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Dear Pakistanis your attention please (future of Indian posting).

Great initiative and bold decision but may be you will not get much support from owner of this forum who needs more user to run and at some point he may be correct as well.

As for as you concern or idiotic Indian poster thinks they are going to buy land and settled there just like Jewish settlements ....they are welcomed to face they band by locals....further BJP Govt till now remove only 370 not 35A which means still no Indians / non-native Kashmirs can buy land or property there.

As per reports they are going to remove 35A also after assessing the situation in order to change demography of Kashmir which is a serious matter of Pakistan, we must not sit down and wait for imminent genocide of Kashmiris we must opt for military action.....Allah SWT is the best planner.
@Khafee @Rashid Mahmood @Major Sam @Burhan Wani @Dubious @Arsalan

Don't worry all will back it.
Sir, you are one of the senior members here. No sane citizen of India will accept such decision.

I actually got up this morning to check in what's happening and got the news of this, I still haven't had the time to understand the implications of this decision by the GoI. We all knew it would happen, but not like this.

Whether is good, bad or an insignificant change, will need some deliberation and education on my part, I know very little about the implications of this step. My entry point into this thread was the comment of the moderator whose first reaction was to ban all Indians on the forum, which I found quite interesting.
Dude we have them an inch they took miles. Take a look at that thread and their elation...That says it all about them. Anyway, it's time to make our moves, token, small, big whatever.

Bye, bye a$$hole. You had the honour of being the first.
Bro, we Pakistanis have so many topics to discuss among ourselves that we don't need Indian trolls. It has been a long time since I read a reasonable post from them. Most of them come here to troll and spread their fake propaganda quoting fabricated news from their incredible media. So I won't regret if they are gone at least temporarily.
BTW, I liked your suggestion that Pakistan should kick out Indian ambassador / high commissioner from Pakistan. I have always said that if we don't have relations with Israel, we should do the same with India.
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At this point, this may be the most appropriate decision.

In the long run, however, we need to identify and ban those who impersonate us to create division and sow the seeds of discontent. Those actions are certainly much worse and more dangerous than short term meme posting, and we shouldn't be surprised if this includes some high post count members.
Forum Rules will be enforced and none shall be allowed to dance over Kashmir miseries and their sacrifices for the right of self determination. Academic discussion is not ban but whosoever throws taunts or tantrums hurting Kashmir sentiments; will be seeing the exit by very next moment. Freedom of speech does not mean that people may utilize this space for rejoice over Modi's fascism and brutalities in Indian occupied Kashmir.
Dear respected kin, elders, friends, brothers and sisters,

As you know today saw the government of Narendra Modi abrogate article 370 and end the status of Kashmir, a status promised to it at independence.

However this thread is not about history, it's about respect. Having being here since the very beginning (13 years) and even before i.e. the sites where I could count those of Pakistani origin on one hand, or the forerunner of this site where we defended our fatherland, I have never been so angry and humiliated by the constant gloating of Indian posters on this thread;


We've had photos of a young Modi put up (article 370 removal behind him), posts about how they're going to buy houses in the Valley, taunts about how Pakistan can't do anything etc.
How can this possibly be allowed here, where is our sense of self-respect?

My first reaction was to literally want to get rid of each and every one of them. But I stepped back and realised there are a few, and again in just single digits that don't deserve such an exclusion from here. However the vast majority of them are elated and simply laugh behind our backs with their friends on how the bewaqoof Pakistanis allow us on here in the name of free speech.

Enough of this tolerance, it's always ever been one way anyway. We allow open views on our forums, they ban us on theirs, we build roads for their pilgrims they revoke article 370. Things have changed in Kashmir things will change for the majority of them.

I will ban any of them for taking delight in this decision, goading us, taunts, idiotic memes etc. If that means virtually all of them so be it.

@Irfan Baloch
@The Eagle

BRO, If you need a hand, I'm willing to help. Also when you ban indians can the bans be PERMANENT?
No need to ban any one from any nation unless they are disrespectful and use foul language.
I actually got up this morning to check in what's happening and got the news of this, I still haven't had the time to understand the implications of this decision by the GoI. We all knew it would happen, but not like this.

Whether is good, bad or an insignificant change, will need some deliberation and education on my part, I know very little about the implications of this step. My entry point into this thread was the comment of the moderator whose first reaction was to ban all Indians on the forum, which I found quite interesting.

What intrigues you in particular about this aspect of it? Indian trolls, trolling on a Pakistani forum, about to get banned for crossing a red line - where's the scope for interest?
In long run its ok but for this time we need to show and sent them clear and strong signal where PDF stands on this issue
Forum Rules will be enforced and none shall be allowed to dance over Kashmir miseries and their sacrifices for the right of self determination. Academic discussion is not ban but whosoever throws taunts or tantrums hurting Kashmir sentiments; will be seeing the exit by very next moment. Freedom of speech does not mean that people may utilize this space for rejoice over Modi's fascism and brutalities in Indian occupied Kashmir.
I actually got up this morning to check in what's happening and got the news of this, I still haven't had the time to understand the implications of this decision by the GoI. We all knew it would happen, but not like this.

Whether is good, bad or an insignificant change, will need some deliberation and education on my part, I know very little about the implications of this step. My entry point into this thread was the comment of the moderator whose first reaction was to ban all Indians on the forum, which I found quite interesting.
Nothing better can be expected from a Nazi fascist regime.

In a way its good, the true face of india has come out.
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