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Erdogan's 'aid' truck to Syria exposed by Turkish paper


Cumhuriyet’s editor-in-chief to ‘pay heavy price,’ says Turkish president

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has publicly and personally threatened the editor-in-chief of a daily which published video footage that it said showed security forces discovering weapons being sent to Syria on trucks belonging to the state intelligence agency.

“This slander and this illegitimate operation against the National Intelligence Organization [MİT] are, in a way, an act of espionage. This newspaper got involved in this espionage activity, too,” Erdoğan said during an interview on public broadcaster TRT late on May 31.

The footage, which was released May 29, shows gendarmerie and police officers opening crates on the back of the trucks which contain what daily Cumhuriyet described as weapons and ammunition. Cumhuriyet said the video was from Jan. 19, 2014, but did not say how it had obtained the footage.

Erdoğan reiterated that the trucks stopped that day belonged to MİT and were carrying aid to Turkmens in Syria. He suggested that the numbers of weapons included in Cumhuriyet’s report were provided by what he calls a “parallel state” run by his political enemies and bent on discrediting the government.

“I also filed a lawsuit. What only matters to them is casting a shadow on Turkey’s image. I suppose the person who wrote this as an exclusive report will pay a heavy price for this,” Erdoğan said, in an apparent reference to Cumhuriyet’s editor-in-chief, Can Dündar, who had a byline on the report.

“I will not leave go of him,” Erdoğan threatened.

Dündar responded to Erdoğan by adapting his words in a tweet early June 1. "The person who committed this crime will pay a heavy price. We will not let go of him," Dündar said while sharing the Cumhuriyet story reporting Erdoğan's criticism targeting himself.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu slammed daily Cumhuriyet which announced a series of interviews with one of the commanders of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

“Look at the dailies of today. You can see the trap,” Davutoğlu said on June 1 addressing an election campaign rally in Kırıkkale.

“A daily, which makes itself look like a newspaper established by Atatürk, which reveals [intelligence organization] MİT’s trucks, which aids spying acts, has made an interview with Kandil while threatening us,” Davutoğlu said, referring to where PKK leaders reside in northern Iraq.

Erdogan is digging a grave for Turkey itself...this guy is a religious and a delusional nutcase. He's making the same mistake as what we did in the 80s and 90s.
Turcks were for Turkmen minority in Syria, and yes this is not journalism whoever exposes the secrets of the state.. He must pay a heavy price. They will sell the whole secrets if only Akp will go. Traitors
Turcks were for Turkmen minority in Syria...

In an interview with Agence France-Presse, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said he could not comment fully because of "state secrecy", but said Turkey provided the Syrian people and the Free Syrian Army with assistance, without specifying whether the aid was of a military nature. "I said at the time it was made up of logistical aid directed for the Turkmen community in desperate need of help ... The aid was for the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian people...Turkey always does and will continue to do whatever its national security requires, and whatever responsibility it needs to shoulder for humanitarian purposes in the international arena...All the assistance is activities carried out together with the international community in the Friends of Syria group... and not Turkey’s unilateral aid " link

I see. Yet what about the arrests of the Turkish gendarmes, police, and prosecutors who stopped the trucks? There's gotta be a story there and it seems absurd to label asking questions about them "propaganda for a terrorist organization".
Turcks were for Turkmen minority in Syria, and yes this is not journalism whoever exposes the secrets of the state.. He must pay a heavy price. They will sell the whole secrets if only Akp will go. Traitors

If the state is committing crimes then it IS the duty of journalists to bring the truth out into the open.
This is called journalism in a free country, something that erdogan is very busy trying to destroy in Turkey by labelling anyone who doesn't agree with him as traitors or terrorists.
Unfortunately there are a lot of brainless sheep who believe everything he says and does. These sheep are a disgrace not only to Turkey but to the entire humanity with their incredible stupidity.

If these weapons were indeed for the Turkmen, then why wasn't the army involved or even informed?
Why were the soldiers who stopped the truck put in prison? are the Turkish soldiers traitors too?

