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Turkish PM’s ‘Zionist’ comment sparks international outcry

Stop playing "They are hating us innocent Jews because they jihadists!" crap okey! I am not buying it...this ultimate victim card used way too much.
If you're tired of hearing it, why not join with Jews and Zionists to reduce ji hadi hatred or at least frustrate their genocidal hopes, rather than feeding their flames?
As i said, Israel will not apologize until a condition like lifting the blockade exists. Actually that is the reason why it exists, to prevent Israel from taking constructive steps. That is why we haven't seen an apology yet.

I don't know what you mean by diplomatic and trade relations, can you provide a source?

The Turkish-Israeli dispute has caused serious damage to political ties, defense relations and tourism, but surprisingly mutual trade has increased significantly between the two countries. Bilateral trade between Turkey and Israel surpassed $4.4 billion (3.38 billion euros) last year.

Turkey and Israel are far from reconciliation | World | DW.DE | 05.11.2012
What will happen?
Tell us exactly what concrete steps Turkey will take.
Your b.tch arse will get banned as soon as there's an admin online, that's what'll happen.
They screwed up, and they're confident this won't come back and bite them in the azz.

Sorry, but those of us who followed the news of the flotilla know that Erdogan had a personal role in the affair: certainly he assured the Israelis that the boarders would have a peaceful reception. If the militants betrayed his trust he could always have claimed that but he never did.
And Israelis believed him? :) Him of all people? It's ridiculous :)
Hmm, I'm thinking of all those times people blamed the Turkish military for all the terrible things it did to suppress democracy. Maybe you're confusing hatred of one military with hatred of another. Of course, Israel is the victim here; your country even put Israeli officers on trial in abstentia and without representation to rub it in and make the victimization official.
They got sued, what a tragedy... those 9 people are still dead.

You already know it wasn't murder. You might want to think more about your own misfortune: where is your blind my-country-right-or-wrong nationalism is leading you? You've already embraced hatred and cruelty so can tyranny and the loss of your freedom and possessions be far off?
Hatred and cruelty? You mixing us up with 3rd reich I guess :) anybody who can't get along with Israel must be eevil :) how narrow minded and shallow is that?

Unless, of course, you plan to be one of the tools of the tyrants as well. Lots of money in that; not a lot to be proud of, though.
How about fvck off? :)
The USA has followed its 1973 pledge to help make Israel the preeminent power in the region. If that support diminishes while Israel remains surrounded by hostile countries seeking its destruction, what do you think will be the logical course for Israel to take? Hint: it won't be begging or pleading or making excuses.

Israel have gained the capability to deter its enemies, so they won't jump on you in the first day USA gave up from its unconditional support. What i'm saying is, in such -unlikely- scenerio, your arrogance would turn into fear, as a result your reckless policies would dissappear. You would know your place against a country like Turkey.
anybody who can't get along with Israel must be eevil :) how narrow minded and shallow is that?
Winston Churchill was not a Zionist until he visited Gaza after WWI and was greeted by a crowd of 150,000 shouting "Death to the Jews!" So far from being "narrow minded and shallow" we're just talking about recognizing reality.

And Israelis believed him? :) Him of all people? It's ridiculous :)
Look at the history of the past twenty years: only the Israelis are expected to be brave and take risks in their foreign relations. (Indeed, the more powerful Israel gets, the risks it takes, the more it gives possible opponents the benefit of the doubt, and the more merciful it behaves.)

They got sued, what a tragedy... those 9 people are still dead.
Face it: the nine were justly killed in an unjust battle and the Israelis unjustly prosecuted to further Erdogan's career and submerge Turkish freedom.

How about fvck off? :)
That's what the Communist soldiers said in response to Czech protests of their country's invasion in 1968. Do you like Communists, too?

That link also should've answered your questions about what Turkey is doing and going to do.

