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Erdogan calls the PM forces a terrorists that flamed the social media with Iraqis replies harshly.

Polat Alemdar from "Valley of the wolves" Turkish serial.


On the subject.

View attachment 392128



Sure no Turkish soft power on me ...:lol: first time to c the guy or the name of serial ... but your president policy is getting worse everyday ...
Sure no Turkish soft power on me ...:lol: first time to c the guy or the name of serial ... but your president policy is getting worse everyday ...
But the guy on twitter knows him. :lol:

I think, nobody talked about you ?
I think that's more likely to be happening to Erdogan, since there seems to be no leash on him any more, attacking all countries like an angry beast. From calling Europe Nazis to bad mouthing Iran and Iraq to please some rich Arabs. The guy has totally lost it.

Keep what you already have intact, and that's an accomplishment, Ottomans are long gone, Erdogan understood it the hard way.
Ottomans may be physically gone but the Ruh is always there!!! That Ruh dictates folks to rule from the Adriatic to the Walls of China other than creating Fitne and Fesat in fellow Muslim countries!!! Take a look at the history. Can't you see another Ayyildiz (Sitara ve Hilal) is taking command over Hijaz???
What is Iraqi officials stands?
They are against independence of kurdstan.

Polat Alemdar from "Valley of the wolves" Turkish serial.


On the subject.

View attachment 392128



Lol, @Sinan I dont really care about the avatar used by the iraqi twitter guy I quoted it for the words he typed and expressing his feeling.

Just pay attention to Iraqis and their prideness for the Hashd Alshaabi.

Bro you need to care about your life now after under sultan erdogan.

But the guy on twitter knows him. :lol:

I think, nobody talked about you ?
I swear to god this is the first time I see this guy and never seen any turkish series except harmlek or whatever you call it.

But I've seen this many times





Lol, @Sinan I dont really care about the avatar used by the iraqi twitter guy I quoted it for the words he typed and expressing his feeling.
I don't care too, just answered Raptor guy, because he asked a question.

Just pay attention to Iraqis and their prideness for the Hashd Alshaabi.
IMO, Iraqis should have pride for being Iraqi...but eventually it's not my business.

Bro you need to care about your life now after under sultan erdogan.
Life goes unchanged for 15 years under Erdoğan...so. :meeting:

I swear to god this is the first time I see this guy and never seen any turkish series except harmlek or whatever you call it.
We don't have any serial named harmlek. :-)

But I've seen this many times






We don't know about Iraqi serials.
So you posted tweets of JAHSH Militia terrorists sympathizer who uses a Turkish actor's photo as an avatar to threaten Turkey and Erdogan, that's why Iraq will never be one and united country again with such one brain cell citizens.
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