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Do Iranians take pride in their history of being part of various Caliphate?

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Where did you hear it. :cheesy:

Doesn't matter if he just made it up.

He is on a mission on the net and he is on fire. ;)

BTW, the obsession with "fanatical Hindus" is really interesting.

He will likely find it difficult to return to his native place because of fanatical Islamist extremists but remains obsessed with non Muslims in his order of priority.
One of the variations of the Out Of India theory, as opposed to the conventional Aryan Invasion Theory.

I never heard any Indian claiming Zoroastrianism came out of Hinduism. Although Indo-Iranian people referred themselves as Aryans sharing similarities in their cultures because of common ancestry of Indo-Iranian people. Iranians had their own civilization, Indians had their own.
LoL another manipulation of history, did the prophet wanted Iran's resources when he sent the letter to Khosrau II :lol:
Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
offcourse they do not. Read what Arabs did to Iran..Persian women and children were marched into slavery from Persia to Medina..the ritual cursing of Abo Bakr, Usman and Ali arose from the same sentiments.

You are delusional..Arab invaded Iran for its rich land, wealth, gold and most importantly Women..holding a Persian slave girl was a nobility in Medina..
There is hardly an evidence (if any) for existence of Jesus and Mosses, so you want to believe in something that doesn't exist?! :woot:

Any evidence of Prophet Zarathustra existence?:woot:
That is what radical Muslims want you to believe. I recommend you to read about Zoroastrianism from unbiased sources.

There is hardly an evidence (if any) for existence of Jesus and Mosses, so you want to believe in something that doesn't exist?! :woot:

Jesus is well documented in Roman sources, they kept records of the people they executed.
72 virgin ideology is in a Hadith that is not properly made...
There are some hadiths that are real, some that are not accurate.

No one did propoganda on 72 virgins, not even the terrorists today do that...
Early Muslim soldiers invaded to earn a place in heaven

No, wrong. I'll let you do your homework. :smart:
I never heard any Indian claiming Zoroastrianism came out of Hinduism. Although Indo-Iranian people referred themselves as Aryans sharing similarities in their cultures because of common ancestry of Indo-Iranian people. Iranians had their own civilization, Indians had their own.

There are some similarities in early Zoroastrian and early Vedic texts. The conventional wisdom is that they both had an origin in Afghanistan or Central Asia.

The OIT claims that the early Vedas were written in North India/Pakistan and those ideas filtered out to Persia.

Any evidence of Prophet Zarathustra existence?

Lost in antiquity, it's hard to know but some historians claim that he was from Afghanistan or even Central Asia.

Which would make Zoroastrianism just as foreign to Iran as Islam or Christianity.
Jesus is well documented in Roman sources, they kept records of the people they executed.

Fabrications, just like Noah's arc. There is no evidence for existence of Jesus. Christianity is just a collection of early middle-eastern civilization myths.

As for sources to study more on Zoroastrianism: Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices (The Library of Religious Beliefs and Practices) [Paperback]

Search it on Amazon.

If you cant reply to me correctly, then go back to searching hot girls on facebook, dear :wave: :omghaha:

I'll probably get ban if I give you the answer myself. I'll let you do your homework.

By the way, I don't have a FB! :D
It's Majoosism
Well, Iranians have their own version of Islam, which, in my quite biased opinion, I tend to say it's better than that of the Arabs. So, probably, nope, they don't like the Caliphates. Religious Iranians insult them for being the wrong kind of Muslims, Secular ones curse them simply for being 'Arabs'. Ask any Wahhabite to tell you stories of how Persian Rafidi Sun worshipping Jews destroyed their beloved caliphates, Abu al-moslem and Al-toosi and all...

You should take pride in your history of being part of the USSR bro :lol:

Useless to argue with him, he said in his post that Iranian curse Ali :crazy:

Iranians curse themselves bro! We have seen nothing but big-talks from them :lol:
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