This is certainly not a symbolic trial. If found guilty, these Israeli commanders can be arrested anywhere in the world through an Interpol Arrest Order,” Sonmez claimed.
The Turkish court has already issued summonses for the Israeli commanders for the trial this week and, according to the lawyers, the court could issue a warrant for their arrest after the first hearings, where 490 witnesses from 37 countries are slated to testify.
Activists are expecting that the trial will expand further in the coming weeks with legal proceedings against dozens of Israeli military and civilian personnel involved the raid. They are convinced that the trial will finally bring justice and also drive the Israeli government into a corner on its Gaza policies.

Despite the big expectations, however, observers view the legal validity of the trial and the practical imposition of the penalty highly questionable. But, media has speculated that Israel has told more than 150 Israeli officials and soldiers related to the Mavi Marmara incident not to travel abroad, where they could face the risk of being arrested and extradited to Turkey
The same freedom of speech that geats you a Turkish jail for speaking about Armenians?

Despise all the problems we got at least there are no Armenian/Kurd only busses , roads in Turkey if you know what i mean.No airport guard checking tourists' e-mail accounts when they landed on Turkish soil either.
That link also should've answered your questions about what Turkey is doing and going to do.


Yes I read that part, but I dont think it will happen. Its just words for now and a theatre show.
However if it does occur, I will come here and say that I was wrong.

For now lets just agree that things have not gotten worse for Israel after the flotilla incident, but on the contrary...it has gotten better. They enjoy better trade with Turkey.
Not exactly sending a message...
Israel have gained the capability to deter its enemies, so they won't jump on you in the first day USA gave up from its unconditional support. What i'm saying is, in such -unlikely- scenerio, your arrogance would turn into fear, as a result your reckless policies would dissappear.
You mean Israel would be paralyzed? Like Israel was paralyzed when the Arabs united their military commands, kicked out the U.N., and threatened to make piles of Jewish bones in May 1967?

You would know your place against a country like Turkey.
Can you imagine a Turk saying such a thing to a Jew thirty years ago? Or even twenty? Do you like the change in character you're experiencing?
Yes I read that part, but I dont think it will happen. Its just words for now and a theatre show.
However if it does occur, I will come here and say that I was wrong.

I don't think it will happen either, but we know how "fragile" the best of the best Israeli commandos are. They tend to cry after even a little beating, so such measures by Turkey should've been effective on making their lifes harder and making them think about their faults.
You mean Israel would be paralyzed? Like Israel was paralyzed when the Arabs united their military commands, kicked out the U.N., and threatened to make piles of Jewish bones in May 1967?

Again, what i'm saying is in such scenario Israel cannot follow the same reckless policies as it is doing today. It would think twice before making such stupid decisions like MM.

Can you imagine a Turk saying such a thing to a Jew thirty years ago? Or even twenty? Do you like the change in character you're experiencing?

I'm not saying it to a jew but to a country named Israel. I have no problem with jews, and there haven't been any changes in my character either.

Israel killed 9 Turkish civillians during an illegal operation, that is the reason of this reaction. The more you defend it, the more harsh reactions you will see from Turks. It has nothing to do with your ethnicity or religion.
As i said, such remarks serves his interests. What kind of actions would satisfy you?

Exactly! barking Erdogan will not byte, it serves his interests, does it suite Turkish interests?
I think Turks should mind their own business and not to make our conflict their issue
If you're tired of hearing it, why not join with Jews and Zionists to reduce ji hadi hatred or at least frustrate their genocidal hopes, rather than feeding their flames?

Lol help reduce it? Turkey are ones supporting Jihadists and terrorists in Syria. Also Turks have no problems with genocide, in fact they are rather in favour of it, ask the Armenians.
Exactly! barking Erdogan will not byte, it serves his interests, does it suite Turkish interests?
I think turks should mind their own business and not to make our conflict their issue

As a matter of fact, it does suite Turkish interests.

I think you should find other material to jerk off than Israel stroong!1!!
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