If the akp has committed crimes they need to be held accountable, noone not even erdogan is above the law (or at least he should not be).

He can't just do what ever he wants and blame terrorists and zionist conspiracies when he gets caught.

Can Dundar deserves a medal, not punishment.

But brainwashed sheep like you will not understand all of this or any of the virtues of liberty & democracy.

I see. Yet what about the arrests of the Turkish gendarmes, police, and prosecutors who stopped the trucks? There's gotta be a story there and it seems absurd to label asking questions about them "propaganda for a terrorist organization".

- What do you think about State sending materials to Syria...and some people within the State intercept these shipments
- Some people within the state leaks top secret meeting.
- Some people within the state spying on PM, Ministers and high level bureaucrats and then leaking out the info ?

If the state is committing crimes then it IS the duty of journalists to bring the truth out into the open.
This is called journalism in a free country, something that erdogan is very busy trying to destroy in Turkey by labelling anyone who doesn't agree with him as traitors or terrorists.
Unfortunately there are a lot of brainless sheep who believe everything he says and does. These sheep are a disgrace not only to Turkey but to the entire humanity with their incredible stupidity.

If these weapons were indeed for the Turkmen, then why wasn't the army involved or even informed?
Why were the soldiers who stopped the truck put in prison? are the Turkish soldiers traitors too?

If the akp has committed crimes they need to be held accountable, noone not even erdogan is above the law (or at least he should not be).

He can't just do what ever he wants and blame terrorists and zionist conspiracies when he gets caught.

Can Dundar deserves a medal, not punishment.

But brainwashed sheep like you will not understand all of this or any of the virtues of liberty & democracy.


Read my post above.....it's way more complicated then that.
Well, jailing journalists is nothing new for Erdogan.

Remember Turkey used to have a free press before this maniac?

Freedom House has downgraded Turkey's press from 'partly free' to now being 'not free'

That puts Turkey in the same company as Libya, Zambia & China :lol:
- What do you think about State sending materials to Syria...and some people within the State intercept these shipments
- Some people w

Read my post above.....it's way more complicated then that.

Well yes, it is complicated for erdogan and his crooks.
The problem here is not the leaking, the problems here are the illegal activities of the government and massive violations of the constitution.

You can complain all you want about the the leaking and spying (which of course are a problem).
But there wouldn't be anything to leak out to brave newspapers like Cumhuriyet if erdogan was not committing any crimes.

The leaks and spies can be found, but this and other crimes cause problems that won't be solvable or at least very difficult.

Well, jailing journalists is nothing new for Erdogan.

Remember Turkey used to have a free press before this maniac?

Freedom House has downgraded Turkey's press from 'partly free' to now being 'not free'

That puts Turkey in the same company as Libya, Zambia & China :lol:

Yeah, it is a disgrace, let's hope that June 8th will be a day of joy.
- What do you think about State sending materials to Syria...and some people within the State intercept these shipments
Properly functioning democracies are supposed to be rule-of-law, not rule-BY-law. Checks and balances, including people ratting out malfeasance and abuse, can be proper activities.

Read my post above.....it's way more complicated then that.
I still don't get the bit about arresting the police and prosecutors. It smells really bad, that they discovered some things the leadership is desperate to hide. The revelation of weapons shipments may affect Turkish foreign policy, but the arrest of the prosecutors and police reeks that the leadership is a threat to the State.
Well, jailing journalists is nothing new for Erdogan.

Remember Turkey used to have a free press before this maniac?

Freedom House has downgraded Turkey's press from 'partly free' to now being 'not free'

That puts Turkey in the same company as Libya, Zambia & China :lol:

Most of the donkeys who are talking about free press are dumb. Before erdogan ther was never free press, you couldn't insult and threaten a prime minister:-).

