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Erdogan's 'aid' truck to Syria exposed by Turkish paper

You're comparing the Netherlands & Germany to Turkey?

Here there little children are not sued for insulting a government official and demanded a prison sentence.

If I yell at a Dutch policeman I will simply get a fine and that would be it.
Mate, this is another complicated situation....

Insulting the President is punishable by prison sentence by constitution.

TCK’da (Türk Ceza Kanunu) Cumhurbaşkanı’na hakaret suçu 299. maddede düzenlenmiştir. Madde metni şu şekildedir:

Cumhurbaşkanına hakaret

Madde 299- (1) Cumhurbaşkanına hakaret eden kişi, bir yıldan dört yıla kadar hapis cezası ile cezalandırılır.

(2) Suçun alenen işlenmesi hâlinde, verilecek ceza altıda biri oranında artırılır.

(3) Bu suçtan dolayı kovuşturma yapılması, Adalet Bakanının iznine bağlıdır.

The issue is previous presidents have all been respected by people....there were very rare cases only one against Abdullah gül and Ahmet Necdet Sezer.

Mate, i was in Gezi protests in Kızılay/Ankara....people were shouting "SoB Tayyip" in the streets and writing it on the walls. He is being loathed by many people.

Unlike in Turkey these days where police can get away with severe brutality even when it is televised all over the world.
Yeap....at the past it was not excellent either but it had gotten worse.....

I mean when the president prays for the souls of the 9 people got killed in Mavi Marmara.

But calls the youth who got killed in the Gezi protests, terrorists.....you know our word for it.. (İmam osurursa cemaat sıçarmış) :meeting:
Agreed. but give chance to who ?

CHP has a very incompetent leader called Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu....he said "I will give autonomy to Kurds" (Genel Başkanlık seçim konuşmasında). I believe they would fvck up the country. Çankaya Belediyesi (CHP) görüp görebileceğin en rüşvetçi belediyedir. (Proje bakan mimarı, mühendisinden tut, arşivcisine kadar rüşvet alırlar.)

MHP has a walking dead as a leader whom lost 12 elections.

They are all bad....that's why Erdogan gets keep elected, he has virtually no alternative.

Exactly....they are either pro-government or anti-government. :)

I read Milliyet, Hürriyet, Internet Haber, Ensonhaber, Sözcü, Cumhuriyet to balance. :lol:

I think Erdogan would flee to Qatar the moment he loses an election. :agree:

Ideally if I could make the choice, I would give every seat in parliament to HEPAR. Efsane komutan bir guzel temizler ulkeyi :)

Regarding that quote of Kilicdaroglu, if he really said that in those words then it would be wrong.
But if he really said it like that and meant it, would he recently have been re-elected as head of CHP?

Realistically I hope a CHP + MHP alliance would be great. Especially with Kemal Dervis for the economy.
It just simply can not be worse than AKP. Just the fact that they protect and praise a dirtbag like Hakan Fidan should be enough to see the danger.

I am not saying these parties are perfect, but they are good. Kilicdaroglu at least respects the constitution and we will be assured that Turkey won't turn into an islamist dictatorship which puts the arabs interests before Turkey and alienates important allies like Israel.

Yes, I am curious what he will do when akp won't get a majority seat :)

No, that's not normal either, i agree.

If you ask for my opinion... Looking at the current political parties, they are all bad in their own ways. I openly say i support akp, thats not due their Islamic ideology though, but rather due to my conviction that the akp truly has done more for Turkey relatively. Whoever performs gets my vote, unless they are hdp/bdp, one of those small commie or ultra religious parties.
I know that the akp is not perfect, just like any party, but despite their flaws i believe Turkey at the moment (especially with the current opposition in mind) is still better off with akp. Corruption should be punished for without exception, but i dont see that as a reason to remove a whole party (some just use it as an excuse to get rid of the akp).

Failed foreign policy... I think there is not much to win or lose if we look at our neighborhood, though i tend to think that Akp could have done better. Our neighbors are not the friendly types, no matter how friendly you are to them. Greece, Armenia, Russia, Iran are not really trustworthy anyway to say the least. Turkey should have focussed only on trade and less political intervention in Arab countries imo. The whole Syria affair is kind of mixed, its too soon to call it failed or as a win. Morally i dont agree with supporting the FSA, but in geopolitics being moral all the time wont bring you far. Sometimes you need to get dirty to secure your interests.

Why do you think the foreign policy has failed?

To be honest, I don't understand well what you mean by 'not having separation of powers' or 'disregard for the constitution'? Got the feeling i missed something.

Imo Turkey's booming economy will not be sustainable in the long term unless the transformation from technology buyer to technology producer and seller accelerates. In any case, i'm thankful for Dervis for reviving the economy and the akp for pulling through the economy, despite the ups and downs, so far, but also for their the confidence they give to the people, that Turkey indeed can be self sufficient and technology developing nation.

lol, not only that, it is also quite hard to find someone who dares to admit or agree with a supporter of another party. Usually such topics don't end well, you see. Welcome to the forum, by the way bro.

Regarding the foreign policy: I don't have any evidence to back it up, but my gut feeling is that the economical succes gave erdogan such a high that the power simply went to his head and he thought of himself as some kind of superpower. With all his support for islamists all over the middle-east and even shaking hands with hamas terrorists just destroyed Turkeys image in the civilised world and killed Turkeys soft power.

Relations with Israel & Egypt are just bad at the moment due to erdogan.
He needs to stop interfering with other nations business and the constant critisizing.
Plus his sectarian leanings at home don't do any good either, whether it is demonizing alevis or letting his islamist news outlets fuel anti-semitism in Turkey and endangering Turkish Jews who throughout history have done only good for the republic.

he just simply alienates groups instead of preaching peace and harmony.

