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Turkish PM’s ‘Zionist’ comment sparks international outcry

Its pure fantasy that Turkey will take punitive aciton, much less military action if Israel does not publically apoligize.
There might be some hot words here and there, but beneat the surface everything will still be hunky dory.

Thats not to say, that I think Israel will not apologize. Im saying that even IF they dont, Turkey will do nothing. Barking about it is not gonna change anyones perception.
Barking dog that seldom bites. Erdogan in a nutshell.
Israel cites no excuses for properly following international law. Turkey, however - or at least Erdogan personally - has excuses to make about enabling its citizens to violate international law (resisting proper boarding) and attempt murder.
I see a different picture
You're not upset that what Erdogan has done is an insult to the intelligence of you and every other Turkish citizen?
I'm upset with where he brought the country, finally we're down in the level of retarded religious fanatics such as arabs and israeli and usual ME rabble. But Erdo wasn't responsible from the flotilla raid, Israel was, so stop making this about him.
Whether you were an opponent of Erdogan before, you're an ally now, joining him in common hatred that seems to be the glue that so many Muslims accept nowadays. You're in effect threatening your legal rights - for if Erdo can get away with being an accomplice to murdering Israelis, why shouldn't he do any less to Turks who have so much less power to oppose his government?
I don't hate anything, or anybody but everyone should know their places. Israel isn't the victim here, I won't sit and cry for their misfortune. They didn't give a sh.t about the families of people they've murdered on that ship. They've mistaken us with usual 3rd world countries they've been dealing with. They'll get what's coming to them.
Are you going to continue to boil and bubble at Zionists or save it for your true enemies?
I couldn't care less if they were muslims.
@TurAr @Axa- @LegionnairEE : Whats up people...where are the old guys these days ? :what:
As much as i enjoy technical topics every once in a while participating in a political thread doesn't hurt. 'Sup with you Armstrong?
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Then Turkish military have the right to board a civilian American ship while sailing on international waters. If its passengers show some resistance we can kill them right?
The Turkish Navy trains with the U.S. on lawful blockade and ship-boarding procedures - both when passengers put up armed resistance and not, I suppose: link.

If Erdogan didn't know about international law before the Israelis boarded the MM he sure knew about it shortly after. He opted for the "Big Lie" approach to deal with the matter: betting the language barrier would suffice to keep his countrymen from the truth until he had so roped them into his crime that it would embarrass their pride to change. Do you remember, that was EXACTLY the sort of thing Ataturk wanted to escape from? Why else do your textbooks emphasize his humility?
Its pure fantasy that Turkey will take punitive aciton, much less military action if Israel does not publically apoligize.
There might be some hot words here and there, but beneat the surface everything will still be hunky dory.

Thats not to say, that I think Israel will not apologize. Im saying that even IF they dont, Turkey will do nothing. Barking about it is not gonna change anyones perception.
Barking dog that seldom bites. Erdogan in a nutshell.

Okay, you have seeked for attention but couldn't find it so far. You've made your point, you don't need to repeat the samething over and over again.
Okay, you have seeked for attention but couldn't find it so far. You've made your point, you don't need to repeat the samething over and over again.

Im not seeking attention, just posted my opinion. If I was seeking attention, you just gave it to me.
Btw Im not on the Israeli side of this incident. Im just saying what the reality is. Turkey is not gonna do anything. Least of all take military action (like someone here suggested). I keep hearing this old song "actions will be taken, they will pay one way or another".

So tell me exactly. What will Turkey do? Im not trolling or anything, I honestly want to know what you think will happen, if Israel does not apoligize for the flotilla murders.
Im not seeking attention, just posted my opinion. If I was seeking attention, you just gave it to me.
Btw Im not on the Israeli side of this incident. Im just saying what the reality is. Turkey is not gonna do anything. Least of all take military action (like someone here suggested). I keep hearing this old song "actions will be taken, they will pay one way or another".

So tell me exactly. What will Turkey do?

We had this argument before and i already expressed my opinions there. Of course there won't be any military action or Iranian style terrorist attacks against Israeli tourists in third countries.
Zionist arrogance will be end of Israel one day without a doubt.
We had this argument before and i already expressed my opinions there. Of course there won't be any military action or Iranian style terrorist attacks against Israeli tourists in third countries.

