and check his party site,
He speaks for him self & his party!!.
100,000 missile with no range and no guidance system. They need to make their own a55 safe first from live rockets gone AWOL before threatening to send them to turkey
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