Regarding the constitution: in your opinion, do you think he honors his presidential oath of remaining impartial?

And prosecutors and even judges being fired or arrested when they don't follow erdogans will pretty much explains all.

Mate, this is another complicated situation....

Insulting the President is punishable by prison sentence by constitution.

The issue is previous presidents have all been respected by people....there were very rare cases only one against Abdullah gül and Ahmet Necdet Sezer.

Mate, i was in Gezi protests in Kızılay/Ankara....people were shouting "SoB Tayyip" in the streets and writing it on the walls. He is being loathed by many people.

Yeap....at the past it was not excellent either but it had gotten worse.....

I mean when the president prays for the souls of the 9 people got killed in Mavi Marmara.

But calls the youth who got killed in the Gezi protests, terrorists.....you know our word for it.. (İmam osurursa cemaat sıçarmış) :meeting:

Yes, and calling Berkin Elvan a terrorisy without any shame, cursing Berkins mother and yet when someone makes some accusation with arguments to back it up, prosecuters suddenly pop up to sue them.

Yet when it comes to islamists insulting Ataturk, they do nothing. Erdogan clearly has the judicial system by the balls.
Ideally if I could make the choice, I would give every seat in parliament to HEPAR. Efsane komutan bir guzel temizler ulkeyi :)

I wanna hug you my brother... :D :D :D :D We are same of mind. :)


Regarding that quote of Kilicdaroglu, if he really said that in those words then it would be wrong.
But if he really said it like that and meant it, would he recently have been re-elected as head of CHP?
Yeap, he got elected....when he first came to power, he got rid of the oppostion within the party and filled the important positions with "Yes men"

Realistically I hope a CHP + MHP alliance would be great. Especially with Kemal Dervis for the economy.
It just simply can not be worse than AKP. Just the fact that they protect and praise a dirtbag like Hakan Fidan should be enough to see the danger.
Well....it would be nice to see all the crook ministers inside the jail.........But, i'm not quiete sure if they could manage the country well like AKP...In terms of democracy, seperation of powers, free media, free speech AKP failed. But economic wise...well, if you look at the numbers they are not the best government ever but they did pretty good..before AKP all i remember is Crysis, Dollar surging like crazy, taking loans from IMF, projects got terminated because lack of funding, etc....

I am not saying these parties are perfect, but they are good. Kilicdaroglu at least respects the constitution and we will be assured that Turkey won't turn into an islamist dictatorship which puts the arabs interests before Turkey and alienates important allies like Israel.
Geopolitics is not easy to read....are we alining our interest with Arab interests ? By taking Israel enemy we got some benefits from elsewhere ? I dunno, maybe it's well, maybe it's not.... it's hard to tell for me.

Yes, I am curious what he will do when akp won't get a majority seat :)
MHP coalition....mark my words, brother. :lol:

Yes, and calling Berkin Elvan a terrorisy without any shame, cursing Berkins mother and yet when someone makes some accusation with arguments to back it up, prosecuters suddenly pop up to sue them.

Yet when it comes to islamists insulting Ataturk, they do nothing. Erdogan clearly has the judicial system by the balls.
True story. :meeting:

I wanna hug you my brother... :D :D :D :D We are same of mind. :)


Yeap, he got elected....when he first came to power, he got rid of the oppostion within the party and filled the important positions with "Yes men"

Well....it would be nice to see all the crook ministers inside the jail.........But, i'm not quiete sure if they could manage the country well like AKP...In terms of democracy, seperation of powers, free media, free speech AKP failed. But economic wise...well, if you look at the numbers they are not the best government ever but they did pretty good..before AKP all i remember is Crysis, Dollar surging like crazy, taking loans from IMF, projects got terminated because lack of funding, etc....

Geopolitics is not easy to read....are we alining our interest with Arab interests ? By taking Israel enemy we got some benefits from elsewhere ? I dunno, maybe it's well, maybe it's not.... it's hard to tell for me.

MHP coalition....mark my words, brother. :lol:

True story. :meeting:

Ah, consider this a virtual hug brother :)

I agree with you on all points.

However, the governments in the nineties had to cope with a lot of terrorism, gulf war, post cold war world (armeninan bastards killing Azeris).
And akp inherited the reformed economy constructed by Kemal Dervis (who is now also backing CHP) and the cheap money they could borrow from the US after the '08 crisis.
As I see it, they did some good for the economy but they were also very lucky.

You mean MHP plus akp? If that happens, I hope the brakelines in one of Bahceli's classic cars breaks while driving as punishment for his hypocrisy and not letting the legendary Osman Pamukogly take the reigns of MHP.
Ah, consider this a virtual hug brother :)

I agree with you on all points.

However, the governments in the nineties had to cope with a lot of terrorism, gulf war, post cold war world (armeninan bastards killing Azeris).
And akp inherited the reformed economy constructed by Kemal Dervis (who is now also backing CHP) and the cheap money they could borrow from the US after the '08 crisis.
As I see it, they did some good for the economy but they were also very lucky.
Agreed. :)

You mean MHP plus akp? If that happens, I hope the brakelines in one of Bahceli's classic cars breaks while driving as punishment for his hypocrisy and not letting the legendary Osman Pamukogly take the reigns of MHP.
IMO, they are all "Düzen Partisi" as Osman Pamukoğlu defines them. They are all running for their personal gains.

- AKP uses religion
- CHP uses Atatürk
- MHP uses nationalism.

I remember the leaked tapes....

One of the tapes, he was saying to Russian prostitute.."If you wear headscarf, you will became more sexy for me."....:disagree:

MHP will never allow Osman Pamukoğlu in their crook ranks as he would dispose many of them. :)
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