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Erdogan's 'aid' truck to Syria exposed by Turkish paper

Most of the donkeys who are talking about free press are dumb. Before erdogan ther was never free press, you couldn't insult and threaten a prime minister:-).

Before erdogan you would be found dead in a pool. The thing is in Turkey, the people who are talking about free press are never been supressed. If you touch they will cry:(.

Freedom House had you down as 'free' back then,

It says on their website that your press freedom has been eroded steadily especially over the past 5 years.

The number of journalists in your jails tells a story.

I'm really surprised you're prepared to put up with that. A free press is the cornerstone of any nation. It holds the government to account. Very important.

Turkish Documentary on Persecution of Journalists who Criticize Erdogan
MEMRI: Turkish Documentary on Persecution of Journalists who Criticize Erdogan
If the state is committing crimes then it IS the duty of journalists to bring the truth out into the open.
This is called journalism in a free country, something that erdogan is very busy trying to destroy in Turkey by labelling anyone who doesn't agree with him as traitors or terrorists.
Unfortunately there are a lot of brainless sheep who believe everything he says and does. These sheep are a disgrace not only to Turkey but to the entire humanity with their incredible stupidity.

If these weapons were indeed for the Turkmen, then why wasn't the army involved or even informed?
Why were the soldiers who stopped the truck put in prison? are the Turkish soldiers traitors too?

If the akp has committed crimes they need to be held accountable, noone not even erdogan is above the law (or at least he should not be).

He can't just do what ever he wants and blame terrorists and zionist conspiracies when he gets caught.

Can Dundar deserves a medal, not punishment.

But brainwashed sheep like you will not understand all of this or any of the virtues of liberty & democracy.

the order to stop the truck was given by Gulenists and the local military head is probably a Gulenist too. It makes zero sense that when a govt, as a whole body, decides to supply Turkmen in Syria, but the (local) military is not informed of such things or is misled by someone. The fact that Gulenist media was also the first at the spot to report and broadcast the news also speaks volumes, which further strengthens the assumption that Gulenists are behind it. These Gulenists are traitors, the leaking of the tape regarding Syria last year, their school exam frauds, their framing of non-friendly persons etc. also demonstrate this. this case is not journalism, this is treachery.
Freedom House had you down as 'free' back then,

It says on their website that your press freedom has been eroded steadily especially over the past 5 years.

The number of journalists in your jails tells a story.

I'm really surprised you're prepared to put up with that. A free press is the cornerstone of any nation. It holds the government to account. Very important.

Turkish Documentary on Persecution of Journalists who Criticize Erdogan
MEMRI: Turkish Documentary on Persecution of Journalists who Criticize Erdogan


He do love erdogan...:-)

and later...

Most of the donkeys who are talking about free press are dumb. Before erdogan ther was never free press, you couldn't insult and threaten a prime minister:-).

Before erdogan you would be found dead in a pool. The thing is in Turkey, the people who are talking about free press are never been supressed. If you touch they will cry:(.
Some say Turkey is a dictatorship, yet there are countless of media outlets that are harshly criticizing and using language which i have not seen before in foreign media. Let alone what politicians and people write on twitter.
Turkey is not perfect, but some accusations against the govt are not honest and just either. Turkish people who are calling Turkey a dictatorship should live in a real dictatorship somewhere in Africa or wherever first before throwing around with terms.


He do love erdogan...:-)
Do that in the EU or US, they will grab you by your balls for threatening someone with death.
the order to stop the truck was given by Gulenists and the local military head is probably a Gulenist too. It makes zero sense that when a govt, as a whole body, decides to supply Turkmen in Syria, but the (local) military is not informed of such things or is misled by someone. The fact that Gulenist media was also the first at the spot to report and broadcast the news also speaks volumes, which further strengthens the assumption that Gulenists are behind it. These Gulenists are traitors, the leaking of the tape regarding Syria last year, their school exam frauds, their framing of non-friendly persons etc. also demonstrate this. this case is not journalism, this is treachery.

And where did you get all this information that those soldiers are gulenists?
From erdogan and the pro government media outlets?
Just because they say that they are gulenists does not make it true by definition.
If the past couple of years have taught us anything it is that the akp is riddled with lies and corruption, they are not to be trusted.

And yes the gulenists are traitors trying to destroy the foundations of a secular democratic republic of Turkey.

But who was the gulenists best friend and all weather partner for 12 years? Yep, it was erdogan and his party.
And no this is not a conspiracy theory, erdogan himself and many other akp members have openly confirmed this.
This makes the akp just as bad as de gulenists and its followers just as evil.

Plus you pay zero attention to the fact that the Turkmen people have denied receiving this aid.
So who did it go to?

The gulenists are indeed traitors, but calling anyone disagreeing with the government, especially a secular kemalist journalist like Can Dundar a gulenist a traitor is just paranoia.
Some say Turkey is a dictatorship, yet there are countless of media outlets that are harshly criticizing and using language which i have not seen before in foreign media. Let alone what politicians and people write on twitter.
Turkey is not perfect, but some accusations against the govt are not honest and just either. Turkish people who are calling Turkey a dictatorship should live in a real dictatorship somewhere in Africa or wherever first before throwing around with terms.

