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Dear Pakistanis your attention please (future of Indian posting).

what about lies and misinformation which is deliberately intended to deceive? does that come under "Divergent views enhance the forum not dilute it"
do you believe such crap too?

We can not paint every one with the same brush.

No different to chemotherapy for cancer.

Like a force of nature, truth is relentless in revealing it self.
How much I hate to say it but @waz i fully support you.

We always try to maintain the pdf environment hatred free & free speech for everyone across the board. Peace is what majority of Pakistani members talk about with Indian members on pdf.

At times, we have opposed our Pakistani members who’ve been disrespectful to Indian members.

But enough of going an extra mile for coward like neighbors celebrating Kashmiris’ death.

“Jung Agar Lazim Hai To Phir Jung He Sahy”

Well said my dear, well said.
Dear respected kin, elders, friends, brothers and sisters,

As you know today saw the government of Narendra Modi abrogate article 370 and end the status of Kashmir, a status promised to it at independence.

However this thread is not about history, it's about respect. Having being here since the very beginning (13 years) and even before i.e. the sites where I could count those of Pakistani origin on one hand, or the forerunner of this site where we defended our fatherland, I have never been so angry and humiliated by the constant gloating of Indian posters on this thread;


We've had photos of a young Modi put up (article 370 removal behind him), posts about how they're going to buy houses in the Valley, taunts about how Pakistan can't do anything etc.
How can this possibly be allowed here, where is our sense of self-respect?

My first reaction was to literally want to get rid of each and every one of them. But I stepped back and realised there are a few, and again in just single digits that don't deserve such an exclusion from here. However the vast majority of them are elated and simply laugh behind our backs with their friends on how the bewaqoof Pakistanis allow us on here in the name of free speech.

Enough of this tolerance, it's always ever been one way anyway. We allow open views on our forums, they ban us on theirs, we build roads for their pilgrims they revoke article 370. Things have changed in Kashmir things will change for the majority of them.

I will ban any of them for taking delight in this decision, goading us, taunts, idiotic memes etc. If that means virtually all of them so be it.

@Irfan Baloch
@The Eagle
Dear waz, before doing that, you should first know, why in the first place, Indian posters were allowed here. Not only Indians, people from all nationalities were allowed here to know what people has to say about topics, knowledge sharing, and self assessment on every piece of knowledge we have. Few Indians guys here are really nuts, but not all, and sometimes Pakistani posters also post nonsense.
What is Indian govt doing has nothing to do with our Indian friends here. Modi is an idiot, and we must not punish general masses for that. I will strongly protest any such general action against Indian posters.
Dear waz, before doing that, you should first know, why in the first place, Indian posters were allowed here. Not only Indians, people from all nationalities were allowed here to know what people has to say about topics, knowledge sharing, and self assessment on every piece of knowledge we have. Few Indians guys here are really nuts, but not all, and sometimes Pakistani posters also post nonsense.
What is Indian govt doing has nothing to do with our Indian friends here. Modi is an idiot, and we must not punish general masses for that. I will strongly protest any such general action against Indian posters.

Bro the the bulk of the posters support their government, as for the masses how was Modi able to secure a massive majority, a never before seen one?
I've made allocations for the few, the many are getting the axe for the above.
It will be taken to Supreme Court. Such a law can be passed by Legislature, not by a Centrally appointed Governor. Prima facie, it is bad in law. But I don't know how the Judges will react.
The article 370 itself is a temporary provision. So, there is nothing unconstitutional about it. And the provision in article 370 allows the President to nullify it, when state assembly pass it. Since the assembly is suspended, the power is vested with the Governor and hence the President.
As a member who joined here 10 years ago but was not a regular members, got banned numerous times, I will say this - Despite being abused racially, religiously constantly,and some other issues, I feel this is a far better defence forum than any Indian forum out there. You should ideally lead rather than follow India in this regard. Rest is up to ye all.
What makes defence.pk different is its extraordinary tolerance for Indians and I, open heartedly will give you that. And this is the very reason I have never taken part in any Indian forums either because in the absence of an opposing view, it gives me nausea. Anyways, as I saw @waz is going to ban us all, just came to say good bye.:(
what you're asking for is called "Absolute freedom" a commodity which simply dosn't exists
The article 370 itself is a temporary provision. So, there is nothing unconstitutional about it. And the provision in article 370 allows the President to nullify it, when state assembly pass it. Since the assembly is suspended, the power is vested with the Governor and hence the President.
Fascist - any which way you look at it.

Admit it, india is fascism personified.
So if it’s good bye then please notify me early.
I like many members here, need to say good byes..!
@Imran Khan bhai I like you as you are a kind hearted person with wonderful cool personality.
May the almighty shower you and your family with all his blessings.

Enjoy and keep smiling everyone.

If you follow the others I'll inform you.
Thank you for your post.
The only solution to the Kashmir issue is WAR on ground, Pak forces crossing the LOC and waging a war not giving a shit about what international community will say.. Unfortunately, our military does not have the guts to do that..

Banning Indians from this forum won't do sh*t for the Kashmir cause, just an emotional decision Imo.
Good going Waz, most Indians are celebrating it as a victory, situation in Indian occupied Kashmir has become very uncertain after abolishing article 370 A, we Pakistani's must stay united against Indian misadventure and also to protect Kashmiris in Indian administered control for possible genocide for their evil agenda.
And the provision in article 370 allows the President to nullify it, when state assembly pass it.

Since the assembly is suspended, the power is vested with the Governor and hence the President.
Not quite. Governor and state assembly are not interchangeable institutions. One represents the people and other a few persons at the top of governance.
What actually got done was a sections was added in Article 370 declaring previous sections 2, 3 & 4 null and void while keeping section 1 in force.
@waz @Oscar bros i totally understand your frustration with the vile comments by some Indians at PDF but this forum remains a good source to interact with Indians and people from other countries.
In my humble opinion, you should not ban every Indian instead ban people who cross the limit.

I believe the vile comments from other people make us strong. It teaches us to have control on our nerves and compels us to engage with logic and temperament.

Let this forum be a place where people co-exist with disagreements and don't let this forum become an echo chamber.
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