Before erdogan you would be found dead in a pool. The thing is in Turkey, the people who are talking about free press are never been supressed. If you touch they will cry:(.
If the state is committing crimes then it IS the duty of journalists to bring the truth out into the open.
This is called journalism in a free country, something that erdogan is very busy trying to destroy in Turkey by labelling anyone who doesn't agree with him as traitors or terrorists.
Unfortunately there are a lot of brainless sheep who believe everything he says and does. These sheep are a disgrace not only to Turkey but to the entire humanity with their incredible stupidity.

If these weapons were indeed for the Turkmen, then why wasn't the army involved or even informed?
Why were the soldiers who stopped the truck put in prison? are the Turkish soldiers traitors too?

If the akp has committed crimes they need to be held accountable, noone not even erdogan is above the law (or at least he should not be).

He can't just do what ever he wants and blame terrorists and zionist conspiracies when he gets caught.

Can Dundar deserves a medal, not punishment.

But brainwashed sheep like you will not understand all of this or any of the virtues of liberty & democracy.


Congratulations mate, you have two posts and second one says that I am a brainwashed sheep. They say you can never get a second chance to make a first impression so I think since you learn some "edep, adap" we can not have a proper discussion here with you. And will not waste my time for you to explain things.
Congratulations mate, you have two posts and second one says that I am a brainwashed sheep. They say you can never get a second chance to make a first impression so I think since you learn some "edep, adap" we can not have a proper discussion here with you. And will not waste my time for you to explain things.

Koyun dedise bir daha KOY ozaman:-).
Congratulations mate, you have two posts and second one says that I am a brainwashed sheep. They say you can never get a second chance to make a first impression so I think since you learn some "edep, adap" we can not have a proper discussion here with you. And will not waste my time for you to explain things.

No, congratulations to you brother.

If you would read my reply again you would see that i explicitely called people who believe anything erdogan says as ''brainwashed sheep''.

If you feel so offended by that then you are openly confessing to be one of those people?

You are correct, we won't be able to debate properly judging by your posts.

I've been lurking and reading here for quite some time, sometimes angried and ashamed of some things that Turkish members here wrote. Hence why I decided to put my opinion out here before the world thinks that most Turks are blind & deaf followers.

Most of the donkeys who are talking about free press are dumb. Before erdogan ther was never free press, you couldn't insult and threaten a prime minister:-).

Before erdogan you would be found dead in a pool. The thing is in Turkey, the people who are talking about free press are never been supressed. If you touch they will cry:(.

Of course, advocating free press would qualify someone as a donkey.

What a bunch of nonsense.

Yes, in the past it was also bad. But past wrong doings are in no way or shape an excuse for the present ones.

Not oppressed? In what parallel universe are you living?
Turkey ranks somewhere at the top of the list of countries with most journalists in prison.
Be it for ''terrorism'' or for ''insult'' to his majesty erdogan.
I've been lurking and reading here for quite some time, sometimes angried and ashamed of some things that Turkish members here wrote. Hence why I decided to put my opinion out here before the world thinks that most Turks are blind & deaf followers.

Sorry if we put you to embrassment..... lol ...Who do you think you are? Everybody can express their thoughts with free will and you are not the one who can judge them, nobody will ask you before posting comments if you liked or disliked. If you will talk about democracy once again you have to learn living with different views.
Sorry if we put you to embrassment..... lol ...Who do you think you are? Everybody can express their thoughts with free will and you are not the one who can judge them, nobody will ask you before posting comments if you liked or disliked. If you will talk about democracy once again you have to learn living with different views.

Please, don't flatter yourself. What exactly has been said that would make me feel embarassed?

You either don't read my posts properly due to your limited proficiency in the English language.


You are just not willing to accept the some of the weird stuff that's being posted here.

I don't feel better than anyone else, I do however think I have a more clear mind than some people. When people start calling journalist traitors and terrorist because they are simply doing their job. Or when they justify horrible wrong doings of the government for the sake of honor, then that is the plain simple definition of stupidity.

I am fine living with people with other views on issues. It is the people that condone and promote the imprisonment of people with differring views than theirs who should be learning about democracy.

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