Do that in the EU or US, they will grab you by your balls for threatening someone with death.

In US you will find yourself in a jail for 10 years not a normal person but the prime minister are we talking about:-), in EU litle bit softer.
Some say Turkey is a dictatorship, yet there are countless of media outlets that are harshly criticizing and using language which i have not seen before in foreign media. Let alone what politicians and people write on twitter.
Turkey is not perfect, but some accusations against the govt are not honest and just either. Turkish people who are calling Turkey a dictatorship should live in a real dictatorship somewhere in Africa or wherever first before throwing around with terms.

Do that in the EU or US, they will grab you by your balls for threatening someone with death.

I agree, the guy insinuating a death trap should be punished and would be punished in any other country for the death thread.

But how do you explain jailing and fining children as young as 14 for insulting erdogan, is that normal in a free and functioning democracy?
I agree, the guy insinuating a death trap should be punished and would be punished in any other country for the death thread.

But how do you explain jailing and fining children as young as 14 for insulting erdogan, is that normal in a free and functioning democracy?

German and dutch police do much worse things to people who use abusive language against them.

Go and yell at a dutch policeman. You will be jailed in no time.

Idiots can´t always hide behind the word "democrasy"
German and dutch police do much worse things to people who use abusive language against them.

Go and yell at a dutch policeman. You will be jailed in no time.

Idiots can´t always hide behind the word "democrasy"

You're comparing the Netherlands & Germany to Turkey?

Here there little children are not sued for insulting a government official and demanded a prison sentence.

If I yell at a Dutch policeman I will simply get a fine and that would be it.
Unlike in Turkey these days where police can get away with severe brutality even when it is televised all over the world.
And where did you get all this information that those soldiers are gulenists?
From erdogan and the pro government media outlets?
Just because they say that they are gulenists does not make it true by definition.
If the past couple of years have taught us anything it is that the akp is riddled with lies and corruption, they are not to be trusted.

And yes the gulenists are traitors trying to destroy the foundations of a secular democratic republic of Turkey.

But who was the gulenists best friend and all weather partner for 12 years? Yep, it was erdogan and his party.
And no this is not a conspiracy theory, erdogan himself and many other akp members have openly confirmed this.
This makes the akp just as bad as de gulenists and its followers just as evil.

Plus you pay zero attention to the fact that the Turkmen people have denied receiving this aid.
So who did it go to?

The gulenists are indeed traitors, but calling anyone disagreeing with the government, especially a secular kemalist journalist like Can Dundar a gulenist a traitor is just paranoia.
Then where do you get the information from that everything that is thrown at akp is the truth?
am not saying akp doesn't make mistakes and that they are always the victim, by the way, i just don't like it when people throw one sided mud at another without looking in the mirror.
Lies and corruption? Can you point me some political parties which don't lie and/or are corrupt either?

Who says that behind the screens it wasn't the Gulenists that decided to ditch the akp due to its plans of closing Gulenist schools, which are crucial to Gulen? It doesn't matter anyway, i condemn the akp for allowing co-operation with Gulen before, even though they most probably knew of their influence and intention.

Turkmen didn't deny. Lol, this is a good example of Turkish media. Probably the anti-govt media outlets you read from deny such a thing and the usual pro-govt newspapers i read tell us that the Turkmen did receive.
Properly functioning democracies are supposed to be rule-of-law, not rule-BY-law. Checks and balances, including people ratting out malfeasance and abuse, can be proper activities.

I still don't get the bit about arresting the police and prosecutors. It smells really bad, that they discovered some things the leadership is desperate to hide. The revelation of weapons shipments may affect Turkish foreign policy, but the arrest of the prosecutors and police reeks that the leadership is a threat to the State.

Go read about Gulen movement.....

Well yes, it is complicated for erdogan and his crooks.
The problem here is not the leaking, the problems here are the illegal activities of the government and massive violations of the constitution.

You can complain all you want about the the leaking and spying (which of course are a problem).
But there wouldn't be anything to leak out to brave newspapers like Cumhuriyet if erdogan was not committing any crimes.

The leaks and spies can be found, but this and other crimes cause problems that won't be solvable or at least very difficult.

Yeah and they should be punished for that. But spying on a top secret meeting and leaking it's contents which is considered as state secret to all over the world....is treason.

Two wrongs doesn't make one right.
Then where do you get the information from that everything that is thrown at akp is the truth?
am not saying akp doesn't make mistakes and that they are always the victim, by the way, i just don't like it when people throw one sided mud at another without looking in the mirror.
Lies and corruption? Can you point me some political parties which don't lie and/or are corrupt either?

Who says that behind the screens it wasn't the Gulenists that decided to ditch the akp due to its plans of closing Gulenist schools, which are crucial to Gulen? It doesn't matter anyway, i condemn the akp for allowing co-operation with Gulen before, even though they most probably knew of their influence and intention.

