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Explosion rocks central Istanbul


Jan 6, 2014
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Explosion rocks tourist street in central Istanbul - BBC News

An explosion at a major tourist shopping area in the Turkish city of Istanbul has injured a number of people, Turkish media say.

Pictures showed people running away in panic, with police and ambulance vehicles rushing to the scene.

The area - Istiklal Street - is reportedly crowded at weekends.

Last Sunday, an explosion in the Turkish capital, Ankara killed 37 people. Kurdish militant group TAK claimed that attack.

The TAK, an offshoot of the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), said that was in revenge for Turkish military operations in the mainly Kurdish south-east.
Sad to hear this news.Time and again it was told to Turkey not to get involved in Syria mess.
This gives Turkey the cover to completely...and once for an all..wipe out the Kurdish community insurgency.

Hopefully Turks are smart about their strategy---and alienate the insurgents by integrating Kurds of Turkey in mainstream--and then completely destroying the terrorist Kurds.

May Allah protect and bless Turkey--always!
Sad to hear this news.Time and again it was told to Turkey not to get involved in Syria mess.

Rip for all victims may Allah be merciful with them!

You are dumb or don't want to understand..

Those explosions and taksim demonstrations all are foreign forces messing and playing with Turkey.. If it has something to do with syria than it is because they want us not to get involved with syria to stay out..
It's about to slow us down..

Pkk and it's derivatives have to be stopped.. We need to bomb them in Iraq and syria and hunt them..

We need a patriot act and we must clear the Pkk political wing hdp death penalty for all of them.. Death penalty to Öcalan..

This would even happen if there would not be any Erdogan.. The Persian wing Iranian pakistanis or Arabs
The Christian Romans and all other bitches of them would not want to have a turkey with power.. Its a nightmare to have a strong self sufficient turkey which will make its own regional politics.. Erdogan is just the perfect guy to put the grudge against in.. Ppl can hide their enemy behavior against turks and Muslims or sunni Muslims by just cursing Erdogan this is the reality

Strange behavior that germany closed his embassy in Istanbul some days before..
Sad to hear this news.Time and again it was told to Turkey not to get involved in Syria mess.

This is PKK and other Kurdish groups, not a fall back of the Syria war. Turkey's ceasefire with the PKK ended in November. After that Turkey launched large scale attacks on their bases in the South East "Zarb e Azb" style. This is their cowardly response.
Cowards of PKK. Can't fight soldiers so they attack civilians. We know their cowardly kind all too well.

May ALLAH give them a place in heaven and may he give turkey the patience and determination to end this threat.

They are animals and no way can such attacks be justified anywhere. Turkey must clean out this terrorism from it's nation.
Pakistan should offer its counter terrorism support to Turkey. These bombings there are becoming a very common occurrence and could have a massive impact on tourism. I have myself been to Turkey as a tourist and I must say it is the mainstay of the economy, especially for Istanbul.
RIP to the dead. Sad to see bombs going off in Turkey regularly now. It's too good of a country to fall to the prey of terrorists. May have to cancel my trip to Istanbul this summer :(
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