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Does Pakistan have what it takes to be a strong nation?

Contd 2/1:

Now coming to people and as a Nation? does Pakistan have what it takes.

No people can move forward, no person can achieve the greatest in life if he/she is enslaved by a coercive, subjugating and oppressive system which we have in Pakistan. Humans are born free and only rise to the occasion with free soul and free enterprise.

People are enslaved by the powerful political mafias who are supported by even more powerful so called establishment or rather the status quo anti people powers.

As said a Ghulam can only be a good Ghulam, to rise he/she need to break the shackles of slavery and despondenacy, an environment of free enterprise, free/azaad thoughts and actions, a surrounding of free spirit, a system of level playing field(oft. repeated), a pluralist, inclusive, holistic environment/system free from undue control/coercian, free from suppression and oppression can only let people thrive and flourish.

The current iron fisted control of Mil Establishment, waderas and sardars, feudal lords and gaddi nasheens, the religious to political cults and cabals are not letting it happen.

So an uphill task ahead, but with the ever rising awareness amongst people, change will come, change is the only constant. First, change occurs in the hearts and minds of people and later trickles down to the system.
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So an uphill task ahead, but with the ever rising awareness amongst people, change will come, change is the only constant. First, change occurs in hearts and minds and later trickles down to the system.
That's the thing, that's exactly the thing that I always talk about. Dil badlo, halat balaingy, mahol badlyga.
That change of heart may come from either environmental forces or from social forces.
Even if today, the Pakistani military establishment vanishes suddenly, and everything starts functioning as normal, will we be able to hold things then? I mean will we become a great nation then?
That's the thing, that's exactly the thing that I always talk about. Dil badlo, halat balaingy, mahol badlyga.
That change of heart may come from either environmental forces or from social forces.
Even if today, the Pakistani military establishment vanishes suddenly, and everything starts functioning as normal, will we be able to hold things then? I mean will we become a great nation then?
Highly unlikely, nations like ours are conducive to power being concentrated. Something else will take its place and the same will continue.
Monarchies are perhaps best suited to our region, if power is to be centralized, it should alt least be in the hands of a VISIBLE person, not a shadow government. It become much harder to hide or blame away corruption when the buck stops with you and everyone knows it.
Monarchies are tied to the land as well, I cannot imagine Prince Salman destroying his kingdom and setting up a palace to move to in the West. Wont happen, he will never be a king in the west, and the crown has to be passed to his descendants. This tie in to the land also makes monarchies more devoted to the country because its their kingdom. Its not a revolving door for ppl to plunder get rich and vanish to another land.
This is why monarchies have always outlasted "democracies" because in democracies, power is just as much centralized but in the hands of a few unseen figures who act as a shadow state.
Historically speaking, all the nations which were aggressors in the Past, are powerful nations today. Does it have to do with the DNA? Maybe, but attitude is definitely the key. The character of people of Pakistan is more inclined to be parasitic rather than hunters.

By looking in the mirror of the past, can we predict that Pakistan will ever achieve any status in world affairs, I mean more than what it has now? What is our ultimate destination?

@Mentee @Irfan Baloch @others


It is up to the people to at least strive for betterment, and Allah helps with leadership.
It is then the leader's duty to train the nation.

Insanity is a norm in people not in person.
There are certain characteristics of high IQ individuals, they tend to be quiet, and self doubting among others.
Here if one is in a room full of Pakistanis you will notice just how loud they are, and always overconfident even if nothing to back it up.

I can probably say if Israel was facing default or losing wars, they would not celebrate independence day. Dumb ppl tend to be happier, so we are a happy nation lol, always celebrating.
Historically speaking, all the nations which were aggressors in the Past, are powerful nations today. Does it have to do with the DNA? Maybe, but attitude is definitely the key. The character of people of Pakistan is more inclined to be parasitic rather than hunters.

By looking in the mirror of the past, can we predict that Pakistan will ever achieve any status in world affairs, I mean more than what it has now? What is our ultimate destination?

@Mentee @Irfan Baloch @others


One important aspect to look at for countries like Pakistan is evolution. We don't believe in it so we are slow at it.
All humans started as un-civilized and weak but they evolved to be better.
No matter what weaknesses we have we can still evolve.
Neither human DNA nor culture is constant. It is always changing.

As some people have mentioned this is due to lack of struggle for food and shelter that has killed the need for fast evolution.

If you observe Europeans, they raise their children like soldiers. Even if they don't send them to school they teach basic skills of survival and to succeed in life. They have a highly evolved culture which is a result of brutal evolution.

Another important aspect is cultural backwardness which is a result of lack of evolution.
Backwards cultures get dominated by advanced cultures and suffer cultural genocide. Genocided cultures like us lose their sense of direction and are always dependent on others. This leads to slavery.