I dont remember what you said. I only remember that that it was pretty vague. Will you cut diplomatic or trade relations?
Last time I checked, there is still trade relations between Turkey and Israel. So what has really changed in the relationship, other than PR-stunt? I guess military cooperation is not as close anymore, but I dont think that changes anything for Israel.

All Im saying, Turkey and Israel will continue to be be close buds after this. Time will pass, and Turkish public and politicians will not push the issue as much. Unless the Israelis apologize, which is certainly possible.
I see a different picture
Do tell.

Erdo wasn't responsible from the flotilla raid, Israel was, so stop making this about him.
Sorry, but those of us who followed the news of the flotilla know that Erdogan had a personal role in the affair: certainly he assured the Israelis that the boarders would have a peaceful reception. If the militants betrayed his trust he could always have claimed that but he never did.

I don't hate anything, or anybody but everyone should know their places. Israel isn't the victim here -
Hmm, I'm thinking of all those times people blamed the Turkish military for all the terrible things it did to suppress democracy. Maybe you're confusing hatred of one military with hatred of another. Of course, Israel is the victim here; your country even put Israeli officers on trial in abstentia and without representation to rub it in and make the victimization official.

I won't sit and cry for their misfortune. They didn't give a sh.t about the families of people they've murdered on that ship.
You already know it wasn't murder. You might want to think more about your own misfortune: where is your blind my-country-right-or-wrong nationalism is leading you? You've already embraced hatred and cruelty so can tyranny and the loss of your freedom and possessions be far off?

Unless, of course, you plan to be one of the tools of the tyrants as well. Lots of money in that; not a lot to be proud of, though.
Zionist arrogance will be end of Israel one day without a doubt.

It is going to happen when USA decides to review its unconditional support to Israel. Then fear will take the place of that arrogance.
Zionist arrogance will be end of Israel one day without a doubt.
Was it "Zionist arrogance" that prompted Begin to give back the Sinai to Egypt? Was it "Zionist arrogance" that sought and signed the Oslo Accords to the praise of the international community, including Turkey, which failed to support Israel when Arafat changed course back to terror and the Palestinians once again proclaimed that their goal was genocide?

Are you happy with what you and your countrymen have become, revojam?

It is going to happen when USA decides to review its unconditional support to Israel. Then fear will take the place of that arrogance.
The USA has followed its 1973 pledge to help make Israel the preeminent power in the region. If that support diminishes while Israel remains surrounded by hostile countries seeking its destruction, what do you think will be the logical course for Israel to take? Hint: it won't be begging or pleading or making excuses.
It is going to happen when USA decides to review its unconditional support to Israel. Then fear will take the place of that arrogance.

That I do agree with.
As soon as America stop giving unconditional political support and all sorts of economic and military aid to Israel, they will be scared sh*tless.
However given the powerful influence of AIPAC in American foreign politics, I doubt that is goint to happen any time soon.
Was it "Zionist arrogance" that prompted Begin to give back the Sinai to Egypt? Was it "Zionist arrogance" that sought and signed the Oslo Accords to the praise of the international community, including Turkey, which failed to support Israel when Arafat changed course back to terror and the Palestinians once again proclaimed that their goal was genocide?

Are you happy with what you and your countrymen have become, revojam?

Stop playing "They are hating us innocent Jews because they jihadists!" crap okey! I am not buying it...this ultimate victim card used way too much.
I dont remember what you said. I only remember that that it was pretty vague. Will you cut diplomatic or trade relations?
Last time I checked, there is still trade relations between Turkey and Israel. So what has really changed in the relationship, other than PR-stunt? I guess military cooperation is not as close anymore, but I dont think that changes anything for Israel.

All Im saying, Turkey and Israel will continue to be be close buds after this. Time will pass, and Turkish public and politicians will not push the issue as much. Unless the Israelis apologize, which is certainly possible.

As i said, Israel will not apologize until a condition like lifting the blockade exists. Actually that is the reason why it exists, to prevent Israel from taking constructive steps. That is why we haven't seen an apology yet.

I don't know what you mean by diplomatic and trade relations, can you provide a source?
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