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Erdogan calls the PM forces a terrorists that flamed the social media with Iraqis replies harshly.

I don't know why I am surprised anymore, we are basically the same when it comes to culinary tradition with our neighbours.
b/c nobody can make line among people and cultures.
In many cases I am not agree with Turks and Arabs but I know that we affect on each other in many cases.
I remember one time my mother said our ancestor come from Iraq to Iran.
we make it in iraq

You know what. That is exactly how my family does it.

Sry i missed this question, no this isnt true, majority of Alevis are Turks, here from Wiki:

  • "The Alevi constitute the second-largest religious community in Turkey (following the Sunnis), and number some 25% (15 million) of the total population (Alevis claim 30%–40%). Most (?) Alevis are ethnic and linguistic Turks, mainly of Turkmen descent from Central and Eastern Anatolia. Some 20% of Alevis are Kurds (though most Kurds are Sunni), and some 25% of Kurds in Turkey are Alevi (Kurmanji and Zaza speakers)." —David Zeidan.[58]
Alevis are Turks. nothing else, they just happen to be Shia.
I can picture the Alevis in ottoman period making this dessert and sharing it amongst their Sunni friends and family.

b/c nobody can make line among people and cultures.
In many cases I am not agree with Turks and Arabs but I know that we affect on each other in many cases.
I remember one time my mother said our ancestor come from Iraq to Iran.
100%. It just sometimes I find it surprising to find out we have so many similarities in our foods and culture you forget how close we are(geographically). It's good.

Yes we are all we need is to believe in that.
Do you believe it? Because I am a beliver now!:victory:
Alevis are Turks. nothing else, they just happen to be Shia.
The widespread belief that Alevi are mostly Kurds is because Alevis in Europe are mostly Kurds due to political circumstances in the past.
Other than that around 3/4 of Alevis are Turks.
You know what. That is exactly how my family does it.
Bro we share a long history so our food is the same even our culture has many similarities so the same food you can find in our region especially these countries turkey iraq iran syria lebanon because we are geographically have borders.

Do you believe it? Because I am a beliver now!:victory:
I surely do all we need our regimes cooperate for the good of our nations.
The widespread belief that Alevi are mostly Kurds is because Alevis in Europe are mostly Kurds due to political circumstances in the past.
Other than that around 3/4 of Alevis are Turks.
The Safavids was kind of twelver/Alevites/sufi empire at first then Gradually turns in the favor of twelver until the last king of these empire with his ultra twelver policy which as result cut connection b/w Alevits and sufism with twelver and also he put big pressure on sunni population of Iran and all of that cause civil war and falling empire however he was not alone in it's ultra policy.
I mean this traitor king.
The widespread belief that Alevi are mostly Kurds is because Alevis in Europe are mostly Kurds due to political circumstances in the past.
Other than that around 3/4 of Alevis are Turks.
What can i say, what idiots.
Well it is good that this forum, which started as it did, has now turned into a friendly chat between Arabs, Turks and 1 Persian/Iranian. Very good to see. Also food is discussed which is probably the best ice breaker out there or one of them. Good job. Some nice information shared too.


Yes, that is exactly why I asked because most of the Alavis in Europe from Turkey seem to be Kurds.
I believe in this

((أيها الناس، إن ربكم واحد، وإن أباكم واحد، كلكم لآدم، وآدم من تراب، إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم، ليس لعربي فضل على أعجمي إلا بالتقوى، ألا هل بلَّغت؟ اللهم فاشهد))
@Sharif al-Hijaz
Theses words of the prophet PBUH do we really adopted these Teachings Well the reality screams NO.
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Bro we share a long history so our food is the same even our culture has many similarities so the same food you can find in our region especially these countries turkey iraq iran syria lebanon because we are geographically have borders.

I surely do all we need our regimes cooperate for the good of our nations.
I know. See, I always assumed we had our unique culture/traditions then you meet friends from these nations and you notice the similarities we have between us all. always a pleasant surprise.
Well it is good that this thread, which started as it did, has now turned into a friendly chat between Arabs, Turks and 1 Persian/Iranian. Very good to see. Also food is discussed which is probably the best ice breaker out there or one of them. Good job. Some nice information shared too. Please continue.