A major downside of genocided cultures is that they don't have their own beliefs and philosophies of life. They have to borrow them from others which makes them dependent on others i.e. slaves.

It is very important for humans to have their own beliefs so they can find their own meaning of life and develop their own philosophies. This is where the strength of human society comes from.
There is no right or wrong belief. The belief should be what people feel comfortable to follow and can understand.
Shaky beliefs or beliefs imposed by others make societies weak and morally bankrupt.

Moral of my story is no matter what genetic or behavioural faults we have, if we strive to evolve we will eventually overcome all our faults and be better people.
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I am in search of the thing, that makes us what we are..

Nay-Shun, instead of Nation.

We tend to be Naysayers. And Shun free thoughts and free enterprise, rat race(bhair chaal) followers.

Since under British Raj rule from 1858 to 1947 and even the Moghul period 1526–1761,
The people lost the sense of direction, to be leaders and not followers, despondency crept in, sab chalta hai culture took route, people were just fine to be enslaved without giving it a second thought, this is what slavery does to people.

One case in point, people here in Pakistan just don't protest, don't took the street for their rights and to get justice as people do in the west, why! people look at individual benefits and possession and not collective good.

People here have this herd mentality, and avoid being non-stereotypical and innovators.

What causes herd mentality?

Herd mentality is the tendency of people to follow the crowd and fit into society. What causes herd mentality? Fear, greed, and the human desire to belong to a social group can lead to herd mentality.
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Pakistan has no legs. It is handicapped and the legs were amputated by the establishment.

Partly correct. But why blame the 'establishment' now? Because Imran Khan was removed from power? Before that, the PDF was a big fanboi of the 'Establishment' and I remember a very senior and mostly sensible guy here some years ago even denied there was such a thing as the 'establishment'.
Look: The proverbial elephant in the room is the Pakistani rivalry with India over Kashmir. As long as that remains, there will be a powerful 'establishment'. Figure out a solution with India and start the journey to becoming a 'normal' nation. And I am afraid what India was willing to offer via Vajpai or even via Manmohan Singh are going to be hard to get. An internally weak nation, even if militarily a powerful force, which Pakistan is, doesn't get what it wants. Israel is also a 'security state' but not only it has highly educated society but also very powerful foreign backers.

Then there is an issue of extremism. Thanks to the Taliban boys to the West, from a liberal, outward looking, education seeking Pakistan of the 50s, 60s, Pakistanis have been taken over by obscurantism and extremism mindset. Not that conservatism is bad, but jahalat is a big no.

Pakistan was a 'normal' state through 1970s and probably well into the 1980s until the 'Jihad' against the Soviets, which in hindsight was nothing but a proxy-war between America and the USSR, destroyed Pakistan. THAT was when Pakistan went wrong. One wrong move in a nation's policies can cost decades of progress. Somalia went wayward with a stupid war after some stability and is yet to recover. Afghanistan was not too bad in mid 1970s until they started to flirt with extreme communism and are still paying the price.

The path to progress for a nation is stability and education. Even if the GDP growth is not high initially it is a marathon to progress, built on solid foundation of educated people and political stability.
TBH Pakistan should be ended now so much of tars and blood of these poor people . paksitan is failed experiment .
Pakistan should probably be reconstituted like EU - a Commonwealth of autonomous states. That would take away the powerful role military has in squeezing the neck of the nation till it suffocates. There may be free trade, free movement of people, even a common defense pact like NATO but ditch the current dysfunctional federal government that hasn't worked for 75 years.
Pakistan is not a unique snow flake that is unbound by reality.
For a nation like Pakistan the answer is simple and it's been done before by other countries.
Just look at China, Korea, Japan and other nations that industrialized.
ALL these nations looked at the west and copied what worked. This includes education, government systems (even the CCP is based on the Soviet union government) and even social systems.

We need to stop obsessing over religion and go after industrious pursuits.
Stop wasting our limited national resources on religious policing and instead leave people the F-ck alone so they can start companies, get an education, and just making people's lives better.
We all know the power of the mullah mob in Pakistan, they even forced the PTI government to withdraw a nominee just because he was an Ahmadi.
With religious morons having so much power, we are forever doomed to our current state.
Pakistan is not a unique snow flake that is unbound by reality.
For a nation like Pakistan the answer is simple and it's been done before by other countries.
Just look at China, Korea, Japan and other nations that industrialized.
ALL these nations looked at the west and copied what worked. This includes education, government systems (even the CCP is based on the Soviet union government) and even social systems.

We need to stop obsessing over religion and go after industrious pursuits.
Stop wasting our limited national resources on religious policing and instead leave people the F-ck alone so they can start companies, get an education, and just making people's lives better.
We all know the power of the mullah mob in Pakistan, they even forced the PTI government to withdraw a nominee just because he was an Ahmadi.
With religious morons having so much power, we are forever doomed to our current state.

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