Turkmen didn't deny. Lol, this is a good example of Turkish media. Probably the anti-govt media outlets you read from deny such a thing and the usual pro-govt newspapers i read tell us that the Turkmen did receive.

Ok, yes other parties in the past have been also entangled in scandals. I am not saying they are angels.
But wouldn't you want to give another party a chance now after 13 years of akp rule which has resulted in a completely failed foreign policy, blatant corruption, disregard for the constitution and not having separation of powers?

And it is not as if the economy is booming either. I believe that CHP with Kemal Dervis would do some good things seeing as it is was Dervis' reforms that lifted the economy out of a deep recession for which the akp took credit.

Well I think there is 1 thing we can both agree on: finding an objective and impartial news outlet in Turkey is pretty much impossible.

Go read about Gulen movement.....

Yeah and they should be punished for that. But spying on a top secret meeting and leaking it's contents which is considered as state secret to all over the world....is treason.

Two wrongs doesn't make one right.

Yes indeed, they should both be punished. But that won't happen as long as akp remains in power now will it?
Ok, yes other parties in the past have been also entangled in scandals. I am not saying they are angels.
But wouldn't you want to give another party a chance now after 13 years of akp rule which has resulted in a completely failed foreign policy, blatant corruption, disregard for the constitution and not having separation of powers?
Agreed. but give chance to who ?

And it is not as if the economy is booming either. I believe that CHP with Kemal Dervis would do some good things seeing as it is was Dervis' reforms that lifted the economy out of a deep recession for which the akp took credit.
CHP has a very incompetent leader called Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu....he said "I will give autonomy to Kurds" (Genel Başkanlık seçim konuşmasında). I believe they would fvck up the country. Çankaya Belediyesi (CHP) görüp görebileceğin en rüşvetçi belediyedir. (Proje bakan mimarı, mühendisinden tut, arşivcisine kadar rüşvet alırlar.)

MHP has a walking dead as a leader whom lost 12 elections.

They are all bad....that's why Erdogan gets keep elected, he has virtually no alternative.

Well I think there is 1 thing we can both agree on: finding an objective and impartial news outlet in Turkey is pretty much impossible.
Exactly....they are either pro-government or anti-government. :)

I read Milliyet, Hürriyet, Internet Haber, Ensonhaber, Sözcü, Cumhuriyet to balance. :lol:

Yes indeed, they should both be punished. But that won't happen as long as akp remains in power now will it?
I think Erdogan would flee to Qatar the moment he loses an election. :agree:
I agree, the guy insinuating a death trap should be punished and would be punished in any other country for the death thread.

But how do you explain jailing and fining children as young as 14 for insulting erdogan, is that normal in a free and functioning democracy?
No, that's not normal either, i agree.

Ok, yes other parties in the past have been also entangled in scandals. I am not saying they are angels.
But wouldn't you want to give another party a chance now after 13 years of akp rule which has resulted in a completely failed foreign policy, blatant corruption, disregard for the constitution and not having separation of powers?

And it is not as if the economy is booming either. I believe that CHP with Kemal Dervis would do some good things seeing as it is was Dervis' reforms that lifted the economy out of a deep recession for which the akp took credit.

Well I think there is 1 thing we can both agree on: finding an objective and impartial news outlet in Turkey is pretty much impossible.
If you ask for my opinion... Looking at the current political parties, they are all bad in their own ways. I openly say i support akp, thats not due their Islamic ideology though, but rather due to my conviction that the akp truly has done more for Turkey relatively. Whoever performs gets my vote, unless they are hdp/bdp, one of those small commie or ultra religious parties.
I know that the akp is not perfect, just like any party, but despite their flaws i believe Turkey at the moment (especially with the current opposition in mind) is still better off with akp. Corruption should be punished for without exception, but i dont see that as a reason to remove a whole party (some just use it as an excuse to get rid of the akp).

Failed foreign policy... I think there is not much to win or lose if we look at our neighborhood, though i tend to think that Akp could have done better. Our neighbors are not the friendly types, no matter how friendly you are to them. Greece, Armenia, Russia, Iran are not really trustworthy anyway to say the least. Turkey should have focussed only on trade and less political intervention in Arab countries imo. The whole Syria affair is kind of mixed, its too soon to call it failed or as a win. Morally i dont agree with supporting the FSA, but in geopolitics being moral all the time wont bring you far. Sometimes you need to get dirty to secure your interests.

Why do you think the foreign policy has failed?

To be honest, I don't understand well what you mean by 'not having separation of powers' or 'disregard for the constitution'? Got the feeling i missed something.

Imo Turkey's booming economy will not be sustainable in the long term unless the transformation from technology buyer to technology producer and seller accelerates. In any case, i'm thankful for Dervis for reviving the economy and the akp for pulling through the economy, despite the ups and downs, so far, but also for their the confidence they give to the people, that Turkey indeed can be self sufficient and technology developing nation.

lol, not only that, it is also quite hard to find someone who dares to admit or agree with a supporter of another party. Usually such topics don't end well, you see. Welcome to the forum, by the way bro.

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