Yes, that is exactly why I asked because most of the Alavis in Europe from Turkey seem to be Kurds.

Yes but the "Kurdish" Alevis are in fact mostly Zaza Alevis. Alevi Zazas accept the Kurdish identity whereas the Sunni Zazas are much closer to Turks and the Turkish identity.
I did not know that but I am a bit skeptical because I know that Shia Islam reached Iran and Iranians before it reached Turks. I know that Iran was majority Sunni pre-Safavids but there were Shia dynasties before the Safavids in parts of Iran. I think that Safavids just renowned the tradition of Ashura.
the dominate shia in Iran before safavids was zaidi and Ismaieli not twelver shia.

Yes in Iran exist but not as strong as like is among turks and Alevits
@Sharif al-Hijaz
Alevi & Sunni Zazas hate each other. In every single election, they chose deliberately the opposite camp.

Take the last referendum as an example. Zazas live mainly in these three provinces:


1. Tunceli (Alevi) - No won with 80%
2. Elazig (Sunni) - Yes won with 71%
3. Bingöl (Sunni) - Yes won with 72 %

Zaza dominated districts within Elazig show even a higher approval rate than other districts. Just because the Alevi Zazas were against the proposed reforms.

They also have differences with pro-PKK Kurds.

Take the Kurdish dominated Diyarbakir (the large red colored province south to Elazig & Bingöl) as another example:


(Sunni Zaza areas in Diyarbakir)
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Interesting. Thanks for that valuable information.

You should make a thread about the history of Zazas or the regions they inhabit in Anatolia or just a thread about Anatolia in general and the different historical regions/provinces of Turkey. That would be very interesting for non-Turks I imagine.

For instance outsiders seem to know very little about the entire Turkish Black Sea coastline. Outside of the Trabzon region which many Arab tourists visit. Istanbul gets almost all of the attention being a fantastic city and the largest by far but there are many other areas in Turkey. This might not come as a surprise to you but I also find the areas that Turkish Arabs traditionally inhabit such as Hatay, Sanliurfa, Slirt, Mardin, Gazientep, Adana (I love Adana kebab it is very similar to some of the kebabs eaten in Levant next door and other parts of the Arab world etc.

Or maybe a thread about the differences between Western Turkey and rural Anatolia/Eastern Turkey/parts of Southern Turkey.

Another question the Turks in Cyprus did they mostly migrate from nearby Southern Turkey or do they come from all over Turkey?

Such a thread would be closed within a couple of minutes. :D

I once wrote here something about this topic: Am I too radical for Pakistan?

Personally, I have no interest in opening such a thread at all. I prefer to be a discreet member of our Turkish community here on PDF and in real life. I won't tell my children anything about our origin anyway. All of my female cousins married Turks, none of their children speaks Zazaki. Becoming a homogeneous society as much as possible is the best way to solve problems. Our parents raised us Turkish. We do believe that Turkey belongs to Turks and we're a part of this Turkish community.
Yes, I know that most Shias in Iran pre-Safavids were Zaydi and Ismaili. Did you know that almost all Shias in Yemen are Zaydis and that there are Zaydis and Ismailis in KSA as well? Almost all Shias outside of the Eastern Province in KSA are either Zaydi or Ismaili.
Yes I know b/c I interested to read about Yemen.Also I have relative in Bahrain.
I know about the persian gulf culture and all of the inhabitants of persian gulf and Makran sea(Oman sea) coast have very similar cultures and beliefs regardless of their sects and language.
Yes I know b/c I interested to read about Yemen.Also I have relative in Bahrain.
I know about the persian gulf culture and all of the inhabitants of persian gulf and Makran sea(Oman sea) coast have very similar cultures and beliefs regardless of their sects and language.

There are many Sunni Persians in Izmir too. I never ever in my lifetime met a non-Turkish person from the ME that has shown as much cultural, traditional and religious similarities with us Turks as this guy. He literally was our Persian sibling. I was positively shocked. Can't describe the feeling. You simply didn't expect such a great affinity. That day I was very sad about Iran being a Shia country.
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